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1 七年级英语下册期中考试题 一 选择题 30 分 1 Please look at the blackboard A not B don t to C don tD no 2 There any money on the floor A are B is C isn t D aren t 3 Can you paint A Yes I am B Yes I do C No I can D Yes a little 4 Kate wants the English club A joins B to joins C to join D joining 5 He wants to join the club He can chess A chess s play theB chess play C chessing play D chess plays the 6 Li Lei can it in English A tell B talk C say D speak 7 Jim often gets school at eight and gets home at five A B to to C to D to 8 What do you usually do Sunday mornings A in B at C on D for 9 It s 6 00 Let s go home A at B in C on D around 10 How do you usually go to school I usually go to school A by my bike B by bikes C by bike D by a bike 11 are you stay there For two weeks A How long B How far C How often D How many 12 How do you there I take the train A reach to B get to C arrive D arrive in 13 do you think of your teacher A How B What C Which D Where 14 play computer games after school A Can tB No C Not D Don t 15 Don t run in the hallways I won t do it again A Sorry B Excuse C Thank you D No 16 The teacher tells us not a hat in class 2 A wear B wearing C to wear D wears 17 Jim a new bike A have B has C There is D there are 18 Can you the notebook to me A bring B take C takes D brings 19 Let s play computer games Great That sounds A boring B difficult C interesting D sad 20 Do you like green No I don t My favorite is blue A clothes B colours C color D movies 21 do you go to the movies We go to the movies on weekdays A Who B When C What time D Why 22 Ben P E He thinks it s boring A Likes B don t like C doesn t like D doesn t likes 23 It s 7 o clock It s time for A get to school B go to school C school D schools 24 These books are Miss Li s Please give A her tem B them to her C it to her D her it 25 Mr Smith is forty but he very old A look B looks like C looks D look like 26 In our school school at 7 30 A is B start C starts D does 27 When does your mother go shopping Usually Sunday morning A on B in C at D after 28 Sorry I can t A Can you play the drums B Do you draw C Are you here D Can your brother dance 29 Do you have a watch A Yes he does B No I m not C No I don t D I don t know 30 They have no classes Saturday and Sunday A in B on C at D from 3 二 用所给词的适当形式填空 10分 1 His sister usually take a shower at 8 00 in the evening 2 Do your parents run every day 3 I take a bus go to school 4 How about take a bus to school 5 She not do her homework every day 6 It takes Tom an hour finish his homework 7 do your homework before dinner 8 Let s see the pandas first 9 Chinese people are great and friend 10 Can your sister sing 三 完型填空 10 分 This is 1 bedroom It s a nice room We can see a bed two 2 a chair and a cat on the floor What 3 see on the wall We can see some 4 and a kite on it We can also 还 see two windows 5 wall Where s 6 computer It s on 7 table Some flowers are on this table 8 Where 9 her penil box and books They are on the other 另一个 table We can see a clock 10 it Under the chair is her cat It s a very nice bedroom 1 A Kate B of Kate C Kate s D of Kate s 2 A tables B table C tables D table s 3 A we can B can we C can D we 4 A in picture B picture C pictures D of picture 5 A in the B in C on the D on 6 A a B the C some D an 7 A the one B an one C one D an 8 A yes B two C too D no 9 A is B are C be D is the 10 A in B under C on D of 4 四 补全对话 短文 共20 分 1 根据对话内容 完成对话 每空一词 10分 A Hi can I help you B Yes please I want to 1 the music club A Good Can I have your 2 B John Smith A How 3 are you B Twelve A Can you sing B 4 a little I like singing and dancing A Do you have an 5 address B Yes it s cindyj pep com cn A Great 6 a lot B Thank you 1 2 3 4 5 2 用方框中的词完成短文 10 分 My name is Timmy the Mouse I must get up early at 6 30 a m every morning Then I have to go to the kitchen to get food for Grandpa I never to the kitchen because I have to get there before the cat gets up My grandpa always tells me I can t I him because I don t want the cat to get me My grandpa with me but I think it s best to 五 阅读理解 20 A Katen has two brothes Dan and Andy and one sister Tina Karen s mother gets up at five thirty She takes a shower and then she eats breakfast at six o clock Karen and Tina get up at six thirty but Dan and Andy get up at eight thirty Karen and Tina take showers in the moring but Dan and Andy don t Karen her mother Dan and Andy watch Tv in the evening Tina does her homework and goes to bed early arrive late listen to be noisy follow the rules be strict 5 正确的写 A 错误的写 B 1 Karen s mother gets up at six o clock 2 Karen and Tina eat breakfast at six thirty 3 Karen her mother and her sister run in the morning 4 Dan and Andy don t take showers in the morning 5 Tina watches Tv in the evening B It is a fine Saturday morning Lily and Lucy get up at six thirty They want to go to the Great Wall 长城 with their mother At seven fifty they are in a big bus to the Great Wall There are forty people in it Some of them are Americans some are English There are two Chi
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