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Unit 3 Language in use学习目标:1、记住本模块的词汇dear; hear from; Im afraid. cant=can not2、重点句子:(1) Would you like to go to the football match? (2) Lets go to the football match. (3)Itgreat to hear from you Mike, but Im afraid I cant come. (4) I always watch my little sister play football on Saturday evening.3、能用所学的频度副词简单描写他人的喜好。课堂准备:找出词汇,能熟练掌握。 在生日聚会上 _ _ 制作蛋糕 _ _一盒_ _ 一张电影票_ _保持健康_ _ 去购物_ _ 许多_ _ 去看电影 _ _去听音乐会_ _ 通过电视_ _ 在周末_ _ 在周六晚上 _ _收到.来信_ _自学交流: 1.思考:在回答“Would you like to”时可以用两种方式:如果是同意,一般说 _或_如果是拒绝,我们也要说得客气一点,比如可以先说 _,然后再说明原因。“Would you like to”一般可以用来表示_。Lets可以用于_,也可以用来表示邀请, let 后面动词用_。另外,注意:would like to本身不表示邀请,而表示“想要”。如:I would like to do to school on foot today. 今天我想步行去上学。would 的否定形式是wouldnt, 且would 没有人称和数的变化。2.完成下面的句子:1)、I _ _ _ _(想吃) some vegetables . 2)、He _ _ (不想)to go to the cinema tonight. 3)、Her mother lets her _ _ _(呆在家里)tonight .合作探究:Look at some sentences, and then Ss summarize the usages of the present simple tense, the adverbs about frequency and the pron.总结:频度副词的用法 按频率大小排列:always usually often sometimes seldom never位置观察:She is sometimes very busy. (1)放在be_;位置观察:I can always remember you. (2)在助动词或情态动词_; 位置观察:We often go there. (3)在行为动词_; 位置观察:Sometimes she writes to me . (4)sometimes 可放句_、句中、句_.探究一:always是频度最大的词,意为“总是;永远”。I always remember my first day at school.我将永远记住我上学的第一天。 usually意为“通常”,即很少例外,频度仅次于always。 What do you usually have for breakfast?你通常早餐吃什么? often 意为“经常”,在频度上不如usually那么频繁。Li Ping often does his homework in the afternoon.李平经常在下午做作业。never 从未;永不;决不。I have never been there. 我从未到过那里。 sometimes意为“有时候”,频度比often小,表示动作偶尔发生,间断较大。既可以放在be动词、助动词之后,行为动词之前,也可以放在句首,还可以放在句尾。 I sometimes go to the library.我有时去图书馆。 Sometimes I read a book in the evening. 我有时在晚上看书。 探究二:频度副词在句中习惯上位于be动词之后、行为动词之前,助动词之后。I often get up at five past six.He usually plays basketball on Saturday morning.They always help others.You must never tell him. 巩固提高:单项选择: ( )1、 Would you like to come to my birthday party? _.A、Yes, please. B、No, I dont C、Yes, Id love to D、No, Im busy( )2、 What _ you like? Id like an apple. A、do B、would C、had D、did( )3、When is the film _ ? A. begin B. start C. on D. show( )4、Lets _ football after school. A. play B. play the C. to play D. play a( )5、Would you like to go to a basketball match _ Sunday morning? A、in B、on C、at 拓展延伸:按括号内的要求完成各题。1、 The Lion King is on at Sun Theatre in the evening.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _ _ the Lion King in the evening?2、I would like to have some juice.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ you _ _ to have some juice?2、 Would you like to stay at home this afternoon? (Lets改写)_ _ _ _ at home this afternoon, shall we? 写作练习1、Think of someone in your family. Write a description of him / her.2、Work in pairs. Show the description to the partner, then try to choose a present that he would give his partners person.本课小结:1、我背得了单词、短语和句子2、表示邀请的句型和回答邀请 3、用频度副词简单描写他人的喜好。
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