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镇江市区中考网上阅卷答题卡模拟训练 英语试卷 本试卷共 8 页 满分 90 分 考试用时 100 分钟 一 单项选择 共 15 题 每小题1 分 满分15 分 从 A B C D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳正确选项 1 Wu Dajing won gold in the men s 500 meters setting world record at PyeongChang A a B an C the D 解析 考冠词 创一项纪录 用不定冠词a an 2 Many people like posting photos of on WeChat but I don t think it s safe A them B their C they D themselves 解析 考代词 主语是people 相当于 they 介词 of 的宾语还是them 故用反身代 词 本题略有难度 3 The Qingming Festival of this year falls April 5 th and thousands of cars poured into high ways the early morning of the holiday A on in B in on C on on D in in 解析 时间介词辨析 April 5th 是具体日子 介词用on the early morning of the holiday是具体日子的上下午 介词还是用on 4 I have a poor memory so I have to my phone number book every time I want to make a call A look up B look at C look for D look over 解析 动词短语辨析 look up 查阅 单词 号码 look at 看着 look for寻找 look over 仔细检查 5 You will never gain success you fully put your effort into your work A although B unless C if D because 解析 考连词 Unless 除非 如果不 引导条件状语从句 6 I myself French from 7 a m to 9 a m yesterday I to work A was teaching didn t go B taught didn t go C was teaching went D taught went 解析 考时态 from 7 a m to 9 a m yesterday是一个时间段 故用过去进行时 表示一个时间跨度较长的动作 如果是瞬间动词 则用一般过去时 本题略有 难度 7 I have some problems with my English writing Can you give me some A magazines B directions C suggestions D messages 解析 名词辨析 针对problems 我们想到的应该是suggestions 8 The wonderful life in high school you look forward to A coming B is coming C came D was coming 解析 考句子成分的分析和时态 you look forward to 是一个定语从句 主语中 心词是life 所以谓语动词用 is coming 表达即将来到 本题设置有陷阱 诱使考生只想到look forward to doing 9 Did you buy the book A brief history of time by Stephen William Hawking Yes I it since I entered the college This is a best seller A have bought B have given C have had D have borrowed 解析 考时态 现在完成时短动作与状态性动词的辨析 由于有 since 短语来表达 至今的一段时间 所以 动词只能是长动作或者状态 有一定难度 为历年中 考必考知识点 10 He is badly ill and is kept by a feeding tube 管子 A lively B living C live D alive 解析 形容词辨析 本题有一定难度 句中 is kept 是被动结构 后面缺少补语 Living adj 活的 一般作定语修饰名词 alive 活的 adj 是表语形容词 在 句子中作表语或者补语 宾补或主语补语 live 现场的 修饰名词 lilvely adj 活泼的 11 Children are the future and hope of our motherland important work it is to teach children A How B How an C What D What an 解析 考感叹句 句子主谓语是it is 前面表语是名词短语 故用What 本题略有 难度 12 Sorry I forgot to take money with me Maybe I can t buy the book you like Mum you worry about it We can pay by Alipay 支付宝 A can t B needn t C mustn t D shouldn t 解析 考情态动词 can t 不可能 不可以 needn t 不需要 mustn t 不应该 shouldn t 不应该 13 Dan shows an interest in musical instruments and is often heard the guitar A play B played C playing D to play 解 析 考 非 谓 语 动 词 结 构hear see have make sb do 的 被 动 式 是 sb be heard seen had made to do 14 Liz the film Wolf Warrior II is so popular Is it quite perfect To tell the truth I ve seen it twice A I am sure B I believe it C I don t think so D I couldn t agree more 解析 考交际用语 I couldn t agree more 我再同意也不过 15 David could you tell me 一 Ok I ll check it for you on the Internet A how often do the Winter Olympic Games take place B when the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games will start C how many events are there in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games D who wins the most gold medals in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games 解析 考复合句 宾语从句 AC为词序错误 二 完形填空 共 10 小题 每小题1 分 满分10 分 阅读下面短文 根据短文内容 从短文后各题所给的A B C D四个选项中 选择最 佳选项 How do you get on with your teachers Every day we spend hours with our teachers at school We 16 them and they teach us to be good people The relationship between students and teachers is very important Teachers care about our studies and lives and it seems they know everything about the 17 they teach They also have the right to decide 18 should be the class leaders or represent the class to take part in the activities So many students want to be the teacher s pet We 19 teachers great respect In class we obey the rules and keep 20 if the teacher doesn t ask us to speak We 21 have thoughts different from our teachers When they make a mistake we seldom point it out Some of us don t want to contact teachers after class because we don t want to disturb them At American 22 the situation is a little different Teachers and students are more like friends 23 a teacher by his or her name is common In class students express their thoughts 24 and challenge teachers bravely when they don t agree If it turns out that a teacher makes a mistake the teacher will say 25 in front of the whole class Students and teachers also communicate through email Facebook or Twitter after class They chat about studies and life experiences 16 A learn about B learn from C come from D hear about 17 A world B nature C humans D subjects 18 A where B which C who D what 19 A send B make C tell D show 20 A quiet B noisy C excited D sleepy 21 A never B usually C always D hardly 22 A families B offices C schools D shops 23 A Calling B Asking C Naming D Telling 24 A really B quickly C freely D regularly 25 A OK B Sorry C Thanks D Yes 解析 本文讲述中美两国的学校里不同的师生关系 提醒 没有优劣 因文化背景不同 本题考动词3 名词 3 副词 2 形容词1 代词 1 三 阅读理解 共 10 小题 每小题2 分 满分 20 分 阅
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