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1 Module 4 Music 阅读理解 2020 江西临川一中等八校联考 When Huang Lizhi took her first class in African sociology at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa in February her professor asked her and her classmates what impresses them most when it comes to Africa Unexpectedly Huang 31 found that words like poverty and safari negative words that were often associated with the continent in media reports were the kind of terms her African classmates didn t want to hear Instead they preferred to hear the question answered in this way Africa is the cradle of humankind and Africans are passionate and generous Apparently there are some misunderstandings between us It s true that with incidents like the Ebola outbreak in West Africa and the emergence 出现 of pirates off the coast of Somalia hitting the news it s easy for us to keep forgetting that Africa has one of the world s oldest civilizations Egypt born by the world s longest river the Nile The proof is in the Great Pyramid of Giza and the Great Sphinx of Giza which are both popular among tourists And the tombs of ancient Egypt have also become endless sources for the literature and film industries When it comes to the natural environment of Africa our misunderstandings are only bigger But the truth is that instead of being extremely hot all year round and covered by desert the continent has large areas of savannas 稀树草原 where lions giraffes and zebras live the snow capped Kilimanjaro the highest mountain in Africa and even thick forest on the island of Madagascar These misunderstandings are one of the reasons why the 2018 Beijing Summit of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation was held on Sept 3 and 4 to understand each other better Indeed only by visiting Africa herself did Huang see the convenient living conditions the amazing natural beauty and the friendly people In her eyes her classmates were as hopeful about the future of their own countries as they were about Africa as a whole and they were quick to demonstrate both their strong will and activity At that moment I knew exactly what they wanted they wanted their culture to be respected 1 Which of the following best explains cradle underlined in Paragraph 2 2 A A small bed for babies B A basket to hold something C A place for people to relax themselves D A place where something important began 2 What can we infer about Africa according to the passage A It is very hot all year round B It s not a safe continent to live on C It s different from what we imagine D It is bound to have a bright future 3 Which of the following would Huang agree with A To see is to believe B Think twice before you do C A miss is as good as a mile D Don t judge a person by his appearance 4 What can be a suitable title for the text A Valuing a Culture B Understanding Africa C Paying a Visit to Africa D Discovering a Continent 完形填空 2020 陕西省部分学校第一学期摸底检测 My cousin is nine years old a little bit fat and doesn t do really well at school She is heavily 1 and thus has developed some resistance and 2 towards adults who usually don t put high hopes in her Yesterday we went to an art 3 together There were paintings from kids with disabilities My little girl has a 4 eye for the paintings she liked most were also the best of the show She voluntarily helped to 5 the chairs and table for a sharing session painted by herself alongside new friends while I attended the sharing and also 6 helped me to get my bag from another room That s 7 that doesn t happen often at home as she s usually 8 to her iPad In the afternoon we went to buy books together I bought a book written by a mom 9 her journey with her autistic 自闭症的 son On the bus back home I briefly 10 the book to my cousin and to my surprise she was 11 interested She kept asking me to tell more stories about the boy in the book who 12 with small things in life Even when the subject stayed 离题 elsewhere she 13 hearing more about 3 this boy This is the first time I ve seen her so interested in a 14 Usually when she talks to me she describes events at school and at home without a 15 focus I m very 16 that the life of a 17 has found its way into this little girl s heart I m very thankful for the 18 of books for the beauty that my cousin revealed to me and for the time we had together I 19 that I can keep seeing clearly the wonderful things in her so that whenever the not so kind world 20 her down I can remind her how truly wonderful she has always been 1 A abused B adored C challenged D teased 2 A satisfaction B dependence C distrust D appreciation 3 A exhibition B performance C interview D course 4 A curious B blind C doubtful D sharp 5 A donate B rent C arrange D distribute 6 A finally B unwillingly C cheerfully D secretly 7 A anything B something C nothing D everything 8 A adjusted B glued C admitted D opposed 9 A beginning B advertising C recording D taking 10 A sent B lent C owed D introduced 11 A nearly B hardly C slightly D truly 12 A struggles B plays C deals D lives 4 13 A insisted on B dreamed of C w
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