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中考英语复习方案第二篇语法专题突破专题(01)名词语法综合演练专题(一)名词语法综合演练.句意填词1.Although the students in Grade 9 are under a lot of , we can still deal with it well.2.The sun rises in the and falls in the west.3.I cant get the right when I read the word. So I usually feel bad.4.Gina was so pleased to receive so many on her birthday.5.The volunteers took some toys to the hospital to cheer the sick up.6.The Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils (天龙八部) is a famous written by Jin Yong.7.Where is your home? I need to write down your and telephone number.8.All the strangers should be stopped by the at the school gate.9.Keep on studying hard, and then youll have a to achieve your dream.10.Young people usually have more than the old. They seldom feel tired.11.Dont worry. We wont get lost. I have a good of direction.12.Zhang Yimou has made lots of films and he is a very famous in China.13.Eating on the eve of the Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese custom.14.Science is one of my favorite . What about yours?15.Tina has made great in this exam. She got an A.单项选择16.Try the coat on, please.Oh, the doesnt fit me. Can you bring me a larger one?A.sizeB.styleC.price17.What is the of your excellent driving skill?Practice makes perfect!A.speedB.effortC.secret18.If you make a , you should carry it out. Otherwise, you will not be trusted.A.programB.projectC.promise19.Tea is not only a drink but also a kind of .A.knowledgeB.cultureC.friendship20.Its necessary for us to form a of never putting off anything today till tomorrow.A.customB.habitC.tradition21.苏州改编Keep quiet! I need complete when Im working.Sorry, Dad. I wont make any noise again.A.trustB.silenceC.control22.菏泽The relations between my parents have become difficult. What should I do?You could do more jobs around the house so that they have more time for proper .A.instrumentB.communicationC.community23.滨州改编After years of war, the people in Syria are thirsty for . A.priceB.noiseC.peace24.黄冈改编Oh, my God! We have missed the last bus. What shall we do?Im afraid that we have no but to take a taxi.A.ideaB.decisionC.choice25.镇江改编When I think of the worried of foreign students who are learning Chinese, I can go to study English calmly.A.looksB.designsC.efforts 26.The Chinese saying “A tree cant make a forest” tells us that is very important in a football match.A. abilityB. decisionC. teamwork27.On September 3 there will be some in China to celebrate the 70-year victory of the Anti-Japanese War. A. actionsB. projectsC. activities28.Im tired out these days.Well, youd better keep a between work and play.A. promiseB. balanceC. secret29.Finding information is not a big deal today.Well, the is how we can tell whether the information is useful or not.A. courageB. messageC. challenge30.A study shows that good habits play a very important in childrens education. I think so. A. senseB. partC. reason.方框选词选用方框中的选项完成下列各句。A.chanceB.mensC.pleasureD.pride E.leaves31.Could you please give me a lift from the town?Yes, with .32.The trees lose their in autumn. The ground turns blonde.33.Be quiet and give her a to explain, or its unfair.34.On April 24, Xie Wenjun raced to gold in the 110-meter hurdles at the Asian Athletics Championships in Qatar.35.You can see the on our faces when we talk about the great achievements in the last 70 years.【参考答案】.1.pressure2.east3.pronunciation4.presents/gifts5.children/kids6.novel7.address8.guard(s)9.chance10.energy11.sense12.director13.dumplings14.subjects15.progress.16.A17.C18.C19.B20.B21.B考查名词辨析。根据“保持安静!”和答语中的“我不会再制造任何噪声了”可知,此处表示“我在工作的时候需要完全的安静”,故选B。22.B考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我父母之间的关系变得很紧张,我该怎么办?”“你可以多做些家务以便于他们有更多的时间进行恰当的交流。”instrument仪器;communication交流;community社区。要化解父母的紧张关系,只有设法让他们进行合适的交流。故选B。23.C考查名词词义辨析。price价格;noise噪声;peace和平。由句意“在几年的战争之后,叙利亚人渴望和平。”可知,C项符合句意。24.C根据答语“but to take a taxi”可知别无选择,故选C。25.A考查名词辨析。句意:当我想到学习汉语的外国学生焦虑的表情时,我会冷静地去学英语。根据句中形容词“worried焦虑的”及副词“calmly冷静地”可知“外国学生学中文, 我学习英语”都不是容易的事情,故应该是想起外国学生焦虑的表情。故选A。26.C27.C28.B29.C30.B.3135CEABD7 / 7
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