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外文文献翻译 (含:英文原文及中文译文) 文献出处: Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research, 2015, 3(2):281-294.英文原文 Importance of construction organization designG BaeckerAbstractDuring the construction process of a construction project, the advantages and disadvantages of the construction organization scheme not only directly affect the quality of the project, but also have an important impact on the duration and the safety of the personnel during the construction process. The construction organization is an important technical and economic document for the project construction and guidance of project construction. Can adjust the contradiction of personnel, machinery, raw materials, environment, process, equipment, civil construction, installation, management, production, etc. in construction. It is necessary to supervise and control the construction organization design so as to ensure the project quality with high quality, low cost, and less Energy consumption is completed.Key words: Project Management, Construction Organization, Program ImportanceConstruction organization design is the conception and specific arrangement of the entire construction process of the engineering construction project. It is the core and soul of the construction organization management work. Its purpose is to make the project faster, better quality, and more efficient. Make the whole project get relatively optimal results in the construction. 1. The reason for the importance of the design of construction organizationThe construction project and its construction have three characteristics: fixed and fluidity, diversity and individuality, large body and long construction period. Therefore, the construction of each construction project must be carried out. This is because: The production of other general industrial products has its own fixed, long-term factory. The construction of the building is fluid, and it is impossible to establish such a factory. It is only when each construction project is constructed that a corresponding, temporary construction site preparation like the nature of the plant is employed. The unique features of construction and the characteristics of construction mobility determine that each construction project must select the appropriate equipment and labor organization. The selection of construction methods, the formulation of construction technology plans, and the organization of workforces and implements are collectively referred to as construction work capacity allocation. The characteristics of the construction cycle have determined that the supply of various labors, equipment and many materials and materials technologies will take a long time. This will result in the construction and design of materials and technologies that are compatible with the overall construction schedule. From this we can see that construction organization design is very important in project management.2. The importance of construction organization designAs a product, building products play an extremely important role in project management throughout the construction process. The construction organization of the engineering construction project has a close relationship with its engineering cost. The basic contents of the construction organization design include: project overview and construction condition analysis, construction plan, construction process, construction schedule plan, and general plan of construction. There are also economic analysis and construction preparation work plans. Among them, the determination of the construction plan and construction process is more important. For example, the selection of construction machinery, the selection of horizontal transportation methods, the construction methods of the earthwork, the construction methods of the main structure and the selection of the construction technology all directly affect the project budget. The price changes. Under the premise of guaranteeing project quality and satisfying the owners use requirements and construction period requirements, optimizing the construction plan and construction process is an important measure and method to control investment and reduce construction project cost.2.1 The construction organization plan affects the quality of the project to a great extent. Therefore, a reasonable project organization plan is not only the basis for ensuring the successful completion of the project, but also the basis for project safety. The construction organization design is an important part of the construction engineering design documents. It is the main basis for preparing the project investment budget and the main reference for the preparation of bidding documents. Therefore, careful construction of the construction organization will have a very important role in determining the project cost and reducing the investment in the project, which will help control the construction cost.2.2 The construction organization plan is an imp
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