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湖北省黄冈中学春季九年级第二次模拟考试英语试题 试卷满分 120 分答题时间 120分钟 一 听力 共三节 计25 分 二 单项选择 共15小题 每小题 1 分 满分 15 分 第一节单项选择 共 15 小题 每小题 1 分 满分 15分 从所给的 A B C D四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 26 Why did all of you laugh just now Tom wanted to tell us very funny story but he forget ending himself A the the B a an C the a D a the 27 Thank you for your help Linda You made possible for us to finish the work in future My pleasure A this B them C that D it 28 I am tired This is not the right to ask me to go for a walk OK we can do it later A moment B chance C place D season 29 It s said that of the water around the world polluted Everyone should do anything of it A two thirds is B two thirds are C two third is D two third are 30 I went to Taiwan last summer and I had a good time there You are so lucky and I am looking forward to going there one day It is a beautiful island and is the east of Fujian Province A in B on C to D from 答案与解析 26 30 D D A A C 31 Why not buy that dress It doesn t fit well it s too expensive A However B Besides C Beside D Instead 32 When is the National Public Memorial Day 国家公祭日 On December 13th And it can us of the hard days in the past A remember B return C remind D refuse 33 What was your brother doing at this time yesterday morning He was writing an e mail to his pen pal I was watching TV at home A while B as soon as C after D until 34 Must I return the bookthe Ordinary Worldthis week No you A mustn t B don t have to C can t D won t 35 Now his English level has improved so much But he used to have much trouble English A learning B to learn C learnt D have learnt 答案与解析 31 35 B C A B A 36 How widely computers in our lives these days Yes they are very useful A use B used C are used D were used 37 Tom asked me but I don t know either At the school gate of course A where would we meet B when will we meet C where we would meet D when we will meet 38 Why are you so worried I ve lost the watch my dad bought me on my birthday A what B who C whom D 39 Sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time A It s hard to say B Of course C That s all right D I agree with you 40 Excuse me would you mind if I use your phone It is on the table over there A Yes please B Sorry I m afraid not C No it s available D Help yourself 答案与解析 31 35 B C A B A 三 完形填空 共15小题 每小题 1 分 满分 15 分 阅读下面的短文 从短文后所给的四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 Robert Stephen is a famous research scientist and he made several very important medical breakthroughs 突破 When he was asked41 he was so excellent he said that it all came from an experience with his42 when he was two years old One day he tried to remove a bottle of milk from a fridge but he dropped43 The bottle of milk fell onto the44 and broke into pieces At this time his mother45 the kitchen 46 being angry with him or punishing him she said Robert never mind We could use a sponge 海绵 a towel or a mop to clean this mess which do you prefer Then he chose the sponge to47 the milk with his mother After that his mother said You know what we have here is a failed experiment in48 to effectively 有效地 carry a big milk bottle with two little hands Let s go out in the back yard and49 the bottle with water and see if you can discover a way50 carry it without dropping it The little boy learned that if he grasped 抓住 the bottle at the top near the lip with both hands he could carry it51 dropping it What a52 lesson From then on he knew he didn t need to be afraid to make53 He also54 that mistakes were just opportunities 机会 for learning something new Which is the scientific experiment about Even if the experiment fails we can also learn something55 from it 41 A why B if C how D when 42 A father B teacher C mother D classmate 43 A that B them C milk D it 44 A hands B yard C fridge D floor 45 A came out B got out C came into D went over 46 A Instead of B As for C Instead D But 47 A put up B clean up C drink up D take up 48 A how B when C why D what 49 A provide B connect C pour D fill 50 A to B for C at D of 51 A on B without C with D in 52 A terrible B different C wonderful D boring 53 A experiments B milk C mistakes D meal 54 A learned B told C thought D reminded 55 A exciting B useful C bad D real 答案与解析 41 45 A C D D C 46 50 A B A D A 51 55 B C C A B 四 综合阅读 共两节 计32 分 第一节阅读理解 共 12 小题 每小题 2 分 满分 24分 阅读下面三篇短文 根据短文内容 选择最佳选项 1 People who remember other people s names enjoy a huge advantage They may become the most popular person simply by recalling people s names and introducing them to each other Lisen Improving your memory in any field begins with one simple rule paying attention When you want to remember a new person s name you have to listen when he says it Forget for a moment what you want to say and simply listen Repeat it immediately Pretend you don t hear the name clearly and repeat it You said your name was John Or you may say it out loudly when you shake hands Try to use the name several times in conversation like What do you think about this John or See you John Write the name on their forehead John Smith Imagine his name is written on his forehead T
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