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2019-2020学年中考英语语法备考秘籍 状语从句 【 知 识 清 单】 知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点! 状语从句,是中考的热点,而且也是使用很广泛的一个从句。对其考查的的形式比较多,有的试题直接考查的是从属连词的用法,有的试题是从句式的角度来进行考查等等。在复习时,主要掌握好状语从句的常用句式,尤其是对于状语从句的从属连词应该做到灵活掌握熟练运用。内容梳理:知识点1状语从句的分类知识点2时间状语从句的用法知识点3地点状语从句和条件状语从句的用法知识点4原因状语从句和让步状语从句的用法知识点5比较状语从句和方式状语从句的用法知识点6目的状语从句和结果状语从句的用法 各类状语从句连接词(短语)一览表:时间when, while, as, as soon as, since, until, after, before条件If, unless原因As, because, since地点Where目的So that, in order that结果So that, sothat, suchthat让步though, although, even if, however方式As 比较than, (not)asas, 各个从句举例时间状语从句:Whenever he comes, he brings a friend. 他每次来都带个朋友。条件状语从句:As long as I am alive, I will go on studying. 只要我活着, 我就要学习。原因状语从句:Since we live near the sea, we enjoy nice weather.由于我们住在海边,能享受到好的天气。地点状语从句:Put it where we can all see it.把它放在我们都能看到的位置。目的状语从句:Finish this so that you can start another.把这个做完,你可以开始另一个。结果状语从句:He was so angry that he couldnt say a word. 他气得说不出话了。让步状语从句:Though he is in poor health, he works hard.虽然他身体不好,但是他工作很努力。方式状语从句:Students do as the teachers say.学生们按照老师说的去做。比较状语从句:The work isnt as easy as I thought.这项工作比我想象得难。知识点2时间状语从句的用法从属连词用法例句While“与同时,在期间”,从句常用延续性动词或表示状态的词They rushed in while we were singing. 我们唱歌时,他们冲进来。When“当时”,表示主句的动作和从句的动作同时或先后发生,从句的动词可用延续性动词,也可用非延续性动词It was raining when we arrived.我们到达时,天正下着雨。He was working when I went in. 我进去时他正在工作。When she heard the news, she began to cry. 她听到这个消息,她哭了起来。As“正当,一边一边,随着”,表示两个动作同时发生或某事发生时,另一个动作发生了As time went on, his theory proved to be correct.随着时间的推移,他的理论被证明是正确的。John sings as he walks home. 约翰一边往家走一边唱歌。Till/until用于肯定句时,表示“直到为止”,主句必须为延续性动词;not. .until/till表示“直到才”,主句常用短暂性动词We shall wait until/till he comes back.我们将一直等到他回来。He didnt go to bed until he finished his homework. 他直到做完作业才睡觉。Since“自以来”,主句用一般现在时或现在完成时,从句用一般过去时I have heard。lot of good things about you sinfrom abroad.自从我从国外回来,我已经听许多好的事情。Before在以前He must finish all the work before he goes home.回家之前他必须完成所有的工作。After在.之后Iets play football after school is over.放学后我们打篮球吧。知识点3地点状语从句和条件状语从句的用法分类从属连词例句地点状语从句where在地方,wherever,无论哪里Where there is a will,there is a way.有志者,事竟成Wherever you go,you must obey the law.无论你去哪儿,你都要遵守法律。You can sit wherever you like. 你喜欢坐在哪里就坐在哪里。条件状语从句if如果;unless除非,如果不If Y make any mistakes,please point them out in time.如果我犯错误,请及时指出来。Dont ask me to explain unless you really dont understand.不要让我解释,除非你真的不懂。in case假使,万一Write down her telephone number in case you forget.把她的电话号码记下来万一你忘了呢。so/as long as只要,如果You can go out as/so long as you promise to be back before 11 oclock.你可以出去,只要你答应在点前回来【知识拓展】在条件状语从句中,一般要用一般现在时代替一般将来时,一般过去时代替过去将来时。例如:Unless it rains, the game will be played.(= If it doesnt rain, the game will be played.)如果不下雨,比赛就将进行。As long as you tell truth , Ill try to help you.只要你说出真相,我就尽力帮助你。 if引导条件状语从句和宾语从句的区别: if引导条件状语从句,表示“如果”,主句用一般将来时态,从句用一般现在时表示将来。例如:If it doesnt rain, I will go to the cinema tomorrow.如果明天不下雨,我就去看电影。(2)if引导宾语从句,表示“是否”,如果主句是一般现在时,从句可用各种对应的时态; 如果主句是一般过去时,从句用过去的某种时态。例如:I didnt know if he would come tomorrow.我不知道他明天是否会来知识点4原因状语从句和让步状语从句的用法分类从属连词例句原因状语从句because因为,as,因为,since既然I often eat carrots because they are good for my health. 我经常吃胡萝卜是因为对我的身体有好处。As I dont know the way, I had to ask the policeman. 由于我不知道路,所以我不得不问警察。Since we are all here, lets reach a decision now.既然大家都来了,现在让我们做决定吧。让步状语从句although/though虽然,尽管Though he is very poor, he is very happy.他虽然很穷,但他很快乐。Although he is young, he is very clever.他尽管年轻,但很聪明。尽管asHard as I tried, I was unable to make great progress.尽管我尽力了,但是仍然不能取得大的进步。Clever as he is, he doesnt study well.尽管他聪明,但是他学习并不好。even if/even though即使Even if he is very busy, he always helps me.即使他很忙,他也总是帮助我。I will have a try even though I should fail.即使会失败,我也要试一下。whether. or不管还是Whether the weather is good or bad,we will set off as planned. 不管天气是好还是坏,我们都将按计划启程。 whatever/whoever/whenever/however等词可以引导状语从句No matter which (Whichever) road you take, you will arrive safely.不管你走哪条路,你都能安全到达。However (No matter how) expensive it may be, Ill take it.无论它有多贵,我都要买下它。知识点5比较状语从句和方式状语从句的用法分类从属连词例句比较状语从句than比,as. as和一样not as/so. as .不如, themorethe more.越就越He can run faster than you (can).他能跑得比你快。The result was not as/so good as I had expected.结果不如我所预料的那么好。The busier he is the happier lie feels.他越忙越觉得开心。方式状语从句as正如,像,按照When in Rome,do as the Romans do.人乡随俗。Would you please do the experiment as I am doing?请你按照我做的方法来做实验好吗?方式状语从句as if/as though好像
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