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2009年12月大学英语六级考试答案详解Part WritingShould Parents Send Their Kids to Art Classes? Following the wave of English learning in the last century, the new millennium is witnessing another development of extracurricular education as more and more parents send their children to various art classes. A heated debate has, however, arisen over the credit of this practice. Those who support the art classes argue that children can broaden their horizon, expand their interests, hone their communicative skills as well as cultivate their artistic sensitivity and creativity, which is supposedly stifled by academic studies. Another strong argument for art classes is that considering the growing demand for “all-around”, “multiple-skilled talents” in our increasingly competitive society, one or more artistic skills are certainly as useful as a fluency with a second language when it comes to make an impressive resume or outshine in an interview. Excellency at a musical instrument can even earn bonus points in the university entrance examinations. No wonder many parents and students consider it a worthy investment despite the great expenses of such classes.These arguments meet vehement attack from those who believe that the art classes actually deprive the students of what little spare time they have and the freedom to develop themselves in the way they desire. Already exhausted from dealing with the heavy workload at school, students need desperately some time and space to rest apart from discovering their own interests instead of going to some art classes against their will just because their parents deem it fashionable or favorable for their future. Moreover, art classes can be so expensive that it may turn out a financial burden in the long run.So should we send students to art classes? Yes, and no. the answer depends on the familys richness, the childs time and capacity, and of course, above all, his interest. As far as Im concerned, it is unwise to jump on the bandwagon in a haste and parents need to think twice before making the final decision. Part Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) 文章分析:本文的话题是在家办公:宽带互联网的普及以及通信技术的发展使远程办公成为现实,给企业带来了不少好处,例如可以省去办公场所的日常开支,员工的工作效率可以提高,因为不用上下班把时间浪费在路上,还可以灵活安排办公时间和私人时间。尤其对于那些家累较重的员工来说,在家办公实在是个福音。本文列举了很多例子说明现在越来越多的小型公司对远程办公的兴趣日益上升,虽然他们也担心这样做的负面效应,例如员工缺少督促会不会偷懒,电话费会不会暴涨等等。这篇文章信息量比较大,专业词汇较多,因此增加了阅读难度。但是题目本身难度不大,解题关键在把握主题,根据题目专有名词定位。重难点词句:1. 第三段:or concerned about the additional expenses teleworking policies might incur as staff start charging their home phone bills to the business. 或者担心远程(在家)办公政策所导致的额外费用,例如员工会让公家报销家里的电话费。2. 第五段:and claims that as many as 60-70% of the businesses that come through its doors now offer some form of remote working support to their workforces. (英国网络供应商商业联通公 司)声称与其来往的公司中,有多达60%70%的企业现在向它们的员工提供某种形式的远 程办公支持。3. 第八段:(BT claims that, by July, 99.8% of its exchanges will be broadband enabled, with alternative plans in place for even the most remote exchanges)英国电信公司声称, 到7月份为止, 99.8%的信息交换是通过宽带实现的。 “This the enabler” (宽带)使这一切得以实现。4. 第九段:Yet while broadband has come down in price too, those service providers targeting the business market warn against consumer services masquerading(伪装) as business-friendly broadband.然而尽管宽带的费用已经下降,专门为企业提供服务的宽带供应商告诫大家, 有一些客户服务供应商(只适用于个体消费者)会伪装成为适用于企业的宽带供应商。5. 第十段:“Broadband is available for as little as 15 a month, but many businesses fail to appreciate the hidden costs of such a service,” 很多企业没有意识到这些服务的隐性成本。Appreciate: to recognize or understand“Providers offering broadband for rock-bottom prices are notorious for poor service”提供最便宜的宽带服务的供应商都因为服务差劲而臭名昭著。Rock bottom: the lowest possible level look beyond the price tag眼睛不要只盯着价签,意思是不要只考虑价格quality services can be found for upwards of 30 a month优质服务的费用最高也就每个月30英镑6. 第十四段:“One of the triggers was when one of our tax managers returned from maternity leave”诱因之一是当我们的一名税务经理在休完产假回到公司的时候 trigger: cause这里指公司考虑引进远程办公的原因7. 第十五段fee-earners在这里指所有为公司带来直接利益的员工,fee会计服务费用8. 第十六段we cant see any reason why a parent cant be on hand to deal with something important at home:on hand = to hand- to be ready around在这里指员工随时待命,马上可以投入工作。注意和 off hand “立即、马上”区别。9. 第十九段:it is able to save fee-earners a substantial amount of “dead” time in their working days幽默的说法,指工作效率极低的时间10. 第二十二段:It has enabled the company to dispense with its business premises altogether这样做使得公司可以完全放弃办公场地解题:1 D 第一段开宗明义,纵观全文也是讲好处多过坏处。参见“文章分析”。2. C 根据题干中的communications provider Inter-Tel定位至文章第四段第二句话。3. D 根据人名Andy Poulton定位到第七、八两段,Poulton提到只要能够上网,信息交换就能实现。答案出自第八段首句4. A 根据人名定位到第十段,参见上面注释5。 5. A 根据Internet-based telecoms定位到第十二段,答案在本段末尾,注意but后面的内容but because of the sophisticated voice services that can be exploited by the remote worker因为远程办公的员工可以利用成熟的语音服务诸如语音邮件和呼叫转移等功能,为 客户和合作伙伴营造一种公司形象的连续性 6. B 根据Wright Vigar定位到第十三段中间It was the need to accommodate employees with young children that motivated accountancy firm Wright Vigar to begin pr
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