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名校研究生入学考试真题选2Chapters Two & Three : Phonetics & PhonologyI. 名词解释1. (复旦大学1996,浙江大学2001年考题)narrow transcription考点分析:严式音标的定义Answer: There are two ways to transcribe speech sounds. One is the “broad transcription”-the transcription with letter-symbols only, and the other is “narrow transcription”-the transcription with letter-symbols accompanied by the diacritics which can help bring out the finer distinctions than the letters alone may possibly do.2. (南开大学2003年考题) Illustrate the term “allophone” with at least one appropriate example.考点分析:考查音位变体概念Answer: Allophones are the different members of a phoneme, sounds which are phonetically different but do not make one word different from another in meaning. For example, in English, the phoneme /l/ is pronounced differently in “let”, “play” and “tell”. The first /l/ is made by raising the front of the tongue to the hard palate, while the vocal cords are vibrating; the second /l/ is made with the same tongue position as the first, but the vocal cords are not vibrating; and the third /l/ is made by raising not only the front by also the back of the tongue while the vocal cords are vibrating.II.判断正误1. (大连外国语学院2000,2001,2002年考题)/o/ is a mid-high front rounded vowel.考点分析:描述和识别基本元音的发音特点Answer: F (/o/ is a mid-high BACK rounded vowel.)2. (清华大学2001年考题) A phoneme in one language or one dialect may be an allophone in another language or dialect.考点分析:考查音位与音位变体的语言相对性Answer: TIII. 填空题1. (大连外国语学院2001年考题)The three cavities in the articulatory apparatus are _, _, and _.考点分析:考查发音器官中的三个腔。Answer: pharynx, the nasal cavity, the oral cavity.2. (武汉大学2000年考题) By the position of the _part of the tongue, vowels are classified as front vowels, central vowels and back vowels.考点分析:考查元音的划分方法。Answer:highest3. (中山大学2004年考题)_refers to the change of a sound as a result of the influence of an adjacent sound.考点分析:考查同化现象的概念Answer: Assimilation4. (北京师范大学2002年考题) You are required to fill in the blanks below abiding by the instance given beforehand.Example: /p/: voiced bilabial stop/s/: _/g/: _/t/: _/: _/f/: _考点分析:考查用清浊、发音部发音方式三个条件准确描述辅音Answer: /s/: voiceless alveolar fricative/g/: voiced velar stop/t/: voiceless alveo-palatal/ post-alveolar affricate/: voiced dental fricative/f/: voiceless labiodental fricative5. (广东外语外贸大学2004年考题) Which of the following words would be treated as minimal pairs and minimal sets?Pat, pen, heat, tape, bun, fat, ban, chain, tale, bell, far, meal, vote, bet, heel, ten, men, pit, main, hit, eat, man考点分析:考查对最小词对、最小词对组的掌握Answer: Pat, fat; pat, pit; pit, hit;Pen, ten; ten, men;Heat, eat; heat, heel;Tape, tale;Bun, ban;Chain, main;Bell, bet;Meal, heel;Man, men, main.IV. 选择题1. (北京第二外国语学院2004年考题)Of the three cavities, _ is the most variable and active in amplifying and modifying speech sounds.a. nasal cavity b. pharynx cavity c. oral cavity考点分析:发音器官三个腔的比较Answer: c2. (北京第二外国语学院2004年考题) All syllables contain a(n) _.a. nucleus b. coda c. onset考点分析:考查音节的必要组成Answer: a3. (东南大学2002年考题) _is one of the supersegmental features.a. Stop b. Voicing c. Deletion d. Tone考点分析: 考查超音段特征包括的内容Answer: d4. (东南大学2001年考题) Which of the following consonants does not exist in English?a. dental stop b. bilabial stop c. alveolar stop d. velar stop考点分析:考查英语中塞音可能的发音部位。Answer: a5. (东南大学2000年考题) _ is not an English consonant.a. Labiodental plosive b. Alveolar nasalc. Velar stop d. Dental fricative考点分析:识别英语中辅音的种类。Answer: aV. 辨音选择1. (复旦大学1995年考题)What are the distinctive features that group the following sounds in these sets?1) /f, v, s/ 2) /p, f, b/ 3) /g, z, b/ 4) / k, g, w/ 5) /m, n, /考点分析:找出一组三个音的共同特征Answer: 1) fricative 2) obstruent 3) voiced 4) lateral 5) nasal2. (湖南大学2003年考题) There is one segment that does not belong to the natural class in each of the following groups of speech sounds. You are required to identify that segment and label the natural class, using a descriptive term as specific as possible.a) /m/, /n/, /w/, /b) /v/, /, /z/, /, /c) /n/, /f/, /l/, /s/, /t/, /d/, /z/考点分析:比较语音的异同Answer: 1) /w/ is a semi-vowel, and the others are all nasals2) / is voiceless, and the others are voiced3) /f/ is labiodental, and the rest are alveolarVI. 问答题1. (清华大学2001年考题)Circle the words that contain a sound as required:1) a low vowel: pipe, gather, article, leave, cook2) a bilabial consonant: cool, lad, leap, bomb, push3) an approximant: lucky, boots, word, once, table4) a front vowel: god, neat, pit, lush, cook5) a velar: god, fast, chat, lake, quick考点分析:考查对不同特点音位的熟练掌握和识别Answer: 1) gather, article 2) leap, bomb, pus
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