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Book3 Festivals and celebrations ( exercises )一 Words: (一)Write down the words and their forms.1.狂欢节;嘉年华_ 2. march v/n _ _ March 三月 (a long march)3.典礼 仪式 n_4.Charm n_ _ charming adj _5.祝贺 v_ n_ 6.Figure n_ _ _ v _figure that figure out_6.感激n_ 感激的_7. 收获季节 收割、捕猎_8. feature: n_,v_ 9. _聚集 ;集合 v 聚集,搜集,收割10.adj典型的、有代表性的、平常的_ n_11.n起源; 起因;出身 _ adj _原始的、最初的 adv_12. 宗教n_ adj 宗教的_13. 高兴;喜悦 n_ adj 快乐的_14.农业的 adj_ 农业n_15. 装饰;装潢 v_ n_16. 有重大意义的 adj_ n _ 重要性,重要意义17.商业的adj _ v使商业化,利用 牟利 _ n_18. 反射;反映v_ n_19.媒介_ pl_ the media_20.n 信念;信仰 ;信任_ v_21.Faith n _ adj_22.场合;n_ adj _ adv_ 23.Lunar adj_ /太阳的,阳历的 _24.fancy v fancy doing adj _25Grace n_ adj _ 26.绝对地adv_ adj_27.horrible adj_ n _(二) Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of words1. want to express my c_ to you on your wonderful performance.2. Although many years have passed, the small town still has many its _(origin) features.3.We are so _(高兴的)to get the news that the new virus will be defeated.4. From the way he behaved, I f_ that he was drunk.5.Our festivals have become more and more _(商业的.6. When the harvest seasons arrive, the farmers will bring their _produce( 农产品) to the market.7. Many people hold a strong _ (believe) that the cure for this disease will be found one day.8. Now doctors and nurses are of great _(重要)in caring for the patients.9.There are many _ in the world, and they hold different_ beliefs. ( religion)10.One of the _ of the play is that it _ Xiaozhan as Wei Wu xian(三)Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.(课本p10) march brief media congratulation significant moment roast lunar represent fancy1. The beautiful flowers on cherry branches are the most _ sign of the arrival of spring.2. In December, many companies have _dress parties to celebrate the end of the year.3. The female soldiers forming the biggest _ group in the National Day parade.4. The most common color you see during the Spring Festival is red because red _ life, wealth, and good luck in Chinese culture.5. The newly married couple received dozens of letters of _ from their friends.6. If you are the best man at a wedding, it is best to keep your speech simple and _.7. She will never forget the _ when she saw all the audience clapping their hands and cheering after her performance.8. Falling on the 9th day of the 9th _month, the Chongyang Festival is also called the Double Ninth Festival. It is a day for people in China to show respect to seniors.9. To be frank, this _ chicken tastes horrible二 Phrases:(一). Translate the phrases1.穿着传统的制服 2.猜谜 3. 参加盛典 4.观看桑巴舞 5.做表演 6.化妆 7.元宵节 8.一系列的 9.对感激的 10.一场大的盛宴11.用装饰 12.盛装打扮 13.毕竟 14.从到.之间15.逐渐消失 16. 中秋节17.不管;尽管 18.利用 占的便宜19.赏月 20.起着意义重大的作用21.放爆竹 驱赶邪恶的鬼神22.(兴趣,想法等)相同,有相同的特点23.令人放松的气氛 24.坦白说, 25.自治区 26.出发去 27. 值得的 28.等不及做29. 爆炸;走火,离开 30. 除之外31.尊重某人 32.第一次(二). Fill in the blanks with the phrases above.1.It is a formal and important occasion, so we must _ carnival costumes2.If you study the festivals in different cultures, you will find they_ with each other(有很多相同的地方)3. The inventor hope that we should combine shadow puppetry(皮影戏)with new technology to attract more young people as this ancient performing art is gradually_.4. We should _ the opportunity to study hard during the long holiday.5.We have confidence to win the battle against the virus _ many difficulties.6.The national park _wildlife, _ butterflies _ elephants (range)7._, I am very worried about our students, who cant finish their homework on time.8.Zhong Nanshan _in fighting against the virus.9. Traditionally, college students have a graduation ceremony to e
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