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rainstorm暴风雨 Unit5Whatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcame SectionA 学习目标 1 基础词汇 rainstorm atthetimeof基本句型 Whatwereyoudoing Iwas 2 能用过去进行时描述过去某个时刻发生的事 3 复习现在进行时 Guessinggame Pleaseguesswhatpeoplearedoing Whatishedoing Heisplayingsoccer Whatisshedoing Sheisdrinkingjuice Whataretheydoing Theyaredancing Whatareyoudoingnow WhatwereyoudoingatthistimelastMonday Wearehavingaclass WewerehavingaclassatthistimelastMonday Sheissleeping Whatwashedoingat9 00yesterdayevening Hewasdoinghishomework Whatisthegirldoing Wherewereyouwhentherainstormcame Iwasinthelibrary Whatwereyoudoing Iwasreading Wherewereyouwhentherainstormcame Iwasonthestreet Iwaswalkinghome goingtoschool Whatwereyoudoing Wherewereyouwhentherainstormcame Iwasinmyhouse Whatwereyoudoing Iwasdoingmyhomework Wherewereyouatthetimeoftherainstorm Iwasatthebusstop Whatwereyoudoing Iwaswaitingforthebus 1aWherewerethepeopleatthetimeoftherainstorm Matchthestatementswiththepeopleinthepicture 1 Iwasinthelibrary 2 Iwasinmyhouse 3 Iwasonthestreet 4 Iwasatthebusstop b d c a 1bListentotheTVreportandcirclethecorrectresponses a doingmyhomework studyingb playingbasketball readingc goingtowork waitingforthebusd walkinghome shopping Pairwork Lastnight Iwenttotheboys dorm 宿舍 Pleaseguess WhatweretheboysdoingwhenIarrived A Whatwas doingat9 00lastnight B Hewas Whatwereyoudoingatthesetimes Fillinthechart Thenaskyourpartner Groupwork 一 写出下列动词的现在分词 playshopwritegorunride二 翻译短语1 在图书馆2 在 的时候3 走路回家4 在街上 三 局部翻译1 昨晚八点你在干什么 我 当时 在淋浴 What you ateightlastnight I ashower 2 在暴风雨来临时她正在做什么 她正在做作业 Whatwasshedoing therainstorm She herhomework 1 What be you do whenhearrived 2 Jim sleep whenIcamein 3 They watch TVat8 00yesterdayevening 4 Nowhe read and write were doing wassleeping werewatching isreading writing 用所给词的正确形式填空 过去进行时 含义 表示 正在进行的动作 结构 例句 I havinganEnglishclassatthistimeyesterday 现在进行时 含义 表示 正在进行的动作 结构 例句 I havinganEnglishclass 现在 am is are doing am was were doing 过去某个时刻 was Icansumup MakeasurveyaboutwhatyourfamilyweredoingwhenyouarrivedhomelastFriday Homework Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye Goodbye
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