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徐州市树人初级中学第二次模拟考试 九 年 级 英 语 试 题 时间 100 分钟满分 110 分 一 单项选择 共 15 小题 每小题1 分 满分15 分 1 What cold weather Yes But it s unusual experience for us We normally live in a hot place A a B a an C an D a the 2 Your father s never late for work he But he gets up late on weekends A has Yes he has B is No he isn t C has No he hasn t D is Yes he is 3 The old couple happily at their home when I passed by yesterday afternoon A heard singing B heard to sing C were heard singing D was heard to sing 4 Jack is dishonest He always some excuses for doing something wrong A makes up B sets up C takes up D picks up 5 I never doubt this park is worth A whether visiting B that a visit C that travelling D whether travel 6 Could you tell me Sure Walk straight along this street and you ll find it A how can I get to the museum B where is the museum C which is the way to the museum D how far the museum is 7 Don t too late or you will feel tired in class I won t Mum A stay up B stand up C wake up D get up 8 I think Running Man is the most popular TV game show now A I can t agree more B That s all right C Never mind D I m glad to hear that 9 Many comic books into cartoons in the past 40 years A were made B are made C will be made D have been made 10 Did you enjoy yourself at the party Yes I ve never been to one before A a more exciting B the most excited C a more excited D the most exciting 11 Would you please search some information on the Internet for me A My pleasure B Good idea C It s difficult D With pleasure 12 is the population of China It s reported that China has the population in the world A How much most B What most C How big biggest D What largest 13 Would you mind not throwing waste here and there A Sorry I won t do it again B Sure I d love to C Yes of course D No thanks 14 I found rather difficult to remember all the star signs in such a short time A this B that C it s D it 15 interesting sport news report we are listening to now Yes our team has won the football match A How B How an C What D What an 二 完型填空 共 15 小题 每小题1 分 满分15 分 I stood there listening to my father shout at top of his voice The 16 on his face said that one of us had done something wrong 17 one of you did this We all stared down at the step There was child s handwriting in chalk 粉笔 there I was very 18 I hoped no one could see it Would he guess it was me I was so scared When he asked me I 19 Not me Dad The others denied 否认 it as well Of course we all knew that one of us 20 have done it But as the 21 and smallest of the three I just couldn t find the courage to tell the 22 To find out who had written on the 23 Father gave us each a piece of paper and a pencil I want each of you to 24 exactly what you see on the step I tried my best to write the words 25 I didn t want Dad to be able to tell it was me He gathered up our pieces of paper and looked at them Since 26 of you will admit to have done it then I will punish you all I stood there and said 27 The last thing I wanted was for Dad to punish me I 28 it My sister stepped forward and said she had done something she hadn t She was grounded 受处罚 for a month We didn t talk about that for many years Not 29 we were all older and I knew it was safe to finally tell my dad it was really 30 I always felt sorry because of it That was the last time I let anyone take the blame 责任 for me 16 A sound B taste C look D feeling 17 A What B Which C Who D Where 18 A unhappy B surprised C angry D frightened 19 A lied B said C talked D told 20 A can B may C must D might 21 A oldest B kindest C youngest D healthiest 22 A answer B story C truth D thing 23 A step B ground C floor D door 24 A write B draw C paint D print 25 A carefully B differently C heavily D badly 26 A all B none C neither D both 27 A something B anything C everything D nothing 28 A did B done C do D doing 29 A on B with C unless D until 30 A him B me C them D her 三 阅读理解 共12 小题 每小题2 分 满分24 分 阅读下面三篇短文 从各题所给的A B C D四个选项中选出最佳选项 A 3 Scientists Awarded The 2015 Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine Name Youyou Tu Born 1930 China Prize share 1 2 Working place China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine Name Satoshi Omura Born 1935 Japan Prize share 1 4 Working place Kitasato University Name William C Campbell Born 1930 Ireland Prize share 1 4 Working place Drew University 31 William C Campbell was born in A China B Japan C Ireland D Germany 32 Among the three scientists who is the youngest A Youyou Tu B Satoshi Omura C William C Campbell D We don t know 33 Suppose the total prize f or the 3 scientists is 1 000 000 how much will Youyou Tu get A 250 000 B 500 000 C 750 000 D 1 000 000 B Singapore A Fine City Singapore welcomes tourists When you come to visit Singapore please keep the laws of this country Here are some points that you must remember SMOKING Cigarette smoking is a danger to health It is not allowed in lifts cinemas theaters all government offices and on buses If you break it you have to pay fines of up to 1 000 LITTER Singapore is the Garden City of Asia clean and gre
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