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as 与 which 引导非限定性定语从句用法 首先,as 和 which 都可以表示主句在意义上的连贯,在从句中作主语,或用作及物动词的宾语,如:一、 as, which 指代整个句子或短语。由 as, which 引导的非限定性定语从句,相当于 and this 或 and that 。在很多时候,表示说话人对话语的看法或态度,此时它们的先行词并不是具体的某个词,而是整个句子或短语:He was late for school , as/which was usual with him 他上学迟到,这是家常便饭。He married her, which as was naturalI was very helpful to him, which/ as he realized二as 含有正如、按照、正像之意, as 一般用在肯定句中,而 which 则 多用于含否定意义的句子中,如:As our teacher points out, that book is of benefit to everyoneHeat is a form of energy, as is known to all of usThis machine, as might be expected, has stopped operatingHe failed in the exam again, as was expectedHe failed in the exam again, which was unexpected(此处不可用 as ) as 所引导的从句所表达的语意须和主句一致,而 which 则无此限制。三as 常与从句中的 know , see , hear , expect 等动词连用,也常用于 as often happens , as is often the case (常有的事)等句子中。下列固定结构,一般不能用which,如:as has been said before 如前所述as often happens 正像经常发生的那样as is well known 众所周知as will be shown in Fig 3 将如图 3 所示as we know 正如我们知道的那样as may be imagined 这可以想象得出来as we all can see 正如我们大家看到的那样She is the same age as you (are). 她和你年龄一样大。 与 same.as 连用 I hope to get such a dictionary as he is using. 我希望有一本和你正在用的一样的词典。 与 such.as 连用 As water is to fish, so air is to man. 正如水对鱼一样重要,空气对于人同样重要。四当关系代词代表主句引起的结果,又做主谓宾补(svoc)结构中的主语时,多用which,如:He saw the girl, which delighted himHe didnt t pass the exam, which made his mother angry五在从句中作介词宾语时,用 which,如:We didnt go to the film, instead of which we went to the theatre六在从句中作定语时,常用 which,如:I told her to see a doctor, which advice she took七在从句中代表主句中的谓语的整个概念时,常用 which,如:He can write a letter in English, which I can not八指代主句中一个名词时,多用 which,如:I gave him an interesting book, which he started to read at once九代替主句中的形容词时,常用 which,如:He thought me impatient, which he himself was练习(判断正误)1Her performance was wonderful, which we had expected2He told us a joke, which made all of us laugh3As is well known to us all that the earth is round4Metal will bear beating with a hammer, as a stone will not5He was emigrated (移居)in 1948,at which time there was much hardship and unrest6Mum always treats me just like a baby, as I cant bear7Lincoln was shot in a theatre, which was described in this book8His children asked him to go for a row with them in the afternoon, which he promised9This book, as is imagined, is very good10Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, which, of course, made the others unhappykeys: 12345678910
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