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Unit3 Unit3Onlinetours Grammar 完成句子 1 北京因万里长城而著名 Beijing theGreatWall 2 这条河是个钓鱼的好地方 Thisriverisa fishing 3 我三天前听说过这件事 I this 4 自从2000年起 他就在上海工作了 He inShanghai 2000 isfamousfor goodplacetogo heardofthreedaysago hasworkedsince Revision 学科网 zxxk fenghuangxueyi dreamvi vt 做梦 梦想dreamabout of想象 梦想e g Doyouoftendreamatnight 你在夜里经常做梦吗 Isometimesdreamaboutmyparents 我有时梦见我的父母 Idreamofbecomingateacher 我一心想当个教师 Newwords passportn 护照 学科网 zxxk fenghuangxueyi Daniel两年前去了北京 DanielwenttoBeijingtwoyearsago Daniel已经在北京居住两年了 DanielhaslivedinBeijingfortwoyears Weusesimplepasttensetotellwhathappenedinthepast Weusethepresentperfecttensetotalkaboutanactionthatstartedinthepastandcontinuestothepresent Presentation 1 三年前他养了只猫做宠物 He acataspetthreeyearsago 2 这只宠物猫他养了三年了 He thepetcatforthreeyears kept haskept Exercises Daniel上个月买了台新电脑 Danielboughtanewcomputerlastmonth Daniel已经买了台新电脑 Danielhasboughtanewcomputer Danielhasanewcomputernow Weusethesimplepasttensetotellwhathappenedinthepast Weusethepresentperfecttensetotalkabouttheresultofanaction Whentheactionhappenedisnotveryimportant Itmayhavejusthappenedorhappenedsometimeago Presentation 1 我上个星期去参观了那个新动物园 I thatnewzoolastweek 2 我已经参观过那个新动物园了 I thatnewzoo visited havevisited Exercises 学科网 zxxk fenghuangxueyi 吴老师2010年和2011年访问过加拿大 MrWuvisitedCanadain2010and2011 吴老师已经去过加拿大两次 MrWuhasbeentoCanadatwice Weusethesimplepasttensetotellwhathappenedinthepast Weusethepresentperfecttensetotellhowmanytimesanactionhashappenedtillnow Presentation 1 我上周看过这部电影 I thismovielastweek 2 我已经看过这部电影很多次 I thismoviemanytimes saw haveseen Exercises SimonisshowingMilliesomepictures Completehissentenceswiththecorrectformsofthewordsinbrackets I visit thePalaceMuseumwithmygrandparentstheotherday I climb MountHuanglastSummer visited climbed youever try thefamousTianjinBaozi IamhappythatI learn toswim Havetried havelearnt MrWuisaskingthestudentstomakesentenceswiththecorrecttenses Helpthemcompletethesentenceswiththecorrectformsofthewordsinbrackets 1 I finish just myhomework Millie finish herhomework20minutesago 2 I write anemailtomyfriendyesterday Daniel write already twoemails hasalreadywritten havejustfinished wrote finished 3 I be inHainanlastweek Someofourclassmates notbe toHainanyet 4 I live inSunshineTownsinceIwasborn Daniel live inNanjingin2007 was lived havelived havennotbeen MilliehasneverbeentoNanjing SheisaskingSimonaboutthecity Completetheirconversationwiththecorrectformsofthewordsinbrackets Millie you be ever toNanjing Simon Yes I 2 be therethreetimes Millie When 3 you go therelast Simon Lastsummer I 4 spend aweekthere Millie 5 you like it Haveyoueverbeen havebeen didyougo spent Doyoulike Simon Ohyes I 6 have agreattimethere I 7 visit manyplacesofinterestand 8 eat lotsoflocalfood Millie Luckyyou I 9 be never there had visited ate haveneverbeen MillieiswritingabouttheUSAinherdiary Completeherdiaryentrywiththecorrectformsoftheverbsinthebox Saturday 15MarchHaveyoueverdreamtoftravellingaroundtheworldwithoutapassport Yes youcanrealizeyourdreambytakinganonlinetour YesterdayDanniel 1 meanonlinetouroftheUSA I 2 never somanywonderfulpictruesbefore showed haveseen Lastweek I 3 abookabouttheplacesofinterestintheUSA I 4 20pagesalready It sreallyinteresting Mydad 5 just fromtheUSA butI 6 never there IhopeIcanvisittheUSAsomeday havebeen bought haveread has returned Weoftenusethesetimeexpressionswiththesimplepasttense yesterdaytheotherdaylast ago Weoftenusethesetimeexpressionswiththepresentperfecttense alreadyuptonoweveruntil tillnowjustsofarrecently not yet Tips someday和theotherday的区别 someday指将来 总有一天 有朝一日 终将 日后 某一天 谓语动词用一般将来时 如 Yourwisheswillcometruesomeday 总有一天你的愿望会实现的 Somedayyou llhavetopayforwhatyouhavedone 总有一天你要为你的行为而付出代价的 Tips someday和theotherday的区别 theotherday相当于afewdaysago 意为 几天前 某天 那天 不久前 句中用一般过去时 如 Imetherinthestreettheotherday 几天前我在街上碰见过她 Iboughtthewatchtheotherday 这手表我是几天前买的 1 一般过去时表示过去某时发生的动作或单纯叙述过去的事情 强调动作 现在完成时为过去发生的 强调过去的事情对现在的影响 强调的是影响 Summary 2 一般过去时常与具体的时间状语连用 而现在完成时通常与模糊的时间状语连用 或无时间状语 一般过去时的时间状语 yesterday lastweek ago in1980 inOctober just now等 皆为具体的时间状语 现在完成时的时间状语 for since sofar ever never just yet till until uptonow inpastyears always等 皆不确定的时间状语 共同的时间状语 thismorning tonight thisApril now already recently lately等 3 现在完成时可表示持续到现在的动作或状态 动词一般是延续性的 如 live teach learn work study know 一般过去时常用的非持续性动词有come go leave start die finish become getmarried等 句子中如有过去时的时间副词 如yesterday lastweek in1960 时 不能使用现在完成时 要用过去时 错 Tomhaswrittenalettertohisparentslastnight 对 Tomwrotealettertohisparentslastnight 1 Mother meanewcoatyesterday I iton Itfitsmewell A hadmade havetriedB made havetriedC hasmade triedD made tried Exercises B 2 We treeslastSunday Sofarwe over3 000treesthere A planted plantedB planted haveplantedC haveplanted plantedD haveplanted haveplanted B 3 I theway I hereforquitemanyyears A knew havelivedB knew liveC know havelivedD know live C Finishtheexercisesinworkbook Homework
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