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新视野大学英语视听说第2册答案UNIT3II. Listening Skills1. M: Will you love and keep him in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?W: I will.Q: Who is the woman?2. W: Mike, wake up1 It is time to go to school. Hurry up or youre going to be late!M: Dont worry. I can sleep all day long. Did you forget today is Martin Luther Kings birthday?Q: Who is the woman most likely to be?3. M: Could I see your drivers license and registration, please? W: Whats the matter, officer? Q: Who is the man?4. M: Id like to ask you about the research paper you assigned that we have to do by the end of the semester. W: ok. What would you like to know? Q: Who is the woman most likely to be?5. W: Ive cleaned the windows, mopped the floors, and folded the laundry. Is there anything else that you would like me to do before I cal lit a day? M: Did you do the living room yet? Q: Who is the woman most likely to be?1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.AIII. Listening InTask 1: Dont be a chicken!Gilbert: Hey, Henry, is Sarah coming with us?Henry: Yes. Why?Gilbert: Nothing. Im just asking.Henry: Just asking? But why is your face flaming red? Ah-huh, someone has a crush on Sarah, doesnt he?Gilbert: Who has a crush?!Henry: Come on, Gilbert, dont be such a chicken. If you like her, just go and tell her. Maybe she likes you.Gilbert: But I dont have the guts to ask her out.Henry: What are you so afraid of?Gilbert: Id totally die if she turned me down.Henry: But thats better than keeping everything to yourself. Youve got to let her know. Come on! Youve got to take a chance!Gilbert: I dont know Well, maybe youre right, but how am I going to tell her I like her?1. go out 2. flaming red 3. has a crush on 4. a chicken 5. likes 6. the guts 7. turn him down 8. know 9. keeping everything to himself10. how to tell herTask 2: Problem of Meeting PeopleBefore the wedding, the groom went up the minister with an unusual offer. “Look, Ill give you $100 if youll change the wedding vows. When you get to the part where Im expected to promise to love, respect and obey her, giving up all others, and be true to her forever, Id be happy if youd just leave that part out.” He gave the minister the cash and walked away with a light heart. The wedding day arrived, and the bride and groom reached that part of the ceremony where they would make vows to each other. When it was time for the grooms vows, the minister looked the young man in the eye and said, “Will you promise to kneel before her, obey her every command and wish, serve her breakfast in bed every morning of your life and make a vow before God and your lovely wife that you will never even look at another woman, as long as you both shall live?” The groom was shocked, but in spite of himself, he said in a low voice, “Yes, I will.” Then the groom whispered to the minister, “I thought we had a deal.” The minister put the $100 into his hand and whispered back, “She made me a much better offer.”1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.FTask 3: Long Distance FriendshipsAmerican weddings are not always the same. Id like to show you pictures of my wedding. When we got engaged, an announcement was published in the newspaper. The announcement typically includes the names of the bride, the bridegroom and their parents and the wedding is expected to be held. About a month before the wedding, we sent out wedding invitations to relatives and friends. This is the church where we had the wedding. My father gave me to my future husband. Then the minister started the wedding ceremony. He greeted the guests, and talked about the meaning of marriage. Next, we exchanged vows and gave each other rings. This is the main part of the wedding. After the vows, the minister prayed for us. Then the minister declared us husband and wife, and we kissed each other. Here is my sister, who was a bridesmaid. This is the bouquet I carried. Traditionally, the unmarried women gather after the wedding, and the bride throws her bouquet to them. The one who catches it will, according to tradition, be the next one to get married. At the reception, we cut the wedding cake and fed each other bites of the cake. Then we toasted each other with champagne. Finally the reception was over, and the minister signed the marriage certificate and we were legally married.1. A 2.B 3.C 4.D1-3-7-5-4-2-6IV. Speaking OutModel 1 I just broke up with Alice!John: Hey, Se-Jin, whats wrong with you? You look so down!Se-Jin: Nothing.John: I know its not your studies, so it must be girl trouble. You must have a broken heart.Se-Jin: Well, youre right. I just broke up with Alice.John: Oh, Im sorry. I thought you two were made for each other.Se-Jin: Well, you never know. I want to settle down, but she wants a career while shes still young.John: Well, its always difficult to choose between career and family
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