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Module 6The Tang PoemsPart 1巧记考纲单词. 核心单词熟写1. part v. 分手; 分离2. sharev. 分享; 共享3. provev. 证明是; 被发现是4. revealv. 揭示, 揭露; 显露5. appealn. 魅力; 吸引力6. glancen. 一瞥; 迅速看一眼7. caterv. 满足需求8. correspondv. 通信9. acquaintancen. 相识的人; 泛泛之交10. specialistn. 专家11. mentaladj. 内心的; 精神上的12. expensen. 费用13. launchv. 开始; (积极有力地)着手进行14. descendv. 下来, 下降. 拓展单词会用1. expand v. 使膨胀; 扩张; 扩大 expansion n. 扩张2. fail v. 失败failure n. 失败者3. suffer v. 遭受 suffering n. (肉体或精神上的)痛苦; 苦难4. corrupt v. 使堕落; 破坏 corruption n. 腐败; 堕落5. regular adj. 有规律的; 规则的 regularly adv. 有规律地; 定期地 irregular adj. 不规则的; 无规律的6. reflect v. 反映; 反省 reflection n. 倒影; 反映 7. caution v. 警告; 劝小心 cautious adj. 谨慎的8. donate v. 提供; 捐donation n. 捐赠; 捐赠物9. independence n. 独立independent adj. 独立的10. imagine v. 设想; 想象 imagination n. 想象; 空想Part 2闪记重点短语1. take hold of抓住2. approve of sth. 赞成某事; 满意某事3. cater for满足的要求4. be addicted to沉溺于; 对上瘾5. take on呈现; 雇佣; 具有6. have association with与有联系7. a chorus of异口同声的8. correspond with与通信9. all at once同时; 突然10. on second thoughts再三考虑; 继而一想11. glance at瞥一眼; 迅速看一眼Part 3速记经典句式1. It is said that he drowned when he fell into a river while trying to take hold of the reflection of the Moon (在试图抓住月亮倒影时)(while+v. -ing构成的时间状语从句的省略)2. If only (要是该多好)people could see me inside. (if only引导的虚拟句)3. As he was not so successful as(没有像一样成功)some of the other young men of his time in the Civil Service Examination to become a government official. . . (not so. . . as. . . 同级比较)联想拓展多积累1. 否定前缀in-/im-/il-/ir-irregular不规则的impossible 不可能的illegal非法的inactive不活动的2. “take +n. + of”短语集锦take hold of抓住take charge of 负责, 管理take care of照顾 take notice of 留心, 注意take advantage of 利用3. “be +v. -ed +prep. ”短语集锦be addicted to. . . 沉溺于; 对上瘾be devoted to. . . 致力于 be interested in. . . 对感兴趣 be impressed with. . . 对印象深刻 4. “看”短语集锦glance at瞥一眼 glare at怒目而视 stare at凝视 have a look at看catch sight of看到3
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