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TEST 11完形填空I 题材:人与动物Do you prefer cats or dogs? are an important part of many British families. If you think the No. 1 favorite pet in the UK is the dog, you are . There are 8.6 million cats and 8.3 million dogs in Britain. But people think there will be more dogs next year, because dogs become more and more .British people like to time with their pets. Some dog owners even take their dogs to shops in their . Chihuahuas(吉娃娃) are especially popular as handbag dogs because they are so . British people are not just buying their pets the beautiful clothes. They are also giving them . Many UK holiday parks now welcome . When dog owners go out for their holidays, they can leave their pets at a dog . Some dog hotels even their guests a TV. There are special programs for dogs. . A. Pets Birds C. Animals D. Plants. A. funny B. wrong C. young D. clever. A. lovely B. important C. popular D. beautiful. A. take B. spend C. pay D. cost. A. hands B. boxes C. bags D. handbags . A. nice B. small C. strong D. strange. A. money B. food C. holidays D. gifts . A. girls B. dogs C. boys D. children. A. school B. park C. hotel D. restaurant. A. offer B. change C. find D. buy阅读理解A 题材:科学技术In order to make students become more interested in English studies, 21 elementary schools in southeastern Korea have started to use robot teachers. The robot teacher is called Engkey. She was developed by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology. She is about one meter high and is white, egg-shaped. She takes a display panel(显示器)as her face. She can move around the classroom white she speaks to students. She can also read books to students and dance to music by moving her head and arms. Now. 21 robot teachers have been used to teach English. They are controlled by English teachers in the Philippines. There is a camera in each of the robot teachers. With the help of the cameras, English teachers in the Philippines can see and hear the students. At the same time, the facial expressions of these English teachers will also be shown on the faces of the robot teachers. This is very interesting. Besides helping students to become more interested in English, the robot teachers can also help children in poor areas without English teachers. Robot teachers have many good points. For example, they neednt have a rest because they dont get ill. . Why have schools in southeastern Korea started to use robot teachers? A. Because Korea is rich. B Because Korea wants to make students become more interested in English studies. C Because robot teachers are more beautiful than the real teachers. D. Because Korea Institute of Science and Technology wants students to use them. . Which of the following is TRUE? A. The robot teacher is about one meter high and is white, egg-shaped. B. The robot teacher is about one meter wide and is white, egg-shaped.C. There are twenty robot teachers in Korea. D. The robot teacher takes a display panel as her head. . Who control the robots when students have English lessons? A. The teachers in Korea. B. The teachers in the Philippines. C. Koreas Institute of Science and Technology. D. Robots display panel. . The robots can do the following EXCEPT . A. moving around the classroom B. reading books to the students C. dancing to music D. helping students do their homework . What does the writer think of robot teachers? A. They are helpful to the students. B. They are expensive.C. They are beautiful.D. They are not interesting.阅读理解B 题材:哲理故事 Johns father had a very small farm in a village. But John dreamed about having a large ranch(饲养场).One day he told his father, I would like to have that land over there. How can I get it? His father encouraged him to go and talk to the landowner to see how they could get the land. John replied, But we dont have the money. His father said, Why dont you go and talk to him? After several years John not only owned the land but also a theme park. Last year his wife had a dream. I want to build the biggest cow in the world, she said. John asked his friend, Jack, to do this work for him. In three days he had plans for the whole project. But it would need a lot of money. So he talked about it to the manager of the bank and got his support. Last October, La Manuela, the biggest cow in the world was opened to the public. It is 9 meters tail and 16 meters long. And visitors travel inside the cow learning how grass is turned into milk. It will take 17 minutes to have a wonderful ride inside the cow. If you have a dream and you put all your energy and heart into making it happen, it will come true. wanted to have a large ranch. A. Jack B. Johns father C. Johns wife D. John .The underlined word l
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