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Unit 5 A party (Story time)一、教学内容Story time二、教学目标1.知识目标:能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词: clown, appear, begin, 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写句型:What are you going to bring to the party? Im going to bring some toys. Are we going to eat or play with the toys first? 2.能力目标:通过课文重点语言知识点的学习,能理解课文内容,能自然流畅地给课文内容配音和表演。三、教学重难点1.正确掌握,灵活运用将来时句型表达于真实情景中。2.能理解,正确朗读,表演Story time,并能自编类似情景。四、教学准备多媒体课件,图片。五、教学过程Step 1: arming up1. Free talk: What date is it? Date/weather?2.Guessing game: balloon / clown /Childrens Day T: Lets have some fun first.根据描述来猜 T; Ill show you some riddles. Can you guess them? T: Its a toy, when we blow it, it will get bigger and rounder, its like a ball, but its very light. T: They look funny, they have a large red nose and funny face. They wear funny clothes. They make people laugh. Who are they? T: A holiday, in june, Children like it. Ss: Its Childrens Day!3. Lets chat What do you usually do on Childrens Day? What did you do last Childrens Day?利用图片回忆去年儿童节。 T:This is the last childrens Day in our primary school life. If we want to have a wonderful party in our classroom, we should prepare many things. We should prepare some performances. We should bring some things to the party. 导入本课重点句型:What are you going to bring to the party? Im going to . . 4. 揭题:T:You are going to have a party. The children are going to have a party,too. (出示本课人物图片) Today we are going to learn Unit 5 A party.Step 2: Story tome1. Can you ask any questions about the tittle?(利用板书提醒孩子可以用哪些疑问词来提问)Ss: When? What? Who? Where ? 引导学生提问 be going to . 2. Read and answer(PPT出示第一段内容,让学生读并找问题。) When are they going to have the party? Where are they going to have the party? Who are going to take part in the party? 学生回答时在黑板上贴人物图片等信息3. Listen and match (听录音,找出信息)完成书上50页(1) T: The children want to prepare for the party? (2) What are the children going to bring to the pary? Check: What is Yang Ling/Su Hai/Wang Bing/Liu Tao going to bring to the party? Ss: Su Hai /Wang Bing/Yang Ling/Liu Tao is going to bring some snacks/drinks/toys/fruit/balloons. PPT连线并适时板书在学生回答时可以补充提问: What snacks/drinks is Su Hai going to bring? She is going to . What fruit is Wang Bing going to bring? He is going to . What toys is Yang Ling going to bring? She is going to . (3)Lets try to say:让学生用自己的话来说一说 Childrens Day is coming soon, The children are going to .说的刘涛时可以提示孩子,He is going to bring some secret things. 4. Learn picture 2 and 3: (1) T: The children have prepared for their party. It is Sunday morning. The children bring their things to Mikes house. Lets go and see. 展示课文图片2 T:Are the children all here? Ss: No. T: I cant find Liu Tao, can you see him? Where is he? Ss: We dont know. T: Look.(2) Learn picture 3The way: T: Just then, a clown appears. Show and read: clown appears(让学生扮演小丑从讲台下钻出,理解appear)T:Just then,a clown appears in our class room.(可拓展disappear) T: Who is he? Who can ask him?S: Who are you? Clown: (录音)Im Liu Tao. Here are some balloons for you. Ss: Thank you.5. Learn picture 4 (1) the way: T: The children are all here, Now the party begins: What are they going to do first at the party? (2) Lets guess: Are they going to . first? S:Are they going to .? Show: They are going to have some fun first.(3) Lets imagine: What fun are they going to play? Ss: Maybe/Perhaps they are going to .6. watch the cartoon, then do an exercise (True or false) 书上 50页 T: Just now, we have learned the story. Now lets watch the cartoon,then do an exercise: true or false.(1)watch (2) True or false (3) check7. Learn to read: 注意声调降调以及重读。 (1) Listen and read (2) Read together(3)Ask some students to read the story time.8. Act the story.(让带头饰扮演)9. Lets prepare for our picnic. T: Next Friday, we are going to have a picnic .Where are we going to have the picnic?What are we going to bring to the picnic? Write down your plans:Write down your plans:下面这些单词可能会帮助你。pot 锅子 stove 火炉 bowl 碗 chopsticks筷子 spoon 勺子 picnic blanket 野餐毯 tent 帐篷 fruit 水果 vegetable蔬菜We are going to have a picnic near _._ is going to bring _._ is going to _._.At the picnic, we are going to _. _ is going to _We are going to have a lot of fun.Step 3: Homework 1. 听录音,熟读并背诵Story time部分课文。板书: Unit5 A partyWhen Childrens DayWhere Mikes houseWho Su Hai Wang Bing Yang Ling Liu TaoWhat snacks fruit toys ?
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