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00:00:19,760 - 00:00:25,150自古以来 就有鹳鸟送子的记载For as long as can be remembered, storks delivered babies400:00:27,040 - 00:00:30,150我们从鹳山之顶的栖息地出发from their perch on Stork Mountain.500:00:30,320 - 00:00:34,190从事这一无比光荣的使命It was an honor and a privilege to serve.600:00:35,360 - 00:00:38,980这也是我们的责任 我们的核心价值观It was our duty, our core belief,700:00:39,160 - 00:00:42,910我们骨子里的基因the driving force of our very lifeblood.800:00:48,120 - 00:00:49,630但这份工作并不简单It wasnt always easy.900:00:49,800 - 00:00:51,020哦Oh.1000:00:51,200 - 00:00:53,270这是属于我们的挑战This was our challenge.1100:00:54,320 - 00:00:55,750这是我们的神圣职责This was our sacred duty.1200:00:56,160 - 00:00:58,150无论多苦多难No matter how tough or impossible1300:00:58,480 - 00:01:02,550多残酷 多艰险 多灭绝人性 多惨绝人寰or brutal or harsh or inhumane or savage,1400:01:02,720 - 00:01:04,990我们都会义无反顾 一往直前we would triumph over adversity.1500:01:20,960 - 00:01:22,550逮到你了Gotcha!1600:01:27,010 - 00:01:27,350嘿Hey.1700:01:27,560 - 00:01:28,810- 小心右边 - 还有左边- On your right. - Left.1800:01:28,840 - 00:01:29,840自行车道Bike lane.1900:01:30,000 - 00:01:33,510谢天谢地 我们早就不干这行了Thank goodness we dont do that anymore.2000:01:35,240 - 00:01:36,380在那 快看那里There! Right there!2100:01:36,680 - 00:01:38,350当初的问题在于The problem was,2200:01:39,360 - 00:01:40,910我们的业务急需转型we had the wrong cargo.2300:01:47,320 - 00:01:49,350我们的新手机Our new phones!2400:01:49,520 - 00:01:53,590现在好了 街店网络快递准备接单啦Luckily, now, storks deliver packages for Cornerstore. com!2500:01:56,440 - 00:01:59,320- 嘿 老弟 - 噢耶- My dude! - Oh, yeah!2600:02:02,520 - 00:02:04,870哟 科隆老兄 气色不错Yo, Kevron! Lookin good, my man!2700:02:05,040 - 00:02:06,880哦 我爱死这个小伙了Oh, I love this guy!2800:02:11,960 - 00:02:14,190完美着陆 搞定Perfect landing. Chiggy-check.2900:02:15,880 - 00:02:17,400厉害了我的哥Youre the man!3000:02:17,840 - 00:02:20,400什么 第一百万个包裹 谁信啊What? Millionth package? Not possible.3100:02:20,560 - 00:02:22,190我以为才刚二十个I thought I was only at 20.3200:02:22,360 - 00:02:23,840嘿 朱尼尔 庆祝一下吧Hey, Junior, are you gonna celebrate?3300:02:23,920 - 00:02:26,220你说得对 是该庆祝下了You know what? Youre right. I should celebrate.3400:02:26,400 - 00:02:27,690你们周末去哪嗨What are you guys doing this weekend?3500:02:27,720 - 00:02:28,720有空带我一个吗Are you guys free?3600:02:28,880 - 00:02:30,910老婆和我要庆祝另一个纪念日The wife and I are celebrating another anniversary.3700:02:31,080 - 00:02:32,710我孩子周末有比赛Got my kids game this weekend.3800:02:32,920 - 00:02:35,510家庭团聚 我家被亲戚攻陷了Family reunion. The whole familys coming.3900:02:35,720 - 00:02:37,950好吧 我就是问问Oh. Just wanted to confirm.4000:02:38,160 - 00:02:39,160反正你们也忙That you were all busy.4100:02:39,320 - 00:02:40,920我不用猜也知道I assumed you were all busy and you are.4200:02:41,040 - 00:02:42,330那万一有空了 记得叫我一下So, if anything changes, let me know.4300:02:42,360 - 00:02:43,490我或许能请个假I maybe could get out of work.4400:02:43,520 - 00:02:45,090估计没戏 但还是叫我一下Probably cant, but let me know if you can.4500:02:45,120 - 00:02:47,270干得好 哥们Great job out there, brah!4600:02:47,440 - 00:02:48,990谢谢 马屁鸽Thanks, Pigeon Toady.4700:02:49,160 - 00:02:51,000快看我的女友Check out my girlfriend.4800:02:51,120 - 00:02:52,600- 她在加拿大 - 呵呵- Shes in Canada. - Yeah-huh.4900:02:52,720 - 00:02:53,720她移民了She migrated.5000:02:53,880 - 00:02:55,430- 她不是我瞎编的 - 好的- Shes not made up. - Okay.5100:02:55,600 - 00:02:57,390快看 快看Look at her! Look at her!5200:02:57,560 - 00:02:59,630- 她是真的 哥们 - 祝你幸福- She exists, brah! - Thats great.5300:02:59,800 - 00:03:02,070嘿 你们听说罗杰的事了吗Hey, did you guys hear about Roger?5400:03:04,000 - 00:03:05,910哦 我的天啊 你还好吗Oh, my goodness. Are you okay?5500:03:06,600 - 00:03:09,310什么 嘿哥们 我说 什么 好的What? Hey, brah. I say. What? Okay.5600:03:09,480 - 00:03:11,110我跟你说过我的女友了吗I tell you about my girlfriend?5700:03:12,640 - 00:03:14,590嘿 老板要见你Hey, boss wants to see you.5800:03:14,760 - 00:03:15,820呃Uh.5900:03:16,000 - 00:03:17,710亨特要见我Hunter wants to see me?6000:03:20,520 - 00:03:22,670好吧 集中精力 朱尼尔All right. Head in the game, Junior.6100:03:22,840 - 00:03:24,670看来你就是亨特 近来可好啊So, youre Hunter. What do you do around here?6200:03:26,040 - 00:03:27,040不行 我讨厌这样No, I hate that.6300:03:27,200 - 00:03:28,790亨特 很高兴见到你Hunter. Nice. To. Meet. You.6400:03:28,960 - 00:03:29,990不 太呆板了No, thats too robot.6500:03:30,160 - 00:03:32,160自然一点 正常地说话Just say it normal. Just say it normal.
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