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B E Y O N D I M A G I N A T I O N Shanghai Hangzhou Tianjin Shenyang Beijing Shenzhen Hong Kong Macau Manzhouli Yingkou Qinhuangdao Tangshan Jinan Zhengzhou Nanjing Ningbo Nanchang Changsha Fuzhou Putian Chengdu Kunming 上海 杭州 天津 沈阳 北京 深圳 香港 澳门 满洲里 营口 秦皇岛 唐山 济南 郑州 南京 宁波 南昌 长沙 福州 莆田 成都 昆明 KERRY IN CHINA 嘉里在中国 KERRY IN CHINA 嘉里在中国 SHANGHAI 上海 PUDONG 浦东 SHANGHAI 上海 JINGAN 静安 TIANJIN 天津 HANG ZHOU 杭州 SHEN YANG 沈阳 一期 Retail 零售商场 45 000m 74 000m 110 000m 102 000m 336 955m Office 写字楼 92 000m 112 000m 140 000m 9 000m 227 158m Residence 住宅 180 000m 505 400m Service Apartment 服务式公寓 34 000m 20 000m 39 000m 134 200m Hotel 酒店 70 000m 74 000m 90 000m 45 000m 61 087m Total Area GFA 总计 245 000m 260 000m 530 000m 340 000m 1 287 300m Car park no of lots 车位 1 200 1 100 3 100 1 700 8 210 Target Completion Date 预计落成 Q4 2011 2013 Phase1 Q3 2014 TBC TBC KERRY IN CHINA 嘉里在中国 Tianjin Kerry Centre brings new vitality to the beautiful city of Tianjin Its appeal lies in its superb location an d its comprehensive mix of facilities and services Residents of this vibrant integrated complex can enjoy the best of business and leisure living in the Haihe city centre Tianjin Kerry Centre s retail mall Riverview Place attractively serves as an energetic bridge between Tianjin Arcadia Court and Shangri La Hotel Tianjin 天津嘉里中心是立足于海河东岸 CBD的城市综合 体标杆 为变化中的天津带来充满活力与创想的 未来 以创新模式引领海河的发展 Riverview Place作为天津嘉里中心商场部分 与天津 雅颂 居及天津香格里拉大酒店相互融合 为天津带来 更多活力 也为住户 访客及社区提供生活多种 需求 INTEGRATED LIVING 至尚生活 精致入微 RETAILRETAIL 商业商业 Riverview Place HOTELHOTEL 酒店酒店 Shangri La Hotel Tianjin 天津香格里拉大酒店 RESIDENTIALRESIDENTIAL 住宅住宅 Tianjin Arcadia Court 天津 雅颂居 CAR PARKCAR PARK 停车场停车场 3 100 lots 停车位 KERRY IN CHINA ENHANCING LIFESTYLES 品味生活 邂逅惊喜 Riverview Place exploits Tianjin Kerry Centre s premium location and transportation connectivity The complex cohesively integrates the shopping mall with residences hotel Riverview Place is generously designed for today s expanding lifestyles Each square meter of space is carefully planned to provide a superior international standard shopping dining and leisure experience Riverview Place 依托天津嘉里中心绝佳的区 位优势及交通网络 与其住宅 酒店等业态有 机组合 为更多人带来新奇体验 精心将海河 文化与充满现代感的新建筑风格融为一体 创 造一种新的生活方式 Riverview Place不仅是一个休闲购物的好去 处 更是一个时尚气息浓郁的河岸新地标 DEVELOPMENT MIX 开发规划 TYPE 类型 APPROX 约 CFA 面积 PHASE 1 PHASE 1 第一期第一期 Riverview Place 80 000m B1 L4 Tianjin Arcadia Court 天津 雅颂居 180 000m 1126 units Shangri La Hotel Tianjin 天津香格里拉大酒店 90 000m 507 rooms Car Park 停车场 160 000m 2500 lots PHASE 2 PHASE 2 第二期第二期 Riverview Place 30 000m B1 L4 Grade A Office 甲级写字楼 140 000m Serviced Apartment 服务式公寓 20 000m Car Park 停车场 30 000m 600 lots Total Area Total Area CFACFA 总面积总面积 730 000730 000m m DEVELOPMENT PHASES 分期开发 Service Apartment R3 R2 R1 Office Tower Retail Hotel AMAZING TIANJIN 活力天津 璀璨未来 A city on the rise Tianjin is the economic hub of the Bohai Region Tianjin s prosperity is bolstered by its world class port which currently serves ships from over 180 countries This city is also the core of an extensive highway network offering easy access to 157 cities which all lie within a 3 hour radius Total area 11 900 sq km Total population is 14 million In 2011 Tianjin had a GDP of RMB 1 119 099 billion with the highest growth rate in the country Over a hundred Fortune 500 companies have offices in Tianjin 天津 环渤海区域的经济枢纽 这里有世界级卓 越的港口 通达180多个国家 以天津为核心的三 小时经济圈覆盖了157个城市 发展中的天津正焕 发无限商机 总面积11 900平方公里 人口1 400万 2011年GDP11 190 99亿 增速全国第一 拥有超过百家世界500强企业 AMAZING TIANJIN 活力天津 璀璨未来 LOCATION 地理位置 LOCATION 地理位置 Located in the area with major city planning and development Hedong district is the main gateway from Tianjin to Binhai new district with great potential and development opportunity Situated at the heart of the inner ring road the transportation hub Tianjin Railway Station is just 1KM away at northwest Tianjin Kerry Centre is facing south to Haihe River and surrounded by LiuWei Road BaJing Road LiuJing Road and He Dong Road 河东区位于市区至滨海新区必经之路 处于 城市发展的主动脉 发展潜力巨大 地处城市核心区域的内环线以内 西北侧约 1公里即为天津站交通枢纽 天津嘉里中心项目四至 六纬路 八经路 六经路 海河东路 本项目南面紧邻海河 Tianjin Kerry Centre 天津嘉里中心 Haihe East CBD 海河东岸CBD Tianjin Railway Station 天津站 Metro Station 地铁站 Airport 机场 Metro Line 1 1号线 Metro Line 2 2号线 Metro Line 3 3号线 Metro Line 9 9号线 TOTAL ACCESS 四通八达 便捷畅行 TOTAL ACCESS 四通八达 便捷畅行 Tianjin Kerry Centre is a new hub of the city Its close proximity to Daguangming Jinhui Chifeng and Jiefang Bridges An extensive highway network also connects this district to Binhai New Area Binhai International Airport and neighbouring provinces Metro Line 9 offers direct access to Tianjin Railway Station and reaches Beijing in around 30 minutes 天津嘉里中心地处内环核心 邻近大光明桥 金汇桥 赤峰桥 解放桥等多条主要桥梁 亦 可通过快速路网直达滨海新区 滨海国际机场 及各省际高速公路 地铁9号线与Riverview Place地下一层无缝衔接 直达天津站往来北 京仅需30分钟 Commuters from Railway Station Tianjin Beijing Train Metro Line 9 火车站 京津城际 地铁9号线客运量 The future Tianjin CBD will be composed of Haihe East CBD Xiaobailou CBD and Haihe District 天津未来的商务区将由海河东岸CBD 小白楼CBD和海河区域组成 The above districts hold 275 800 of offi ce space which is approximately 59 o f Tianjin s tot
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