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江西省2012届高三英语二轮专项训练:单项选择(57)1. At last the girls found themselves at _ foot of a mountain in _ front of which stood a high tower and _ down to rest for a while.Athe, the, sittingBthe, , satCa, the, seatingDthe, , seated2. There is no _, in my opinion, of discussing this problem now. its obviously too late.ApointBgoodCdoubtDuse3. All of a sudden, Mary was very surprised to find the golden watch she _ was nowhere to be found.Arepaired itBwhich had repairedChad repairedDhad had repaired4. I dont think that good books are difficult to find _ how to live a low-carbon life.AforBtoConDin5. We have four classes in the morning, and _ every two classes, there is an internal, _ we can have a short break.Abetween, whenBbetween, whereCamong, when Damong, where6. -Is Tom still smoking? -No, its a long time _ he smoked. By next Saturday he _ for three months without smoking a single cigarette.Athat, will be goingBafter, will have goneCsince, will have goneDbefore, has gone7. _, he makes little progress. So he is trying new methods of study. Which of the following is WRONG?AHard as he worksBhard although he worksCHard though he worksDAlthough he works hard8. It is estimated that this investment can $500000 a year.Abring upBbring inCbring backDbring about9. -Susan was happy like crazy! -No wonder! Her parents approved of her adventurous trip to Africa that she _ for years.Ahas been expectingBwas always expectingChad been expectingDhas expected10. By making friends with native speakers, one can _ a lot of their languages.Aset upBpick upCbring upDtake up11. Michael is always doing well in maths. But he _ be a failure at times.AshallBcanCmustDwill12. If you cheat in the exam you will never _ it.Aget away fromBrun away fromClive up withDget away with13. As a costume designer, my job is to make special clothes _ the measure of all cast in the film.AforBaccordingCtoDby14. Michael Jacksons personal doctor may admit the accusation if he cant find any convincing evidence _.Ato the contraryBon the contraryCinsteadDon the other hand15. In the recent G20 Summit, President Hu seriously get the statement _ to the world _ European countries should rely on themselves to overcome the crisis.Aacross, whetherBover, whetherCaround, whatDacross, thatBADCACBBCBBDCAD3用心 爱心 专心
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