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中考专题复习之被动语态 一 感知 出要用被动语态的句子 1 We speak English 2 Timeshould use properly 3 Rice plant inspring 4 XuAnqi clean theblackboardyesterday 5 We influence byhisthoughts 6 MissWei teach usEnglish 7 They already pass theexam 如何判断被动语态 1 句中有bysb byhand byoneself除外 2 根据句意 看谓语动词与主语的关系 主语是动作的接受者 beused isplanted areinfluenced 二 识记 1 被动语态结构 2 动词过去分词的变化规则 live lived reuse reused produce produced study studied try tried carry carried hurry hurried drop dropped stop stopped prefer preferred trip tripped bedone beputmakestepgrowhidegivetakebuildbeatcutbitekeepmeanspreaddrystudyprefer was were beenmade madegrew growngave givenbuilt builtcut cutkept keptspread spreadstudied studied told toldstepped steppedhid hiddentook takenbeat beatenbit bittenmeant meantdried driedpreferred preferred 二 识记 3 动词过去分词的不规则变化 被动语态 一般现在时一般过去时一般将来时4 现在完成时5 情态动词 am is aredone was weredone willbedonebegoingtobedone have hasbeendone can could mustbedone 二 识记 4 各时态被动语态的结构 刀和叉被我们用来吃西餐 Knivesandforks byustohavewesternfood areused 现在 食物被污染得越来越严重 Now food moreandmoreseriously ispolluted 我们今天仍然受孔夫子思想的影响 We byConfucious thoughtstoday areinfluenced 前天 普京被选为俄罗斯总统 Thedaybeforeyesterday Putin tobethepresidentofRussia waschosen 2011年3月11号 超过万人在日本地震中遇害 Morethan10thousandpeople duringtheearthquakeinJapanonMarch11 2011 werekilled 几个月前 柳江河水遭受了严重的污染 Severalmonthsago theLiujiangRiver seriously waspolluted 第30届奥运会将于今年7月在伦敦举行 The30thOlympicGames inJulyinLondon 3 一般将来时willbedoneam is aregoingtobedone 三 体验 willbeheld 一座新桥将在2年后建起来 Anewbridge in2years 3 一般将来时willbedoneam is aregoingtobedone 三 体验 willbebuilt 努力的人最终将被胜利女神喜爱 Hard workingpeople bytheGodnessofvictoryfinally 3 一般将来时willbedoneam is aregoingtobedone 三 体验 willbeliked 三年来 多场大型车展在柳州举行 Inthelast3years someAutoShows inLiuzhou 4 现在完成时have hasbeendone 三 体验 havebeenheld 从我开始学英语以来 已经有成千上万个单词被我记住 Thousandsofwords sinceIbegantolearnEnglish 4 现在完成时have hasbeendone 三 体验 havebeen remembered 我们学校好多学生都曾经被新播报采访 Alotofstudentsinourschool ever byXinbobao 4 现在完成时have hasbeendone 三 体验 have beeninterviewed 1 感官动词无被动语态 2 有些动词用主动形式表示被动 四 注意 1 Thetickets sell well 2 Thefountainpen write smoothly 3 Mynewbike ride well sell writes rides 3 下列动词词组在变成被动语态时要加tobeheardtodobemadetodobeseentodobewatchedtodobenoticedtodo 四 注意 1 Lucy often playtheviolin 2 Yesterdaymorning theman swimintheriver 3 Foraweek thenaughtyboy cleantheclassroom isheardto wasseen to hasbeen madeto lookforlookaftertakecareofhandinlaughatspeakto belookedforbelookedafterbetakencareofbehandedinbelaughedatbespokento 4 词组不能分开 四 注意 Thelittlebabyis good byhermother takencareof Itissaidthat 据说Itisreportedthat 据报道Itisbelievedthat 大家相信Itishopedthat 大家希望Itiswell knownthat 众所周知Itisthoughtthat 大家认为Itissuggestedthat 据建议 5 表示 据说 据认为 的词组 四 注意 五 实践与强化 1 Whenallthesebridges travelingwillbecomeeasier 08柳州 北海 A willbebuiltB arebuiltC willbuildD build 2 Thismedicine threetimesaday A takeB shouldtakenC willtakeD shouldbetaken 09柳州 3 那本书不在这里 我还给图书馆了 Thatbookisnothere forit thelibrary 10柳州 4 Halfofthework bynow A hasfinishedB hasbeenfinishedC havebeenfinished 11柳州 hasbeen returnedto B D B
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