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东海县九年级英语试题 一 单项选择 共15 小题 每小题1 分 满分 15 分 从每题所给的A B C D四个选项中 选出最佳选项 1 Cao Wenxuan has won the Hans Christian Andersen Prize which makes him first Chinese writer to win highest international award for children s books A the the B the a C a the D 不填 不填 2 How long can I keep the book I m afraid you return it within two days A must B mustn t C can D can t 3 How does your sister know so much about Australia She that country twice A has gone to B has been to C went to D had been to 4 It s very nice you my parents your best wishes A of sending B of to send C for to send D for sending 5 Lily why are you still here School has been over for half an hour I my task yet I still need an hour to finish it A won t finish B didn t finish C haven t finished D hadn t finished 6 do you clean your classroom Twice a day A How much B How long C How often D How many 7 You will feel much if you do more exercise A health B healthy C healthier D more healthily 8 The suspect was asked what he when the murder happened A would do B has done C is doing D was doing 9 Nothing is if we put our hearts into it A interesting B unable C helpless D impossible 10 I returned to the classroom but found in it I didn t know where my friends were A nothing B none C nobody D neither 11 Though the task is very difficult for me I won t easily A get off B give up C put up D go past 12 Mum I don t like this dress I d like one as beautiful as A her B hers C their D your 13 As a teenager Jack Ma a lot of time practicing English with every possible foreigner A spent B paid C took D cost 14 Amy jumps of the three girls A far B farther C the farther D the farthest 15 Mr Liu asked Sam why keep his eyes while doing the eye exercises A didn t he close B he didn t close C didn t he closedD he didn t closed 二 完形填空 共15 小题 每小题1 分 满分 15 分 阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 从每题所给的A B C D四个选项中 选出最佳选项 Long long ago there was a kind lady Every time when she made bread for her family she made a n 16 piece for any hungry person She placed this piece of bread beside a window When the woman did so she always gave a prayer 祷告 for her son Her son 17 a faraway place and she hadn t heard from him 18 a very long time Every day a tramp 流浪汉 came and 19 the bread He said when he was leaving The evil 恶 you do stays with you The good you do comes back to you The woman felt irritated 恼怒的 Not even a word of thanks she said to herself with 20 This went on day by day Finally the woman became so 21 that she decided to get rid of the tramp She added poison to the bread that she was going to 22 to the tramp When she was placing it her hands shook Look at 23 I ve done she immediately threw the bread into fire and made 24 one 25 the tramp came and picked up the bread The evil you do stays with you The good you do comes back to you he said again and left That evening there was a knock on the door 26 the women s son was standing in the doorway He was tired and 27 Mum I didn t think that I can come back home While I was only a mile away I was 28 hungry that I almost gave up But just then an old tramp gave me a piece of bread He said that the bread was his food every day But today he 29 give me the bread for I needed it much more than he did The lady s face turned pale when she 30 those words The tramp s words suddenly came back to her The evil you do stays with you The good you do comes back to you 16 A extra B delicious C fresh D beautiful 17 A had been to B had visited C had gone to D had returned from 18 A since B for C before D until 19 A looked at B put out C ate up D took away 20 A happiness B thanks C unhappiness D peace 21 A pleasant B worried C angry D excited 22 A provide B offer C sell D make 23 A that B which C it D what 24 A other B another C others D the other 25 A As well B As a result C As slowly D As usual 26 A Surprisingly B Successfully C Probably D Certainly 27 A weak B comfortable C careful D nervous 28 A too B so C very D such 29 A should B could C might D may 30 A listened B heard C listened to D heard of 三 阅读理解 共15 小题 每小题2 分 满分 30 分 阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 从每题所给的A B C D四个选项中 选出最佳选项 A B Meal time Lunch is eaten LATER after midday sometimes at 1 p m Dinner around 7 p m or even later Being served At the start of a meal A guest will be invited to serve himself Help yourself or his plate will be filled by the host Can I serve you Refusing food Given something you don t like Push it to the edge of the plate and leave it there Offered more food but can t eat any more Just say At the end of the meal Stay and talk around the dinner table long after the last dish has been brought to the table Leave as soon as you finish eating NO RUDE 31 What will a host probably say to a guest at the start of a meal A Can I help you B Eat slowly C Help yourself D Could you serve me 32 What time do western people usually have dinner A About midday B At 5 00 in the afternoon C Before 7 00 in the afternoon D Around 7 p m or even later 33 Most food in the West is eaten with A spoons B chopsticks C fingers D knives and forks 34 Which of t
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