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山东省威海市中考英语试题 一 阅读理解 A One day Vimala and her new friend Mary were playing at school Mary was a very quiet and shy girl but Vimala liked her While jumping Mary s glasses fell off and broke Just then the bell rang and they had to hurry to their science class Oh dear I m going to be as blind as a bat But we d better hurry It s Miss Lee s class said Maray At the start of the lesson Miss Lee explained how to do the experiment to produce large eye crystals Then she started to question the class Nobody dared to give a wrong answer because Miss Lee was a very strict teacher Miss Lee held up a clamp 夹具 and said What do we use is for What do we call it All the girls looked down while she looked at their heads for one to pick on Mary she finally asked Mary was sitting at the back of the class She stood up and peered at Miss Lee but she could not see clearly what the teacher was holding She was nervous a bit and did not answer Miss Lee repeated her question This time she spoke more slowly and there was anger in her voice What is this used for she asked Vimala saw storm clouds climbing up to Miss Lee s face She knew that the storm was about to burst on Mary so she put up her hand Miss Lee paid no attention to her and stared through narrowed eyes at Mary waiting for an answer Mary did not know what to say She looked to her left and right for help Too seared to say out that she couldn t see clearly Mary hoped that if she kept quiet Miss Lee would ask somebody else Vimala guessed what was wrong so she decided to take a risk She jumped to her feet and said Excuse me Miss Lee Mary broke her glasses just before the lesson started I don t think she can see the clamp clearly Then she sat down praying 祈祷 that the ceiling would not fall on her Oh Miss Lee said a little surprised She had thought that Mary was refusing to answer Now that she understood her anger faded away Thank you Vimala she said Then she turned to Mary and said Come and look at this Mary left her chair and went to the front of the class It s a clamp she said We can put it on a metal stand 支架 and use it to hold things in place Well you got it right at last Miss Lee said with a brief smile But you d better not do any experiments until your glasses have been repaired You can watch Vimala while the does the experiment The storm clouds disappeared The smile disappeared from Miss Lee s face and she continued with the lesson Vimala winked at Mary who peered at her and smiled weakly 1 What s the matter with Mary s glasses A They were lost B They were broken C They were left s home 2 Miss Lee was teacher A an English B a science C a math 3 Why couldn t Mary answer Miss Lee s question A Because she didn t know the answer B Because she couldn t hear what Miss Lee was saying C Because she couldn t see what the teacher was holding 4 The sentence Vimala saw storm clouds climbing up to Miss Lee s face means Vimala found A the sky was cloudy B a heavy storm was coming C Miss Lee was becoming angry 5 Which of the following is not right A Mary was quiet and shy and also as blind as a bat B Miss Lee was a strict and serious teacher C Mary knew what a clamp was used for 答案 1 B 2 B 3 C 4 C 5 A 解析 本文介绍了Vimala 和玛丽是新的好朋友 虽然玛丽内向 但是Vimala 很喜欢她 在一次跳高的 时候 玛丽的眼镜掉了 结果玛丽看不清楚东西 这时上课铃响了 是李老师的课 她是一位非常严肃认 真的老师 在课上 李老师问了一个问题 除了玛丽 其他的同学把头低了下去 老师提问了玛丽 由于 看不清楚老师拿的是什么 而没有回答出来 这时老师有点生气 Vimala 出于帮助同学的爱心 把真相告 诉了老师 老师让玛丽走近一点 结果玛丽正确的回答了老师的问题 老师露出了会心的微笑 本文体现 了同学之间的友谊和老师的大度认真 1 细节理解题 根据第一段的句子While jumping Mary s glasses fell off and broke 可知 在她们 玩跳高的时候 玛丽的眼镜掉下来摔坏了 故选B 2 推理判断题 根据第三段的第一句话At the start of the lesson Miss Lee explained how to do the experiment to produce large eye crystals 可知 李老师在课上解释了如何做实验来生产大眼睛晶体 说明李老师是一名科学老师 而不是英语和数学老师 故选B 3 细节理解题 根据第四段第二句话She stood up and peered at Miss Lee but she could not see clearly what the teacher was holding 可知 她看不清楚老师手里拿着什么 故选C 4 词意猜测题 A the sky was cloudy天空是阴云的 B a heavy storm was coming一场暴风雨就要 来了 C Miss Lee was becoming angry李老师开始生气了 题干的意思是 Vimala 看到李老师的脸上有 一层阴云掠过 说明李老师已经开始生气了 故选C 5 细节理解题 题目问的是 下列哪一项不正确 根据句子I m going to be as blind as a bat 这句话 是在玛丽眼镜掉了之后说的话 而不是眼睛不好 因此A不对 由句子Miss Lee was a very strict teacher 可知 李老师是一位严肃认真的老师 因此B对 根据句子 It s a clamp she said We can put it on a metal stand 支架 and use it to hold things in place Well you got it right at last Miss Lee said with a brief smile 可知 玛丽知道夹具的作用 因此C对 故选A B Amanda Kitts is one of tomorrow s people people who have artificial 人工的 body pats She has a bionic 电子操控的 arm Now Kitts nuns a day care center Children nun up to her happily as she comes into the classroom She bends over to talk with a small girl As she bends Kitts puts her hands on her knees For most people this would be easy However just a few years ago this was impossible for Kitts In 2006 Kitts was in a car accident A truck crushed 挤坏 her left arm and the doctor had to cut it off I was angry said depressed I just couldn t accept it she says But then she heard about a new technique that could use the remaining nerves 神经 in her shoulder to contort an artific
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