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第二单元重点短语1、I used to be afraid of the dark 我过去常常害怕黑暗2、wait a minute 请稍等3、be more interested in 对更有兴趣4、on the swim team 在游泳队5、people sure change 人是会变得6、You used to be short,didnt you? 你过去是很矮的 不是吗?Yes,I did./No,I didnt 是的我是 / 不 我不是7、Did you use to play the piano? 你过去弹钢琴吗?Yes,I did/No,I didnt 是的我弹 / 不 我不弹8、I used to be really quiet 我过去是很文静的 9、I didnt use to like tests 我过去不喜欢考试10、You used to have long hair 你过去有长头发11、She used to have curly hair 她过去是卷发12、fly in an airplane 坐飞机13、speak in front of a group 在小组面前讲话14、Im terrified of the dark 我害怕黑暗15、I go to sleep with my bedroom light on 我开着我卧室的灯睡觉16、spiders and other insects 蜘蛛和其它的昆虫17、We used to walk to school 我们过去走着去学校18、I used to hate gym class 我过去常常讨厌做操课19、worry about=be worried about 担心某事20、eat candy all the time 始终在吃糖21、chew gum a lot 嚼大量的口香糖22、My biggest problems that Im too busy 我最大的问题是我太忙了23、these days 现在24、all day 整天25、go right home 直接回家26、I used to spend a lot of time playing 我过去常常花费大量的是间和朋友一起 games with my friends 玩游戏27、chat with sb 和某人闲聊28、take me to concerts 带我去演唱会29、hardly ever have time for concerts 几乎没有时间去演唱会30、miss the old days 怀念过去的日子31、My life has changed a lot in the last/past 我的生活在这几年里已经改变了 few years32、the last few years 这几年33、daily life 日常生活34、read comics 读小说35、I dont know how to swim 我不知道怎么游泳36、It will make you stressed out 它将会使我压力很大37、grow it long 使它长长38、It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot Yu Mei好像变了好多39、get bad/good grades 得到坏/好成绩40、cause a lot of trouble 引起很多麻烦41、a “problem child” 一个问题少年42、a recent conversation with sb 与某人一个严肃的谈话43、changed ones life 改变某人的生活44、afford to pay for 支付得起45、looked after him as well as she could 她尽可能好的照顾他46、get into trouble 陷入了麻烦之中47、make a difficult decision 做出一个困难的决定48、send sb to + 地 送某人去某地49、a boys boarding school 一个男子寄宿学校50、to ones surprise 令某人惊讶的是51、It was exactly what I needed 这正好是我所需要的52、how much she had given me 她已经给了我多少53、even though 即使54、take pride in everything good I do 为我做的每一件好事而骄傲55、been afraid of being alone 害怕独自一个人56、pay attention to 对注意57、one of the best students in his class 班里最好的学生之一58、feel good about himself 感觉他自己很好59、Its very important for parents to be 与孩子在一起对父母来说是很重要的 there for their children 60、give up doing sth 放弃做某事61、Thats when I decided to change 那是我决定改变的时候62、after his fathers death 他爸爸的死之后63、waste his time 荒废他的时间64、What his mother said didnt change 他妈妈说的话没有改变马丁的想法 Martins mind65、go and visit historical places near 去和参观学校旁边的古典建筑 the school
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