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Kerem Eitan et al Bacteremic Necrotizing Pneumococcal Pneumonia in Children American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 149 1 1994 242 244 木仓医学考研复试 SCI 长难句 小儿内科第一章 小儿肺炎小儿内科第一章 小儿肺炎 Necrotizing pneumonia massive necrosis of lung tissue is a serious often fatal complication of lobar pneumonia Four children 1 3 to 7 5 yr of age were hospitalized with bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia All of them were acutely ill on presentation with arterial desaturation and they developed anemia and thrombocytosis Two patients had pleural effusion requiring drainage A chest CT scan revealed segmental or lobar pulmonary liquification which led to the diagnosis of necrotizing pneumonia This finding could be demonstrated early in the course of the disease Subsequently all of the patients developed cavitating lesions 坏死性肺炎 即肺组织大量坏死 是大叶性肺炎的一种严重 常致命的并发症 4 名 1 3 7 5 岁的儿童因菌血症性肺炎球菌性肺炎住院 所有患者均以动脉氧 饱和度下降为症状急性起病 并发展为贫血和血小板增多症 2 例患者有胸腔积 液需要引流 胸部 CT 扫描显示出节段性或大叶性的肺部液化 从而得出坏死性 肺炎的诊断 这一发现可在该病病程的早期表现出来 随后 所有患者均出现空 洞性病变 知识点总结 2necrotizingadj 坏死的 necrosisn 坏疽 hospitalizev 就医 送进医院治疗 bacteremicadj 菌血症的 pneumococcaladj 肺炎球菌的 desaturationn 去饱和 anemian 贫血 thrombocytosisn 血小板增多 pleuraladj 胸膜的 effusionn 渗出 Kerem Eitan et al Bacteremic Necrotizing Pneumococcal Pneumonia in Children American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 149 1 1994 242 244 drainagen 排水 liquificationn 液化 cavitatev 形成空洞 Irwin J J and J T Kirchner Anemia in children Duodecim 64 8 2001 997 1002 木仓医学考研复试 SCI 长难句 小儿内科第二章 小儿贫血小儿内科第二章 小儿贫血 Anemiainchildreniscommonlyencounteredbythefamily physician Multiple causes exist but with a thorough history a physical examination and limited laboratory evaluation a specific diagnosis can usually be established The use of the mean corpuscular volume to classify the anemia as microcytic normocytic or macrocytic is a standard diagnostic approach The most common form of microcytic anemia is iron deficiency caused by reduced dietary intake It is easily treatable with supplemental iron and early intervention may prevent later loss of cognitive function Less common causes of microcytosis are thalassemia and lead poisoning Normocytic anemia has many causes making the diagnosis more difficult 儿童贫血常由家庭医生诊治 疾病有多种原因存在 但只要有详尽的病史 体格 检查和有限的实验室评估 通常就能确定具体的诊断 标准的诊断方法是使用平 均红细胞体积将贫血分为小细胞型 正常细胞型和大细胞型 最常见的小细胞性 贫血是由于饮食摄入减少导致铁缺乏引起的 通过补充铁剂很容易治疗 早期干 预还可以预防晚期的认知功能丧失 小细胞性贫血不太常见的病因是地中海贫血 和铅中毒 正常红细胞性贫血有许多原因 使得诊断更加困难 知识点总结 corpuscularadj 微粒子的 血球的 小体的 microcyticadj 小红细胞的 normocyticadj 正常红血球的 macrocyticadj 宏观经济的 thalassemian 地中海贫血 Richards Leila M Claeson and N F Pierce Management of acute diarrhea in children Lessons learned The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal 12 1 1993 5 9 木仓医学考研复试 SCI 长难句 小儿内科第三章 小儿腹泻小儿内科第三章 小儿腹泻 Each year diarrheal disease causes an estimated 3 2 million deaths worldwide in children under 5 years of age Reported attack rates in developing countries range from 1 to 12 episodes per child per year with a global average of 3 episodes per child per year Diarrhea is associated with 1 4 of all deaths in children under 5 years in developing countries Oral rehydration therapy ORT is the cornerstone of global efforts to reduce mortality from acute diarrhea The World Health Organization WHO UNICEF ORS formula contains glucose and sodium in a molar ratio of 1 2 1 Potassium chloride is added to replace potassium lost in the stool 据估计 全世界每年有 320 万 5 岁以下儿童死于腹泻病 据报道 发展中国家 的 腹泻 发生率为每个儿童每年 1 至 12 次 全球平均每个儿童每年 3 次 在 发展中国家 5 岁以下儿童死亡总数的四分之一与腹泻有关 口服补液疗法 ORT 是全球降低急性腹泻死亡率的基石 世界卫生组织 WHO 联合国儿童基金会 UNICEF 口服补液盐配方中葡萄糖和钠的摩尔比为 1 2 1 并添加氯化钾以 补充在粪便中丢失的钾 知识点总结 diarrhealadj 腹泻的 episoden 插曲 发作 oralrehydration口服补液 cornerstonen 基础 基石 formulan 公式 配方 potassiumn 钾 chloriden 氯化 Melnick Joseph L Enterovirus Type 71 Infections A Varied Clinical Pattern Sometimes Mimicking Paralytic Poliomyelitis Reviews of infectious diseases 6 Suppl 2 Supplement 2 1984 S387 90 木仓医学考研复试 SCI 长难句 小儿内科第四章 脊髓灰质炎小儿内科第四章 脊髓灰质炎 Not all poliomyelitis like paralytic illnesses can be attributed to polioviruses Among the most recently recognized agents able to cause severe central nervous system disease with persistent flaccid paralysis is enterovirus type 71 In the 1969 1973 California outbreaks during which strains of this type were first reported meningitis predominated but cases of encephalitis were also seen Outbreaks in different regions of the world followed In some hand foot and mouth syndrome predominated in others meningitis and in some the clinical patterns were mixed 并非所有类似脊髓灰质炎的麻痹性疾病都可归因于脊髓灰质炎病毒 最近发现的 能够引起伴有持续性弛缓性麻痹的严重中枢神经系统疾病的病原体是肠道病毒 71 型 在 1969 年至 1973 年的加州 疫情 暴发期间 首次报告了这种类型 的毒株 以脑膜炎为主 但也出现过脑炎病例 随后在世界不同地区发生了 疫 情 爆发 在一些地区中 手足口病占主导地位 在另一些地区中 脑膜炎占主 要地位 在一些地区中 临床类型多样 知识点总结 poliomyelitisn 脊髓灰质炎 paralyticadj 麻痹的 n 中风患者 poliovirusn 脊髓灰质炎病毒 persistentadj 执着的 坚持不懈的 flaccidadj 迟缓的 软弱的 enterovirusn 肠病毒 meningitisn 脑膜炎 encephalitisn 脑炎 predominatev 支配 Melnick Joseph L Enterovirus Type 71 Infections A Varied Clinical Pattern Sometimes Mimicking Paralytic Poliomyelitis Reviews of infectious disea
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