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学海无涯Friendship-Language Points学案1. Add up your score and see how many points you get.把得分加起来,看你能得多少。 Add up all the money I borrowed from you. 把我从你那儿借的钱都加在一起。 If we add these marks up,well get a total of 90. 如果我们把这些分数加起来,总数就有九十分了。 He set down the weights of all the stones and then added them up. 他记下了所有石头的重量,然后合计起来。 add up意为加起来;合计,是动副搭配;“把A加起来”表示为add upA或addA up,但若A为代词,表述为addAup。 add to增加 add.to.往里添加 add up to总计;加起来等于 add that.补充说 The bad weather added to our difficulty.坏天气增加了我们的困难。 Please add some sugar to the milk.请往牛奶里加些糖。 He expressed his thanks to me and added that he would come back. 他表达了对我的感谢之情并补充说他还会来的。 (1)The engine of the ship was out of order and the bad weather the helplessness of the crew at sea. A.added to B.resulted from C.turned out D.made up 答案A (2)She gave many excuses,but what they was that she didnt want to come. A.added to B.added C.added up D.added up to 答案B (3)All his schooling no more than one year. A.added up to B.added to C.is added up D.added 答案A2. When he/she borrowed it last time,he/she broke it and you had to pay to get it repaired.他/她上次借时,把它弄坏了,你得花钱维修。 I must get the radio mended. 我必须把这台收音机修好。 He has got his hair cut.他已理发了。 get A done意为叫人做A,其中get意为使,过去分词done与A之间是动宾关系,即 被动关系。 get A donehave A done让A被 get A to dohave A do让A去做 get A doinghave A doing使A一直做;容忍A做 Get your father to come tomorrow.Have your father come tomorrow. 明天叫你父亲来。 He got/had the light burning all the night. 他让灯通宵亮着。 We wont have (get) anyone separating Taiwan from China. 我们不容忍任何人把台湾从中国分离出去。 Ill get my bad teeth pulled out tomorrow. 明天我让人把坏牙拔掉。 (1)I got him to find a house for me (给我找房子). (2)She got the horse tied to the tree (拴在了树上). (3)I shouldnt have got you standing (老站着).3. Your friend comes to school very upset.你的朋友忧心忡忡地来到了学校。 He was horribly upset over her illness.他为她的病而忧心忡忡。 Im suffering from an upset stomach.我的肠胃正不舒服呢。 upset系形容词,在句中可作表语、定语和状语,be upset over/about/at.意为因感 到心烦意乱。 upset vt.(upset;upset;upsetting)使心烦意乱;使不适;打翻;打乱 Losing the necklace borrowed from her friend upset her completely. 她把从朋友那儿借来的项链弄丢了,这使她心烦意乱。 The lousy food upsets my stomach.这糟糕的饭菜使我肠胃不适。 Be careful not to upset the bottle of ink.小心不要打翻了这瓶墨水。 Rain upset our plan for a picnic.下雨打乱了我们的野餐计划。 (1)Your choice upset him (使他不安). (2)Dont be upset at/over/about it (别为这事心烦了).Just forget it.4. ignore the bell.不顾及铃声 He ignores my advice and goes on playing.他不顾我的劝告而继续玩。 His problems cant be ignored.他的问题不容忽视。 ignore是动词,意为忽视;不理睬。 ignorant adj.无知的;很无礼的 ignorance n.无知 He was driving very fast because he was ignorant of the speed limit. 他车开得很快,因为他不知道要限速。 His failure resulted from ignorance.他的失败起因于他的无知。 用ignore及其派生词的适当形式填空 (1)I said hello to her,but she ignored me completely. (2)I was ignorant of the fact that the boss could be so strict. (3)We are in complete ignorance of his plans. (4)He ignores the doctors advice and goes on smoking.5. .and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend down.去某个安静的地方让你的朋友平 静下来。 Calm down;whats the matter?镇定点,怎么了? The teacher calmed her students down.老师让学生们镇定了下来。 calm是动词,意为镇定,使平静下来;calm down意为平静下来;系动副搭配。 calm也可用作形容词或名词。 keep calm保持镇定 When in trouble,she is calm.面对困境,她很沉着。 The city was calm after the war.战后该城宁静了。 They sat in the yard to enjoy the calm of the evening. 他们坐在院子里享受这夜晚的宁静。 Keep calm when in danger.身处危险时要保持镇定。单词意义区别calm用于人时,指内心平静;用于自然界时,形容风和日丽的天气或风平浪静的海洋。quiet用于人时,指生性安静的;用于自然界时,指没有干扰、喧闹或骚动。still表示暂时不动、静止,强调不作出动作。silent沉默的,主要指不说话或不喧闹。 When facing danger,one should keep calm;when taken photos,one should keep still; when someone else is asleep,one should keep quiet;in class,one shouldnt keep silent about the teachers questions. 一个人面对危险时,应该保持镇静;照相时,要保持不动;当其他人睡觉时,应保持 安静;在课堂上,对老师的提问不应保持沉默。 用calm,quiet,still和silent填空 (1)Please be quiet.Dont make so much noise. (2)Stand still while I take a photo of you. (3)Whatever I asked him,Kerry still kept silent. (4)We must be calm in an emergency. (5)After the storm,the sea was calm.6. .you are concerned about him/her.你担心他/她 Were rather concerned about fathers health.我们相当担心父亲的健康。 I am concerned about my little brother.我关心我的小弟弟。 concerned既是concern的过去分词,也可用作形容词,作表语或定语;be concerned about意为关心,为而担心。 concern v.影响;涉及;n.担心,忧虑;关心 as far as.be concerned关于;至于;就而言 be concerned over sth.be concerned about sth.为某事担忧;关心 be concerned with/in牵涉到,与有关 Everyone who was concerned in the affair regrets
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