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2011届 分类号: 单位代码 :10452毕业论文槐米中芦丁超声法和碱溶酸沉法提取比较Comparation of Ultrasonic and Alkali solution and acid precipitation extracted Rutin from Sophora japonica1 摘 要槐花中主要成分为芦丁,又名芸香苷,现在报道的提取方法有很多,本实验主要研究超声提取法与碱溶酸沉法,比较这两种方法提取率高低。超声法是用70%乙醇溶液浸泡槐米粉,在超声清洗器中进行超声处理30min,处理2次,收集滤液,用浓盐酸调节PH值至3,静置,至沉淀完全后,抽滤,收集沉淀得到芦丁粗品,粗品在60-70水浴中溶解,煮沸15min,趁热抽滤,静置滤液,待沉淀完全,抽滤,沉淀在65干燥40min,得到芦丁的纯化物;碱溶酸沉法是用蒸馏水浸泡,加氧化钙1-1.5g,调节PH至8,加热至微沸,保持40min,趁热过滤,浸煮2次,收集滤液,用浓盐酸调节PH至5,静置至沉淀完全,将沉淀在60-70水浴中,溶解,煮沸15min,趁热抽滤,静置滤液,待沉淀完全,抽滤,沉淀在65干燥40min,得到芦丁的纯化物。本实验中碱溶酸沉法比超声法的提取率高。关键词:槐米;超声提取法;碱溶酸沉法;紫外分光光度法;聚酰胺薄膜 ABSTRACT This experiment compared ultrasonic extraction with alkali solution and acid precipitation in extraction rate of rutin. Ultrasonic method is soaked Sophora japonica with 70% ethanol, the ultrasonic cleaner carried out the Sophora japonica with 30 minutes .then filtering the solution and carried out the residue in the ultrasonic cleaner again. Collecting the filtrate in beaker and Adjusting the filters PH to 3 with concentrated hydrochloric acid. Standing the filter and precipitating completely. Collecting the precipitate by the filtration. The precipitate is crude extract rutin. Recrystallizating the crude extract rutin in 60-70 water bath and boiling the recrystallizates solution on electric furnace with 15 minutes. Filtrating the solution when it is boiling and the filtrate aside until the precipitate completely. Filtrating the solution, Then collecting the precipitate. The precipitate dried at 65 in Vacuum oven with40 minutes . Getting the purified rutin. Alkali solution and acid precipitation is soaked Sophora japonica with distilled water, Adding calcium oxide 1.5 g. adjusting the PH to 8, Boiling the Solution with 30 minutes, then filtering the solution and carried out the residue again, Collecting the filtrate in beaker and Adjusting the filters PH to 5 with concentrated hydrochloric acid. Standing the filter and precipitating completely. Collecting the precipitate by the filtration. The precipitate is crude extract rutin. Recrystallizating the crude extract rutin in 60-70 water bath and boiling the recrystallizates solution on electric furnace with 15 minutes. Filtrating the solution when it is hot and the filtrate aside until the precipitate completely. Filtrating the solution, then collecting the precipitate. The precipitate dried at 65 in Vacuum oven with40 minutes. Getting the purified rutin. In this study, the alkali solution and acid precipitation better than ultrasonic extraction.朗读显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音字典Key words: Sophora japonica; Ultrasonic extraction; Alkali solution and acid precipitation; UV spectrophotometry; Polyamide thin-layer chromatography 目 录引言11仪器与材料21.1仪器 21.2 材料 22 方法与步骤 32.1 对照品储备液配制 32.2 标准曲线制备 32.3 超声法提取与纯化 32.4 碱溶酸沉法提取与纯化 42.5 定性鉴定 42.6 含量测定 43 结果与讨论 53.1 标准曲线 53.2 结果 53.2.1定性鉴定结果 5 3.2.2超声法提取法 5 3.2.3碱溶酸沉法 53.2.3提取率结果比较53.3 检测方法选择 53.4 聚酰胺薄膜选择 63.5 实验中问题与讨论 6参考文献 7附录(图) 8致 11引言 槐米是豆科植物槐的干燥花蕾,含有大量的蛋白质和类黄酮化合物,其味苦,微寒,具有凉血止血、清肝泻火等功效。槐米中的主要成分为芦丁,此外还有白桦脂醇、槐二醇、槐花米甲乙丙素、鞣质等成分。其有效成分属于黄酮类化合物,而此类化合物在心脑血管疾病的治疗上有着举足轻重的作用。黄酮类物质,广泛存在于健康食物和草本药物中,是一种强有力的抗氧化剂,能防止低密度脂蛋白氧化,从而防止动脉粥样硬化,可以治疗冠心病。有清除自由基、降低血压、降血脂、抗凝血作用、抗菌抗炎、保护心肌缺血再灌注损伤的作用。并具有免疫增强功能,对人卵巢癌、乳腺癌、白血病细胞、胃肠道肿瘤细胞等均有抑制作用1。芦丁又称芸香苷,是其中的一个典型代表,其效用同维生素P。能降低毛细血管通透性和脆性 ,促进细胞增生和防止血细胞凝聚以及抗炎、抗过敏、 利尿、镇咳、降血脂等方面的作用, 临床上芦丁主要用于高血压病的辅助治疗和用于防治因芦丁缺乏所致的其它出血症,如防治脑血管出血、高血压、 慢性气管炎,血液渗透压不正常恢复毛细血管弹性等症, 同时还用于预防和治疗糖尿病及合并高血脂症, 在食品工业中芦丁除了可作保健品外,还可作为抗氧化剂和天然食用黄色素。在化妆品行业,芦丁是目前较为理想的一种天然广谱防晒剂2。 芦丁是由槲皮素C-3位上的羟基和芸香糖结合而形成的双糖苷,在热水、 热醇中均有较大的溶解度;分子中含多个酚羟基,呈弱酸性,易溶于碱。据报道目前提取芦丁的方法主要有水煮法、连续回流法、碱溶酸提法、微波法和超声法。常用的提取溶剂有水、醇、冷酸、冷碱3。本实验采用碱溶酸沉法和超声法提取槐米中的芦丁,比较两种方法在提取芦丁方面的效率。 1、 仪器与材料1.1 仪器紫外分光光度计(普析通用仪器);循环水多用真空泵(长城科工贸);HH-S数显恒温水浴锅(金坛市医疗仪器厂);真空干燥箱(-恒科技);电子精密天平;超声清洗器;研钵;烧杯;电磁炉;抽滤瓶;布式漏斗;容量瓶;移液管;玻璃棒;量筒;展开槽;聚酰胺色谱;滤纸1.2 材料1.2.1 植物材料槐米(采购)1.2.2 化学材料芦丁标准品(含量95%,国药集团化学试剂);甲醇(分析纯,天津恒兴化学试剂制造);氧化钙(分析纯,天津恒兴化学试剂制造);乙酸乙酯(分析纯,莱阳经济技术开发区精细化工厂);甲酸(分析纯,莱阳经济技术开发区精细化工
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