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Overview教学目标1) 学习做首字母填空的技巧。2) 提高做首字母填空的正确性。教学重难点1) 提高阅读综合能力。2) 通过结合上下文语境填出所要填的单词。教学安排一览事项时间12345Presentation-首字母填空(综合篇)我们通过做不同类型的文章来介绍详细首字母的解题方法:(1) ()Step 1通读文章,了解每段大意及文章的主要内容。段落大意Hi! My name is Stephen and I live in a small flat in London. I chose to live here because there is never ab 1 moment in a city like London. Im an art student and the busy life in a city does good to my painting. In addition, I can get everything I need so close at hand. Living beside the underground station means that I dont need a car to get around. It s 2 me money. Also there are malls, cinemas, libraries and museums everywhere.本段Stephen介绍了他住在伦敦的好处,交通方便,而且省了坐出租车的钱,伦敦有许多电影院,图书馆等学习娱乐的场所。Of course, London, like any large city, has p 3 , too. Londoners dont chat on the underground or the bus and there is much less community spirit than in the country, where my parents live. 本段开头Of course转折,接下来介绍了住在伦敦不好的一些方面。伦敦人在地铁或是车上都不怎么说话,比较缺乏团体精神。 In fact, they dont understand how I can put up with (忍受)the noise and pollution, and traffic jams. However, I see that as a small price to p 4 . As a famous saying goes, “He who is tried of London is tired of life.”这一段作者说他的父母不理解他居然可以忍受大城市的噪音和污染等。 Hello! My name is Marianna and I live in Australia, on a huge ranch (牧场). Its a beautiful area with wonderful scenery. I live here with my husband Joe and our t 5 children, Patrick, 11, and Abby, 8. We have lived on this ranch for several years and we love our healthy lifestyle. The children have lots of s 6 to run around and enjoy the peace and quiet. The air is clean and fresh. We produce a lot of our own food which is nice and healthy. Theres lots of hard work to do running a ranch, but we dont mind.这段是一个叫Marianna的人介绍她和家人住在澳大利亚的牧场上,她喜欢牧场上健康自由的生活方式。并介绍了牧场上生活的优点。 Of course, country life also has weak points. We feel isolated (孤立的) sometimes, too, especially since the n 7 neighbors are almost 100 km away. One more trouble is that we cant get many things as easily as we do in the city. There are no schools, supermarkets or shops, and if we are ill we have to call the flying doctor. Although life here can be difficult, we wouldnt change it for the world.同样这一段以Of course 开头,话锋一转开始讲述乡村生活不好的几个方面。文章大意: _Step 2 瞻前顾后,扫清“阅读障碍”内容解析Hi! My name is Stephen and I live in a small flat in London. I chose to live here because there is never ab 1 moment in a city like London. Im an art student and the busy life in a city does good to my painting.第一空考查的是形容词,要填入一个形容词,构成一个名词词组。从文章的意思判断应该是“乏味、枯燥”,以b开头的单词,那么要注意这里应该是“令人乏味的”而不是“感到乏味的”。In addition, I can get everything I need so close at hand. Living beside the underground station means that I dont need a car to get around. It s 2 me money. Also there are malls, cinemas, libraries and museums everywhere.第二空考查的是动词。从句子结构可以推断这里是一个谓语动词,上文中提到不需要车,以s开头的动词,与后面的money有一定的联系,但要注意整个文章的时态是一般现在时, 而且主语是 “it”,便可填出此空。 Of course, London, like any large city, has p 3 , too. Londoners dont chat on the underground or the bus and there is much less community spirit than in the country, where my parents live. 第三空考查的是名词。是充当宾语的单词(名词或不定代词),又是位于第二段的开头。该句是整个第二段的中心句,下文分别列举了几个问题,注意填名词时要注意单复数。In fact, they dont understand how I can put up with (忍受)the noise and pollution, and traffic jams. However, I see that as a small price to p 4 . As a famous saying goes, “He who is tried of London is tired of life.”第四空考查的是动词不定式。根据上文的意思应该是要有一些小的代价付出。再联想一下我们学过的“付出”以 “p”开头的。 Hello! My name is Marianna and I live in Australia, on a huge ranch (牧场). Its a beautiful area with wonderful scenery. I live here with my husband Joe and our t 5 children, Patrick, 11, and Abby, 8. We have lived on this ranch for several years and we love our healthy lifestyle. 第五空考查的是一个数词。本题要用瞻前顾后的方法:下文中提到两个不同年龄的孩子,应该是two,同学们不要看到 “t”就很随意地写 “three”,要仔细读文章。 The children have lots of s 6 to run around and enjoy the peace and quiet. The air is clean and fresh. We produce a lot of our own food which is nice and healthy. Theres lots of hard work to do running a ranch, but we dont mind. 第六空考查的是一个名词与lots of 构成词组。根据上下文意思,尤其是后面提到孩子绕圈跑的场所。以s开头的名词,意思是“空间”,便可得出答案。 Of course, country life also has weak points. We feel isolated (孤立的) sometimes, too, especially since the n 7 neighbors are almost 100 km away. One more trouble is that we cant get many things as easily as we do in the city. There are no schools, supermarkets or shops, and if we are ill we have to call the flying doctor. Although life here can be difficult, we wouldnt change it for the world.第七空考查的是形容词的最高级,本题用瞻前顾后的方法:要填的单词的意思根据上文提到很孤立的,下文提到做事很不方便,又没有公共设施,所以应该表达最近的邻居,注意到空格前有定冠词 “the”,所以用最高级。Step 3 验证答案,修正错误。注意名词单复数,动词时态,拼写等细节。还需要关注所填词语是否和上下文的意思连贯。1. boring 2. saves 3. problem
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