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高考英语二轮复习语言运用练二216语言运用练(二) (建议用时:25分钟)语言运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(浙江名校协作体联考)Rarely do teachers know whether they make permanent impressions on students. I know because it _1_ to my mother, a retired teacher, when she turned on the _2_ one morning in 2003.The story began in the mid1960s. My mom was teaching _3_ at Burlingame Junior High. I knew little about her job at the time except for the _4_ redhead, Tamara, who was _5_ writing stories as a seventhgrader in my moms class.I was visiting her in 2003 when my mom came out of her room with a _6_ look on her face. Shed been listening to the radio, and she had _7_ an interview with a bestselling French author, Tamara Piercethe same name as that of the redhead my mom had taught nearly four _8_ before. My mother _9_:Could it be the same person?I _10_ the Internet and quickly found the website for the author. My heart began to beat rapidly when I _11_ it at the bottomhere was _12_ that my mother had taught a nowfamous writer!“I should _13_ my writing career to my English teacher. (Bless you, Mrs. Jacobsen!)”My mothers name was Mary Jacobsen.My mothers immediate response to this _14_ was quiet. She was always kind and extremely _15_. I mention this story not only because its a wonderful _16_ of the influence teachers can have without being _17_ of it. It also makes me see my mom _18_. This story makes me consider how nice it would be if we all let our favorite _19_ teachers know their work _20_1A.fellBappealedChappenedDapplied2A.radioBtelevisionCcomputerDheat3A.FrenchBSpanishCItalianDEnglish4A.amazedBexcitedCgiftedDbored5A.respectful ofBskilled atCuninterested inDsurprised at6A.puzzledBworriedCtiredDsatisfied7A.conductedBarrangedCreceivedDheard8A.yearsBdecadesCmonthsDweeks9A.shoutedBrepeatedCwonderedDsighed10A.went intoBlooked intoCcheckedDsearched11A.spottedBrecordedCseizedDrealized12A.possibilityBevidenceCnewsDknowledge13A.returnBadaptCoweDshow14A.doubtBcreationCeventDdiscovery15A.modestBoutgoingCsympatheticDfaithful16A.victoryBexample CtopicDstage17A.worthyBcertain CawareDproud18A.averagelyBdifferentlyCnormallyDpatiently19A.lostBseparateCpresentDformer20A.matteredBdisappearedCapproachedDcontinued第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Researchers have discovered the people with the 21._(healthy) hearts in the world. The Tsiman people live in the Amazon basin of Bolivia and have almost no risk of serious heart disease because 22._ their plantbased diet and high levels of physical activity. Besides 23._(have) a healthy heart, the Tsiman also have low blood pressure and low blood sugar. This 24._(mean) they are free of many of the diseases and conditions 25._ kill hundreds of millions around the world. A study showed that an 80yearold Tsiman person has 26._ same cardiovascular(心血管的) age as an American in his mid50s.The study on the Tsiman was published in the medical journal The Lancet. The study coauthor Dr Gregory SThomas stated, “This study suggests that some diseases could 27._(avoid) if people adopted some elements of the Tsiman lifestyle, such as keeping their blood pressure and blood sugar very low, not smoking and being 28._(physical) active.” He added, “It may not be possible for people in the industrialised world 29._(copy) the Tsiman communitys way of life, but there are certainly 30._(aspect) of their diet and lifestyle that we can better bring into our lives to help reduce our risk of heart disease.”语言运用练(二)语言运用第一节【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。作者借母亲的经历说明:尽管教师很少知道他们是否会对学生产生深远的影响,但事实是他们的确在无声地影响着学生。1C解析:根据上下文可知,这里指的是这种情况发生(happened)在了妈妈身上。fall to“(职责、责任)落在身上”;appeal to“上诉,吸引,呼吁”;apply to“适用于”。2A解析:根据第三段中的“Shed been listening to the radio”可知,此处应选radio。3D解析:根据下文信息“my English teacher”可知,妈妈教的是英语。4C解析:根据该句中的“writing stories as a seventhgrader in my moms class”和下文可知,Tamara后来成了畅销书作者,并将自己在写作上的成功归功于自己的老师,可见,当初她应该是一位在写作上有天赋的(gifted)学生。amazed“惊奇的”;excited“激动的”;bored“厌倦的,烦闷的”。5B解析:根据下文Tamara后来成了畅销书作者可知,Tamara有写作天赋,故用skilled at“精于的”。respectful of“尊重”;uninterested in“对不感兴趣”;surprised at“对感到惊讶”。6A解析:根据第三段信息可知,妈妈通过广播听到(heard)了对一位名叫Tamara Pierce的法国畅销书作者的采访,而这位作者的名字恰好与妈妈以前教过的一个学生同名,所以妈妈走出房间时脸上流露出困惑的(puzzled)表情,心想(wondered):这会是同一个人吗?worried“担心的”;tired“疲倦的”;satisfied“满意的”。7D解析:参见上题解析。conduct“组织,指挥,引导,举止”;arrange“安排,布置,谱写”;receive“收到,体验,招待,接纳”。8B解析:2003年距20世纪60年代中期大约是40年的时间,故应选decades。9C解析:参见第6题解析。shout“大声说,嚷”;repeat“重复”;sigh“叹气,叹息”。10D解析:根据语境可知,作者上网搜索(searched)相关信息。go into“进入,从事”;look into“调查”;check“检查,核实,控制,寄放”。11A解析:当在网页底端看见(sp
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