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Unit 7 Animal funTeaching content:Unit 7 Animal funTeaching aims and demands:1.使学生进一步掌握英语字母和相关词汇2.帮助学生进一步复习和巩固所学的字母和词汇3.通过做游戏进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣4.进一步培养学生的英语听说及表达能力Key points and difficult points: 1 Sentences: What are they? They are rabbits.What are they doing?They are making the letter “R”.Go forward 1 space. Go back 2 space.2 Words and expressions: rabbit, snake, turtle, ruler, makeMaterials for teaching:将要学的字母卡片和图片,已学过的字母卡片及图片,一些动物的实物,彩色纸及奖励 用的贴画,小红旗,录音机及磁带,自制的字母卡片,事先剪好的胡萝卜(六个)和十个小乌龟等。Teaching periods:4 periods Teaching steps课题:Unit 7 Animal fun教学内容Unit7 Animal fun单 元第几课时The 1st period教学目标知识与技能1. 学会字母Rr Ss Tt以及词汇carrot turtle snake2. 会说句型:Whats this? Yes, its a carrot.What s this? Yes, its a turtle.过程与方法通过图片进行观察、认识、学习新字母。情感态度与价值观课的类型新授学情分析学生需要直观的形象的物体刺激才能对学习的对象产生印象,因此,直观法很有必要。教学重、难点Whats this? Yes, its a carrot.What s this? Yes, its a turtle.教法、学法游戏法、直观法教学准备及用具彩色纸及奖励 用的贴画,录音机及磁带,自制的字母卡片,事先剪好的胡萝卜(六个)和十个小乌龟等。教学流程动态修改Step 1 Warming upEveryday English: Whats the matter? -Ive got a cold.Step 2 Presentation and drill1. 上课时,教师拿出一个胡萝卜T:Hello, everyone. Please look carefully. I have a nice thing. Whats this? Its a carrot.图片贴在黑板上,教师将所有的六个胡萝卜摆放成一个R字母。每贴一个,大家就一起念。T:Whats this letter now? Yes, its the letter R.2. 教师再拿出一个乌龟问大家T:Whats this? Yes, its a turtle.按此方法学习snake and S.3. A game-stick the letters. Who is quick?Step 3 Practice1. Say: R is for a rabbit. S is for a snake. T is for a turle.2. Find friends.板书设计Unit 7 Animal funRr carrot Ss snakeTt turtle Whats this? Yes, its a carrot.What s this? Yes, its a turtle.课后作业Say: R is for a rabbit. S is for a snake. T is for a turle.课后随笔课题:Unit 7 Animal fun教学内容Unit 7 Animal fun单 元第几课时The 2nd period教学目标知识与技能字母的大小写的正规写法过程与方法帮助学生进一步复习和巩固所学的字母和词汇情感态度与价值观通过做游戏进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣课的类型新授学情分析通过做游戏进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣教学重、难点Look for the hidden animals.教法、学法游戏法教学准备及用具图片和实物教学流程动态修改Step 1 Warming upEveryday English: Whats the matter? -Ive got a cold.Step2 Look for the hidden animals.考察学生的观察能力。根据所给的图表在该页纸上找到相应的隐藏图标。教师让学生指着图标说:“Its here.”或者是“The rabbit is here.”如果时间富裕的话,让学生用所学的图片来做相同的游戏。蒙眼睛的同学找图片或实物。在该同学找的时候,教师让大家一起连续说Where is it? Where is it?Step 3 Practice Listen, point, copy and say.Step 4 HomeworkPart 2 Listen and repeat.板书设计Unit 7 Animal fun课后作业Listen and repeat.课后随笔课题:Unit 7 Animal fun教学内容Unit 7 Animal fun单 元第几课时The 3rd period教学目标知识与技能检查学生的听力过程与方法进一步培养学生的英语听说及表达能力情感态度与价值观帮助学生进一步复习和巩固所学的字母和词汇课的类型新授学情分析进一步培养学生的英语听说及表达能力教学重、难点Listen to the song and then find the right picture in the middle and put it here.教法、学法游戏法教学准备及用具彩色纸及奖励 用的贴画,小红旗,录音机及磁带,自制的字母卡片教学流程动态修改Step 1 Warming upEveryday English: Whats the matter? -Ive got a cold.Step2: Listen, match and chant.检查学生的听力。T:Now, lets do some listening practice. Please open your books and turn to page27. Listen to the song and then find the right picture in the middle and put it here. Do you understand? OK, get ready and lets begin.教师放一遍录音,看学生是否明白意思。紧接着,教师让学生听第二遍,第三遍。最后,教师核对一下大家的答案。由于这种说唱练习了许多次,教师让学生自己编一些句子。比如,教师任意给出四个字母:Aa, Oo, Hh, Kk。然后让学生编,“Aa is for apple. Oo is for orange. Hh is for house and Kk is for kite.”该活动两人一组的形式进行。教师给大家一分钟时间练习,然后再找几个同学到前面说自己编的歌谣。Step 3 Practice-Game time.教师先做一些铺垫工作。全班同学按男女生分组在班级做一次,教师进行指点和说明。教师拿自制的色子,先让第一组的女生到前面来掷色子。根据所得的数字走几个格。然后是男生扔色子。教师保证时间紧凑,一个接一个地进行。该题中出现的三个图标分别是:嘴,表示用嘴说;手,用手指;彩色笔,用笔画。教师让学生们开始游戏的时候,可以在黑板上画一个男孩和一个女孩,表示男女队。然后看哪个队第一个结束到达终点。教师带领全班同学完成一遍后,可以发给每个队一个色子,让学生两个人一组玩。最后,先完成的同学可以将名字写在黑板上。教师酌情给予奖励。Step 4 HomeworkPart 3 Listen and chant.板书设计Unit 7 Animal fun课后作业Listen and chant.课后随笔课题:Unit 7 Animal fun教学内容单 元第几课时The 4th period教学目标知识与技能训练学生的听力。过程与方法通过表演和听力理解故事内容。情感态度与价值观理解故事内容课的类型新授学情分析学会听英语对初学英语的学生是挑战也是难点,他们根本不会听,因此要诱导学生认真听,抓关键词。教学重、难点听力教法、学法表演法教学准备及用具头饰教学流程动态修改Step 1 Warming upEveryday English: Whats the matter? -Ive got a cold.Step 2 Listen and mime.一个听力及表演的活动。Now we are going to listen to a story and get ready for my questions.教师放录音给学生听。T: Now tell me, who is the winner, the rabbit or the tortoise? But the rabbit can run very fast. Why did he lose the game? Right. He was taking a long rest. He fell asleep. He was very proud. He thought he could win. So he didnt try hard.Lets put on the short play. We want to find three persons to come to the front and act this short play. Who wants to be the referee? Who wants to be the rabbit? Who wants to be the tortoise? Good. Come here. Im going to play the tape and you listen to the tape and do the action only. Do you understand? Lets begin.(教师开始放录音,学生开始表演)最后,教师稍加讲评。Step 3 Practice可再让一两组进行表演。可以加入一些语言,而不使用录音带。Step 4 Consolidation1创设情景,大胆进行会话。2评价 板书设计Unit 7 Animal funRabbit tortoise 课后作业大胆进行会话。课后随笔
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