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广东省东莞市八年级英语上学期第一次月考试题 人教新目标版(考试用时80分钟,满分100分,本卷只设笔试题)姓名 班级 总得分 二. 单项选择。请从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出每题的正确答案,并将其字母标号填入题前括号内。(每小题1分,共20分)26The doctors said that there was wrong with Janes legs. she could do to help her.A. something; something B. something; nothing C. nothing; anything D. everything; something27. a great party! delicious the food is! AWhat ;How B. How, How C. What, What D. How ,What28.”Im sorry I forgot the letter for you!” “It doesnt matter, Ill post it myself.” A. to post B. posting C. post D. posted29. We all found to play the game. A. that interested B. this interesting C. it interesting D. its interesting 30. The hospital is far from the station. A. quiet B. quite C. much D. more31. Please tell us the Science Museum.A. how can we reach B. how we can get C. how can we get D. how we can get to32.They decided to the mountain. A. hiking B. on hike C. to hike D. not hiking33.She looks because she has a vacation. A. relaxed , relaxed B. relaxing ,relaxing C. relaxed, relaxing D. relaxing ,relaxed,34. I cant wait the nice picture.A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. bought35. Dont forget the pen him. A. to return, to B. to return, for C. returning, to D. returning, for36. -_ -I have a headache. A. Whats the matter, Judy? B. Where are you, Judy? C. Who are you? D. What are you doing, Judy? 37. He _ stay at home and look after his mother yesterday. A. needed to B. must C. have to D. has to 38. I think walking is_ our health. A. good at B. bad at C. well in D. good for 39. We should not eat _ junk food. A. too many B. too much C. many too D. much too 40. -How is the young man? _A. He is twelve. B. Hes much better. C. He is a doctor. D. Hes Allan. 41. Its important to eat a _ diet. A. balanced B. balance C. balancing D. balances 42. He often has sports. _ football, basketball and ping-pong. A. For an example B. For example C. For the example D. For a example 43. You should not eat_ 24 hours. A. something in B. nothing for C. anything for D. everything at 44. -My mother is ill_ -_ A. Dont worry. B. No hurry. C. Im sorry to hear that. D. OK. 45. -I feel stressed out. I have so much work to do every day. -Youd better not work too hard. Its good for you to take some_ I think. A. health B. exercise C. lesson D. work三、 完型填空(每小题1分,共10分)A generous gap(代沟) has become a serious problem. I read a1about it in the newspaper. Some children have killed themselves after2with parents. I think this is because they dont often have a talk with each other. Parents now3more time in the office,4they dont have much time to stay with their children. As times passes, they both feel that they dont have the_5topic(题目) to talk about. I want to tell parents to be more with your6, get to know them and7them. And for children, show your8to your parents. They are the people who love you. So9them your thoughts. In this way, you10have a better understanding of each other.() 46.A. messageB. call C. reportD. letter() 47. A. talk B. argue C. fightD. play()48. A. spendB. stayC. work D. have() 49. A. becauseB. if C. but D. so() 50. A. interesting B. sameC. true D. good() 51. A. businessB. childrenC. work D. office() 52. A. get on well withB. look afterC. understandD. love() 53. A. interestB. secretC. troubleD. feelings() 54. A. tell B. askC. answerD. say() 55. A. can B. shouldC. mustD. would四、 阅读理解(每小题2分,计30分)Part AJapanese students work very hard, but many are unhappy. They feel heavy pressure from their parents to do well in school. Most students are always being told by their parents to study harder so that they can have a wonderful life. Though this may be a good idea for those very smart students, it can have terrible results for many students because they are not talented enough.As it is reported, a number of students killed themselves. Others try to get the feelings of taking drugs(毒品). Some join the groups of troublemakers and turn to crime(犯罪). Many of them have tried very hard at school but have failed in the exams and have their parents lose hopes. Such students felt that they are hated by everyone else they meet and they dont want to go to school any longer.It is surprising that though most Japane
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