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婚姻家庭案件中的证据收集制度研究 毕业论文(设计)毕业论文 婚姻家庭案件中的证据收集 题 目 制度研究指导教师 xx学生姓名 xxx二O一五 年 五 月 十八 日婚姻家庭案件中的证据收集制度研究摘 要证据收集制度在民事证据收集占具重要地位,现如今婚姻家庭领域中出现了许多新情况、新问题,对我国婚姻家庭中证据的收集制度的修改、补充、完善已经成为客观的必要。证据收集是引导婚姻家庭建设的和谐发展,通过完善婚姻家庭的收集制度,可以使婚姻家庭中的当事人更为有效地维护其利益。为了正确审理婚姻家庭纠纷,证据的收集成为了必要的手段和依据。通过完善证据的收集制度,可以有效的预防和减少婚姻家庭人身和财产纠纷,还可以使婚姻家庭中的当事人在法律的规范下行使自己的权力与义务。证据收集制度在婚姻家庭中起着非常重要的地位,但受各种客观条件和主观因素的影响。本论文对婚姻家庭案件中的证据收集制度存在的问题进行了研究,并针对这些问题提出了相应的解决机制。关键词:婚姻;家庭;证据收集制度;Research on the system of collecting the evidence in the case ofmarriage and familyAbstractThe system of evidence collection in civil evidence occupy the important position .Now the field of marriage and emergence of many new situations, new problems. On the evidence of Chinas marriage and family in the collecting system, improve the amendment, has become an objective necessity. The evidence collection is the harmonious development to guide the construction. Through the improvement of the evidence collection system, can make the marriage and family parties more effectively safeguard their interests. In order to correctly judge the marriage and family disputes, the collection of evidence has become a necessary means. Through the improvement of evidence collection in the marriage and family system of collecting system, Which can prevent and reduce disputes, marriage and family of the person and property. Can also make the marriage and family in the parties make their rights and obligations in the law down . The evidence collection system plays a very important in the marriage and family, but affected by various objective conditions and subjective factors, marriage and family the evidence collection system still exist many problems. The existing system of collecting evidence in the marriage and family problems are studied, and put forward the corresponding settlement mechanism to solve these problem.Key words: marriage the system of evidence collection; family dispute目 录摘 要 . i Abstract . ii 目 录 . i绪 论 . 11 婚姻家庭和证据收集制度的概述 . 21.1 婚姻家庭含义和特征 . 21.1.1 婚姻家庭 . 21.1.2 婚姻家庭的特征 . 21.2 证据收集制度的含义和重要性 . 21.2.1 证据收集 . 21.2.2 证据收集的重要性 . 21.3 我国婚姻家庭对证据收集的认知 . 21.3.1 我国婚姻家庭深受儒家思想的影响 . 21.3.2 我国所谓的婚姻家庭 . 21.3.3 以流动性为主的鲜明时代特点 . 31.3.4 婚姻特别是年轻夫妻的功利性明显 . 32 婚姻家庭纠纷中证据收集存在的问题 . 42.1 证据收集存在缺乏程序性的规定 . 42.2 证据收集意识和观念薄弱 . 42.3 婚姻家庭中当事人取证困难重重 . 42.4 证人出庭作证率低下 . 52.5 当事人收集证据能力参差不齐 . 53 完善婚姻家庭中证据收集制度的建议 . 73.1 增加宣传力度提高证据意识和观念 . 73.2 明确举证责任 . 73.3 建立强制证人出庭作证的制度 . 83.4 借鉴域外婚姻家庭中证据收集制度 . 8
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