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邯郸市丛台区永安学校中考英语综合测试模拟试卷 一 单项填空 共 15分 每小题 1 分 从下面各题所给的A B C D四个选项中 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项 1 Is this your mother s bag No bag is red A My B His C Her D Your 2 Mr Brown usually begins work 9 00 in the morning A at B on C in D to 3 There are only 30 minutes left we d better get a taxi A so B or C but D for 4 do you exercise Five times a week A How long B How often C How many D How far 5 Must I finish the work today No you A can t B shouldn t C mustn t D needn t 6 There isn t in the classroom They re in the physics lab now A somebody B anybody C nobody D everybody 7 Coffee is ready How nice it Would you like some A smells B feels C sounds D looks 8 Tom can speak Chinese as as his English A well B good C better D best 9 You should have in yourself I believe if you try your best you ll make it A success B progress C confidence D knowledge 10 It was a difficult time but we never hope A gave out B gave in C gave up D gave off 11 Miss Lee at this school since 2005 A is teaching B taught C will teach D has taught 12 A lot of students enjoy with each other to solve the problems in class A discuss B discussing C to discuss D discussed 13 Nowadays mobile phones in many ways in our daily life A use B used C are used D were used 14 Do you know for England Last Sunday morning A when she leaves B when she left C when does she leave D when did she leave 15 Hello Could I speak to Mrs Green Please call back later A Wait a minute B Hold on please C Sorry she isn t in D Speaking 二 完形填空 共 20分 每小题 2 分 阅读下面的短文 掌握其大意 然后从短文后各题所给的A B C D四个选项中 选择 最佳选项 My son Joey was born with club feet 畸形足 The doctors told us he would be able towalk 16 but would never run very well The first three years of his life were spent in surgery and braces 支架 By the time he was 8 you wouldn t know he had a 17 when you saw him walk The children in our neighborhood ran around as most children do and Joey would play too We never told him that he probably wouldn t be 18 to run as well as the other children So he didn t know In seventh grade he decided to 19 for the cross country team Every day he trained with the team 20 the whole team runs only the top seven runners have thepotential 潜力 to 21 points for the school We didn t tell him he probably would never make the team so he didn t know He 22 to run 4 miles 6 4km a day every day even when he had a high fever We 23 told him he couldn t run 4 miles with a 39 5 C fever So he didn t know When the coach 24 the names of the team members Joey was number six on the list Joey had 25 the team He was in seventh grade the other six team members were all eighth graders We never told him he couldn t do it so he didn t know He just did it 16 A quickly B cheerfully C normally D comfortably 17 A difficulty B problem C mistake D surgery 18 A able B sorry C glad D afraid 19 A bring out B give out C pick out D try out 20 A Although B Because C If D Until 21 A support B hold C score D take 22 A continued B stopped C preferred D failed 23 A ever B never C once D always 24 A saw B posted C signed D asked 25 A got B kept C changed 三 阅读理解 共 45分 每小题 3 分 阅读下列短文 根据短文内容 从短文后各题所给的A B C D 四个选项中 选择最佳 选项 Passage 1 When I planned to study in the US several months ago I was excited but also so nervous to live in a brand new place I couldn t help thinking how bad the situation could be when I arrived What if I couldn t adapt 适应 to the new environment What if I couldn t understand what other people were talking about The more I thought about it the worse my mood got When I was on the airplane I kept telling myself that I had to be strong when facing any problems However when I got off the plane all my worries quickly went away The sky there was so blue Trees and flowers were everywhere I also met many friendly people who were willing to help me My heart became calm and peaceful I became eager to experience more in my new country The first big difference I felt was in the classroom In China because of the traditional culture students respect teachers so much that teachers are very superior 地位高的 to students But in my school in the US teachers even the headmaster are like students friends Students can joke with their teachers do what they want in class and ask any questions For example they can ask to go to the bathroom during class This may be unacceptable for many Chinese teachers I like the easy atmosphere 气氛 at school I feel students have a kind of respect in the class and more freedom There must be more things for me to explore in the US I can t wait to experience them all 26 Before going to the US the writer felt A prepared B scared C nervous D disappointed 27 When the writer got off the plane he found A it was hard to adapt to the new environment B he didn t understand what people were talking about C he would experience some problems D many friendly people were willing to help him 28 What is the class like in the US A Students must listen to teachers B Students can t play jokes on teachers C Students are more free to do things during class D Students c
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