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Unit 1Cultural relics阅读词汇1.cultural adj.文化的2.relic n.遗物;遗迹;纪念物3.rare adj.稀罕的;稀有的;珍贵的4.vase n.花瓶;瓶5.dynasty n.朝代;王朝6.dragon n.龙7.honey n.蜜;蜂蜜8.jewel n.珠宝;宝石 9.troop n.群;组;军队10.wooden adj.木制的11.mystery n.神秘;神秘的事物12.castle n.城堡13.trial n.审判;审讯;试验14.eyewitness n.目击者;证人15.maid n.少女;女仆识记词汇1.valuable adj.贵重的;有价值的2.survive vi.幸免;幸存;生还3.amaze vt.使吃惊;惊讶4.amazing adj.令人吃惊的5.select vt.挑选;选择6.design n.设计;图案;构思vt.设计;计划;构思7.fancy adj.奇特的;异样的vt.想象;设想;爱好8.style n.风格;风度;类型9.decorate v.装饰;装修10.artist n. 艺术家11.belong vi.属于;为的一员12.reception n.接待;招待会;接收13.remove vt.移动;搬开14.doubt n.怀疑;疑惑vt.怀疑;不信15.former adj.以前的;从前的16.worthprep.值得的;相当于的价值n.价值;作用adj.古值钱的17.local adj.本地的;当地的18.apart adv.分离地;分别地19.painting n.绘画;画识记词汇20.evidence n.根据;证据21.explode vi.爆炸22.entrance n.入口23.sink vi.下沉;沉下24.informal adj.非正式的25.debate n.争论;辩论vi.争论;辩论 26.sailor n.水手;海员;船员拓展词汇1.valuable adj.贵重的;有价值的value n.价值;重要性v.评价;重视;给估价2.select vt.挑选;选择selection n.选择3.amaze vt.使吃惊;惊讶amazing adj.令人吃惊的amazed adj.感到吃惊的amazement n.惊奇4.evidence n.根据;证据evident adj.明显的;明白的5.decorate v.装饰;装修decoration n.装饰6.reception n.接待;招待会;接收receive vt.接待;接收receptionist n.接待员;招待员7.doubt n.怀疑;疑惑 vt.怀疑;不信doubtful adj.感到怀疑的;不确定的undoubtedly adv.确实地;毋庸置疑地8.survive vi.幸免;幸存;生还 vt.幸免于survival n.幸存survivor n.幸存者9.informal adj.非正式的formal adj.正式的短语记忆1.in search of寻找2.belong to属于3.think highly of看重;器重;高度评价4.in return作为报答;回报5.at war处于交战状态6.less than少于7.take apart拆开8.serve as充当9.look into调查10.rather than而不是句型整理1.Frederick William ,the King of Prussia,could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.普鲁士国王腓特烈威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人民的厚礼会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。2.There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Knigsberg,which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea.毫无疑问,这些箱子后来被装上火车运往哥尼斯堡,当时德国在波罗的海边的一个城市。句型整理3.In a trial,a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe.在审判中,一位法官必须断定哪些证人(的话)可以相信,哪些不可以相信。重点语法The Restrictive and Non-Restrictive Attributive Clauses(限制性和非限制性定语从句)1.survive vt.(经过)活(保存)下来vi.活下来;幸存归纳拓展survive sth.在之后仍然生存,从(事故火灾地震等)中幸存下来survive on.靠存活下来survival n.U幸存;C残存物survivor n.生还者;幸存者完成句子我很高兴没有人受伤,但我希望驾驶员也能挺过来。I was happy that no one else was hurt, but I hoped the driver would survive.(2017年11月浙江,完形填空)他在沙漠中靠水活了一周。He survived in the desert for a week on water.单句填空Baptiste Dubanchet is biking across Europe,surviving (survive)entirely on discarded(丢弃) food.(2019年6月浙江,完形填空)2.design vt.设计;计划;构思n.设计;图案;构思归纳拓展by design=on purpose 有意,故意be designed for sb.sth.为某人某物设计、计划be designed to do sth.为做某事计划、设计be designed as sth.作为而设计单句填空The Center offers programs designed to challenge(challenge) and inspire with hands-on tasks and lots of fun.(2018北京,阅读理解B)The houses are specially designed for the old people.She arrived just as we were leaving,but whether this was by accident or by design Im not sure.完成句子From the design and colour of our uniforms(从我们制服的设计和颜色来说), the British friends will learn more about our school.(2019江苏,书面表达)3.worth n.价值;作用prep.值得的;相当于的价值归纳拓展be (well) worth (doing) sth.(很)值得(做)be worthy of beingto be done 值得做be worthy of sth.值得It be worthwhile to dodoing sth.做某事值得完成句子By the time she was 13,her company was worth millions of dollars(她的公司值数百万美金) with the invention of a super-sweet treat that could save kidsteeth, instead of destroying them.(2019北京,阅读理解B)一句多译这本书值得读。The book is worth reading.The book is worthy to be readof being read.It is worthwhile readingto read the book.1.in search of寻找;寻求归纳拓展in ones search for 寻找;搜寻search sb.sp.搜身搜某地search for sb.sth.寻找搜寻某人某物search. for.搜查某人某地以寻找某物完成句子Firstly, they spent more time in search of food(寻找食物).(2019江苏,任务型阅读)警察搜查了嫌疑犯,但在他身上找不到武器。The police searched the suspect but found no weapon on him.2.belong to属于;为的一员归纳拓展belong to表示“属于”,不能用于进行时态和被动语态。belongings n.财产,所有物完成句子The students feel that they belong to a particular group(他们属于一个特殊的小组).(2019年6月浙江,语法填空)想想那些属于读书小组的人们吧。Think of the people who belong to book groups.(2016全国,阅读理解C)3.think highly of看重,器重,高度评价归纳拓展think wellmuch of.认为好;对评价高think illpoorlynot muchlittle of.认为不好;对评价不高think nothing of 不把当回事;对等闲视之speak highly of 高度赞扬speak wellill of说好坏sing high praise for 高度赞扬翻译句子经理对年轻人在公司的表现给予了高度评价。The manager thought highly of the young mans performance in the company.一句多译我对这些所谓的改善市中心的措施评价不高。I think littlenothing of these so-called improvements to the town centre.These so-called improvements to the town centre are poorly thought of.I dont think much of these so-called improvemen
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