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Unit4 Where smyschoolbag 学习目标 1 能正确使用下列单词或短语 radio clock tape player tapeplayer modal plane modalplane 2 能够熟练使用介词in on under描述物品所在的位置 3 能够熟练使用下列句型 Where s It son under in Whereare They reon under in 4 理解寻求帮助的句型 Couldyoubringsomeschoolthingstoschoolforme Newwords Englishbooks clock tape tapeplayer hat radio modelplane Where sthe It son in under on在 上面 under在 下面 in在 里面 Where sTom It sonthecase I mTom in under on where在哪里 where s whereis It sinthecase It sunderthecase Let svisitTommy shome A Whereismyschoolbag B It s schoolbag baseball underthetable It sunderthedesk A Whereishisnotebook B It s intheschoolbag A Wherearethekeys B They re underthesofa B Theyareonthebed they 它们他们她们 they re theyare Where thebooks inthe are They re Where thekeys thepencilcase are They re bookcase under GrammarFocus Finddifferencesofthesetwogroupsofsentences 在英语中 提问某人或某物在哪儿的句型为 where is are 主语 如果句子的主语是可数名词的单数形式或不可数名词 用is 如果主语是可数名词的复数形式 用are 这类句子的答语往往是 Itis Theyare 方位介词 名词或代词 如 Whereisthecomputer 计算机在哪儿 It sonthedesk 它在桌子上 Wherearehiskeys 他的钥匙在哪儿 Theyareonthesofa 它们在沙发上 请根据图片提示完成对话 每空一词 含缩写 1 A yourcomputer B It s 2 A thebaseballonthetable B No It s Where s onthedesk Is underthetable 3 A thecat B is thetree 4 A herdictionaries B Theyare Whereare onthechair Whereis It under 5 请根据图片提示用介词on under或in完成短文 Lookatthepicture Adeskis it What sonthedesk Yes aballis it Look Acatis thedesk Whereisthebag Oh it s thedesk in on under in Matchthewordswiththethingsinthepicture 1 radio 3 tapeplayer 5 tape 2 clock 4 modelplane 6 hat a a b d f c e f d e b c hat CD alarmclock videotape computergame mathbook schoolbag pencils bookcase books telephone door ruler pencilcase notebook bed 1b Lookatthepicturein1aforthreeminutes Thencloseyourbooksandwritedownallthethingsyouremember 看1a中的图片3分钟 然后合上书 写出你记住的所有物品 Tomwants fromhisroom Listenandcircle Englishbookstapeplayerclockrulernotebooktapemodelplaneradio 1c TherulerisThenotebookisThetapeis Listenagain WhereareTommy sthings TheEnglishbooksareundertheradio 1d onthebed underthemodelplane inthetapeplayer SectionB 1c 1d Mom Hello Tom Hi Mom Couldyoubringsomethingstoschoolforme please Mom OK Tom IneedmyEnglishbooks Mom Englishbooks Where reyourEnglishbooks Tom Hmm they reonthechair Oh no they reundertheradioMom OK Tom AndIneedmyruler It sonthebed Andmynotebook Mom where syournotebook Tom Uh Idon tknow Oh it sunderthemodalplaneinthebookcase AndFrank stape Heneedsit Mom Where shistape Tom Oh it sinthetapeplayer Mom OK Meetyouatoneatyourschool Tom Thanks Mom listenagain SectionB 1c 1d Mom Hello Tom Hi Mom Couldyou somethings schoolforme please Mom OK Tom I myEnglishbooks Mom Englishbooks Where reyourEnglishbooks Tom Hmm they reonthechair Oh no they re Mom OK Tom AndIneedmyruler It s Andmynotebook Mom where syournotebook Tom Uh Idon tknow Oh it s inthebookcase AndFrank stape He it Mom Where shistape Tom Oh it sinthetapeplayer Mom OK Meetyou oneatyourschool Tom Thanks Mom listenagain pairwork 1easkandanswerquestionsaboutthethingsinTom sroom WherearetheEnglishbooks They reundertheradio Thisismyroom It sverynice 漂亮 Thecomputeris thedesk Thebaseballis thechair My areinthebookcase Near 在 旁边 the youcanseemyplant myredhat Oh it sbehind 在 后面 thedoor on under books bed Where s practice 1 在课桌下面 2 在沙发上面 3 在书包里 4 在书柜里 5 在椅子下 6 在房间里 7 在图片里 underthedesk onthesofa inthebookcase underthechair inthepicture intheschoolbag intheroom 将下列词组译成英语 1 Wherei mybackpack It su thec 2 Where sthep It so thet 3 W h jacket It sontheb 4 Wherea yourkeys They rei thed 5 W areherbooks T onthes s nder hair en n able 根据句意和单词首字母完成句子 here s er his pencil ed bookcase re n esk ofa here hey re 1 yourhat A WhereB Where reC Where s 2 Ishispencilbox thebookcase A inB atC under 3 Thetapes inthebox A amB isC are Choosethecorrectanswer C A C 4 mybaseball It sunderthechair A WhereB Where sC Where re5 Where theCDs A isB areC amD be Where s are 句型转换 1 Thebooksareinthebookcase 改否定句 2 Thebaseballisunderthebed 改一般疑问句 3 Thepicturesareonthewall 对划线部分提问 4 IstheCDonthesofa 做肯定回答 5 Arethechairsnexttothetable 做否定回答 6 on T shirt the his is bed 连词成句 Thebooksaren tinthebookcase Isthebaseballunderthebed Wherearethepictures Yes itis No theyaren t HisT shirtisonthebed Translation 译一译 1 我的背包在哪 在沙发上 2 你的那几本书在哪 在椅子上 Where smybackpack It sonthesofa Whereareyourbooks Theyareonthechair 加油 我的包在哪里 它不在椅子下面 地图在哪里 我想它在你爷爷奶奶的房间里 它在你头上 Comeon Where smybag It snotunderthechair Where sthemap Ithinkit sinyourgrandparents room It sonyourhead Inmydreamroom Ihavea and Thepenisinthepencilcase Andthekeysareonthesofa under Ilikemyroom Groupwork Mydreamroom 梦想的 Reportlikethis
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