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Unit6复习课 I mgoingtostudycomputerscience 谈谈生活的目标 一般将来时 1 长大 每天 对某事确信 确信 有把握 把 发送到 把 寄 能 能够 的意思 含义 不同种类的 在 共同点 一 词组 短语 growup everyday besureabout makesure send to beableto can themeaningof differentkindsof have incommon 2 10 写下 记下 11 与 有关 12 开始从事 着手处理 13 几乎不 14 太而不能15持续不断做某事16 与 无关17 许诺 答应做某事 writedown havetodowith takeup doing sth hardlyever too to keepondoingsth havenothingtodowith promisetodosth 3 18 来年19 身体健康20 吃药21 新年的决心22 吃更健康的食物23 组建足球队24 另一门外语 thecomingyear physicalhealth takemedicine NewYear sresolutions eathealthierfood makethesoccerteam anotherforeignlanguage 4 25 在 开始时26下决心27 上表演课28 做一周的计划29 对于这个理由30 一点 atthebeginningof makearesolution takeactinglesson makeaweeklyplan forthisreason kindof alittle 5 1 想做某事 2 打算做某事 3 练习做某事 4 继续做某事 5 学会做某事 6 做完某事 7 答应做某事 8 帮助某人做某事 9 记住要做某事 10 同意做某事 二 习惯用法 搭配 wanttodosth begoingto 动词原形 practicedoingsth keepondoingsth learntodosth finishdoingsth promisetodosth helpsb todosth remembertodosth agreetodosth 6 1 Whatdoyouwanttobewhenyougrowup 2 Iwanttobeanengineer 3 Howareyougoingtodothat 4 I mgoingtostudymathreallyhard 5 Whereareyougoingtowork 6 I mgoingtomovetoShanghai 7 Whenareyougoingtostart 8 I mgoingtostartwhenIfinishhighschoolandcollege 9 Whatdoyoudo Whatareyou What syourjob 询问职业 三 重要句子 7 1 含义 一般将来时表示将来某个时间要发生的动作或存在的状态1 Inthefuture therewillbelessfreshwater 2 They regoingtobuysomefoodrightaway 2 常与一般将来时连用的时间状语有 inthefuture tomorrow thedayaftertomorrow next month atonce 立刻 马上 soon in 一段时间等3 结构 肯定式 1 主语 will shall 动词原形 2 主语 begoingto 动词原形 否定式 willnot won t 一般疑问句 将will shall be提到主语前面 Therebe句型的一般将来时 1 Therewillbe 主语 其他 意为 将会有 2 Thereisgoingto willbe n 将会有 四语法 一般将来时 8 Unit6检测 1 MyNewYear sresolutionistotraveltoQingdao A ThatsoundsgreatB SorrytohearthatC Sure2 Isshegoingtobeactor Yes Sheistakinglessonsonweekendsnow A a actorB an actorC an acting3 WhereisLinda Shemaybeathome ButI mnotsure it A atB aboutC with4 Thisisanimportantproblem Please A writeitdownB writedownitC writeitin5 doeshewanttobewhenhe Hewantstobeacomputerprogrammer A What growsupB How growsup 一 单项选择 A C B A A 9 6 Whatisaresolution It s A apromiseB anactionC amessage7 thebeginningoftheterm mymotherboughtmeanewschoolbag A WithB OnC AtD By8 Hisresolutionthelifeinthenextyear A hastodowithB isgoodatC isnexttoD crossfrom9 Youarecoughing Youshouldtakesome A medicineB meatC hamburgers10 Iwanttogotothemovietonight Butmyparentsdon tagreemeA withB onC atD in A C A A A 10 11 Whatareyoureading TheOldManandtheSea HemingweiA inB forC ofD by12 There atalkshowat8thisevening A isgoingtohaveB isgoingtobeC willhave13 Whatishegoingto whenhe up A do growB does growsC be grows14 Iamgoingtolearn foreignlanguagenextyear A otherB anotherC theother15 Howwillyouspendyoursummervacation Mymother totakemetoMountHuang3daysago A askedB promisedC answered D B C B B 11 16 I myresolutionsandImakesureIwill keepthem A amsure trymybestB sureabout trymybesttoC amsureabout trymybestD amsureabout trymybestto17 Beijingis fromothercities Thebiggest isthatit sthecapitalofChina A different differentB difference differenceC different defferenceD difference different18 Whatisthe ofwhatyousaid A meanBmeansC meaningD meanings19 Tokeephealthy weshouldeat fastfood A LessB FewerC More20 LiuXi sfatherkepton althoughhewastired A tosleepB sleepingC toworkD working D C C D A 12 21 Pleasecheck 检查 yourpaperto therearenomistakes A thinkofB tryoutC findoutD makesure22 I mgoingtoeathealthierfoodandexercisemore A LuckyyouB SoundslikeagoodplanC Great thanksD Haveagoodday23 intenyears I mgoingtobeadriver A WhatdoyoudoB HowdoyoudoC Whatareyougoingtobe24 It snotgoodtoaskquestionsaboutsomeone s life A busyB simpleC personalD healthy25 I mgoingtobe engineer A anB aC theD c B C C A 13 26 He sgoingtopractice basketballeveryday A playB toplayC playing27 She sgoingtotake lessonsbecauseshewantstobeanactress A musicB actingC dancing28 Hedecidestowork thanlastyear A morehardB muchhardC muchharder29 Wealways anEnglishclassinthemorning Butthere onethisafternoon A have aregoingtohaveB have isgoingtobeC arehaving haveD arehaving aregoingtohave30 What syoursongoingto whenhegrowsup Amovieactor A doB haveC beD make C B C B B 14 31 Therearedifferent resolutions Someofthem self improvement A kindsof havetodowithB kindof havetodowithC kinds havedowithD kinds havenothingtodowith32 Astudentmayhave moretime A tofind tostudyB tofind studyC find tostudy33 Therearemanycloudscoming It rainsoon A willB isgoingtoC lookslikeD Likes34 areyougoingtodo I mgoingtostudycomputerscience A WhatB WhyC HowD Where35 Finishyourhomeworkfirst thenyou ll surftheInternetforhalfanhour A canB needC beabletoD may36 Howareyougoingtospendyourfreetime Whynot ahobby likecollecting 搜集 cards A turnupB putupC makeupD takeup C A C A C D 15 1 What sthe 关系 betweenthem 2 Whatwearetalkingisabout 自身提高 3 Youshouldeat 更少 junkfoodtokeephealthy 4 Don topenthatbox It smy 个人的 thing 5 HejoinedtheEnglishclubto 提高 hisEnglish 6Thepolice 质询 himaboutthething7 Youshould 讨论 thisproblemwithyourparents 二根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺单词 relationship Self improvemen
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