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“学案导学”模式下高中英语写作教学中的实效性案例分析一、 背景1. 教材分析:本节课的教学内容为高中英语北师大版Module3 Unit9 Communicaiton Workshop “关于北京交通状况的报告”。学生在本单元积累了有关交通的词汇, 了解了目前的交通状况和有效地改善交通拥堵等问题的建议,因此,结合课文内容和生活实际,分析北京目前的交通状况,写一份分析报告是本节课的主要教学内容。2. 学生情况: 本课教学对象是普通中学的学生,英语基础比较薄弱,词汇句型积累较少,经常会出现对书面表达构思不够重视,不假思索,甚至逐词逐句翻译,致使作文的信息点叠加在一起,句与句之间逻辑联系不紧密,从篇章上来看作文缺乏层次和结构。写作能力还有待进一步提高。二、 教学目标: 在复习交通话题词汇,了解报告的篇章结构的基础上,完成一篇关于北京交通状况的报告。学生从优势和不足两方面分析北京交通现状,并提出有效建议。作文类型为对比议论文写作练习。三、 教学途径:学案导学模式下指导学生完成写作任务,训练学生的写作能力。学案导学是以学案教案为载体,以导学为方法训能达标的教学活动。是培养学生能力,提高课堂教学效益,突出学生自学能力,注重学法指导的教学策略体系.本节课的操作要领主要表现为复习导疑、质疑导思、辨疑导学、迁移导练、拓展导创。四、教学过程 “复习导疑”环节运用头脑风暴形式帮助学生复习交通状况的词汇,采用短文填空形式,通过的对第四课课文内容和重点词汇的复习进行导入并激发学生的兴趣。There was a serious traffic problem on the M11 in Britain, which goes through the city. Many people got stuck in _ _ and were late for work. When they eventually arrived at work, they were _ _ and angry. There have been several serious _ recently, so a lot of people have been injured and killed. Too many cars on the road are of course the causes of most of the problems. _ _ from traffic is increasing, which not only makes the city dirtier and dirtier but also causes some types of diseases. Even worse, it results in the _ _. However, people find it hard to solve the problem because they _ _ _ their private cars.“质疑导思”环节要求学生快速阅读范文,了解Ludford小镇的交通状况,归纳出写作提纲。学生通过认真思考分析,完成报告类文体的结构,为写作做好准备。Read these extracts from a report (P45) and put them in the correct order.Work out the layout of the report:Part1:_Part2:_Part3:_Part4:_Part5:_“辩疑导学”环节引导学生理清文章逻辑, 寻求方法追求文章的整体性和流畅性。在范文中学习后,运用学案的发散性练习灵活使用关联词。Choose the proper linking wordstoo, and , also , plus 1. We can read a book on the bus. We can _ talk to someone.2. The traffic problem is terrible in Britain. It is serious in Beijing _.3. Too many cars result in traffic jam _ air pollution.4. Sharing cars is cheaper _ kinder to the environment.on the one hand , on the other hand, however, but, although1.The buses are cheap _ not very frequent.2. _ cars bring us convenience, we need to think before using them .3. Cars make it easy for us to travel around. _, they also cause traffic problem.4. _, cars cause a variety of problems. _, people are addicted to them .“迁移导练”部分组织学生讨论北京交通状况的优点与不足, 运用图片打开学生思路,引导学生扩大词汇量和英语表达法,指导他们掌握话题词汇。注重学生语言的准确性,讨论主题同时激活学生写作灵感。学生在轻松、民主的教学氛围中,积极参与、主动思维、大胆实践。Discuss the transport situation in BeijingGood points:1._2. _3. _Bad points:1: _2: _3: _“拓展导创”环节要求学生明确写作目标,组织成文。针对学生的英语基础不同,进行分层写作。基础较弱的学生可参考教师提供的写作提纲,补充细节内容。基础较好的同学可在领会写作方法后,能较详尽地体现出实质内容和各部分之间的逻辑联系,大胆地独立完成。在这一过程中,教师巡视,给与学生必要的帮助和指导,特别是帮助指导一些有困难的学生。查看学生写作的内容要点是否齐全,表达是否准确,用词、句型结构的使用是否正确,单词拼写是否有误,语法结构的数量和准确性,上下文的连贯性以及语言的得体性。鼓励学生在完成这一任务的过程中应用较多的语法和词汇,合理使用较复杂结构和较高级词汇。Write a report about the transport situation in BeijingOption1:To: the school magazineFrom:Date:Subject:The aim of this report is to examine _. First, there are _, such as buses, _plus_, which make it _.Second, there are also _ making the traffic in good order, where everyone can enjoy their journeys. Third, our government has taken some effective measures to improve the traffic situation, for example,_ _, which help _. However, _. First, people usually _. It not only makes us feel _ but also_. Second, too much traffic often causes _, in which _. Third, car engines produce _. For one the thing,_. For another, _, on the one hand, our government needs to do more things to_. On the other hand, we call on everyone to make contributions to it.Option2:五、教学反思 本节课学案的设计,从教材的编排原则和知识系统出发,对课标、教材和教参资料以及自己所教学生的认知能力和认识水平等进行认真的分析研究,合理处理教材,努力做到学案的设计重点突出,难点分散,达到启发和开拓学生思维,增强学生学习能力的目的。 学案教学能提高效率,也能让全体学生参与课堂学习,并使这种学习更具独立性与任务性。导学方案的各个环节,都设计了具有一定思维量的问题,让学生积极进行思维活动,并留有空白,让学生在教师指导下通过观察、思维、联想、归纳、讨论、总结、回答并进
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