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摘要21 世纪随着世界经济的全球化迅速发展,劳动资源的多元化日益凸显。本土以及全球跨文化因素在人力资源管理实践中的影响愈加明显,为了能有效应对这种环境,人力资源部门必须加深对这种现象的认知。通过对企业内部跨文化能力培训,人力资源部门将能更好的为公司顺利实现战略目标保驾护航。本文通过探讨一中澳合资石油公司案例,了解公司内部不同国籍员工对公司文化,人力资源管理的认知及态度,从而了解文化差异对企业文化以及人力资源管理实践的影响。本文所进行的案例分析采用问卷调查的形式。VSM94 的问卷以中、英双语发放给受测群体。受测群体按国籍被分成三组,分别为美国雇员组、澳大利亚雇员组和中国雇员组。受测雇员以匿名方式回答并返回问卷。返回的问卷按组引用 VSM94 的方法加以分析并得出针对五个不同文化维度的分数,进而生成图表供进一步研究比较。本文主要运用 Hofstede 的文化维度理论来分析该企业中、美、澳三国员工的文化取向进行分析。对比该合资公司的具体文化维度指标与 Hofstede 的理论是否出现背离,并分析跨文化因素在此背离中的作用。作为企业文化的体现,在本文的案例分析中,将对该合资企业的公司目标,愿景以及价值观加以论述,并通过与该企业人事管理政策及实践的对照来分析该企业人力资源管理政策及实践是否是该企业文化,价值观的客观体现。组织价值观作为组织文化的重要体现将对公司员工的个人商业行为提供导向作用。人力资源部门在促进公司组织文化和价值观被所有员工认可并接受的过程中起着至关重要的作用。人力资源管理部门可通过比如培训等手段对员工加以影响,已达到企业文化被所有员工广泛认知的目的。另外,人力资源部门的另外一项艰巨任务就是保证公司的组织文化和价值观在公司所有政策和实际操作中得以体现。在此案例分析篇章中,人力资源管理的作用将被进一步论述。最后,本文通过从对基本理论的阐述到案例分析,对该合资企业中存在的文化差异所引发的问题加以分析,并针对该公司在华策略中的人力资源政策给予建议。关键词:文化,文化维度,文化差异,合资企业,人力资源管理,跨文化交际ABSTRACTImpact and Reflection of Cultural Diversity in HRM Policies and Daily Practice- The Case of a Chinese-Australian Joint-VentureLi JianThe workforce of the 21st century is increasingly diverse and multicultural. Toeffectively manage and lead in this environment, HR must be knowledgeable aboutcross-cultural factors-on both the domestic and global fronts-in human resourcemanagement. By promoting education in cross-cultural competencies throughout theorganization, HR can better serve the company to successfully achieve its mission andgoals.This thesis exams a Chinese-Australian joint venture in the oil industry on theemployees attitudes towards the companys human resource management policies andpractices. The survey data is collected by issuing questionnaire by using VSM94 samplequestions. The questionnaire will be issued to three distinct test groups formed bymembers from three nationalities which are Chinese, Australian and American. SinceEnglish is not the mother language for the Chinese employees and some of them cannot master this language well enough, the questions on the questionnaire are in bothChinese and English in order to avoid misunderstandings caused by language barriers.The survey data is analyzed using Hofstedes VSM 94 on five culture dimensions.The comparison between the survey data and Hofstedes data is made to identifywhether cross-culture factors have affected the employees individual values and thecompanys organizational cultures.In the case analysis, the mission, vision and values of this joint venture isdiscussed. Organizational values should reflect the organizational culture and guide theindividuals business behaviors. Human resource management plays a key role in makethe companys values being understood and accepted by all of the members within theorganization. HR has to make sure the organizational value permeate into all thecompanys policies and practices. The general HR policies will also be listed within thecase analysis and see whether they are align with the companys organizational values.Finally, through the theories demonstration in Chapter One and case analysis inChapter Four, summarization of the advantages and disadvantages of this joint venturesvalues will be made. Suggestions on how to make human resource management moreefficiently and productively will be given.Keywords: culture, culture dimension, culture diversity, joint venture, humanresource management, cross-cultural communicationList of TablesTable 1 Culture Value Dimensions. 10Table 2 Cultural Contingencies in Decision-Making .18Table 3 Survey Response Rate.26Table 4 Questionnaire Scores for Australia.28Table 5 Questionnaires Score for the United States.31Table 6 Questionnaires Score for China.33vList of FiguresFigure 1 World Average for Hofstedes Dimensions.28Figure 2 Index of Australian in Hofstedes Culture Dimensions.28Figure 3 Survey Index of Australia.29Figure 4 Index of the United States in Hofstedes Culture Dimensions.30Figure 5 Survey Index of the United States.32Figure 6 Index of China in Hofstedes Culture Dimensions.33Figure 7 Survey Index of China.34Figure 8 Index Score Comparison for MAS.44Figure 9 Index Score Comparison for UAI.45
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