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Unit6课题Unit6Section B (2a-2e)课型阅读课课时序号4总课时5主备人审核人授课人备课时间学习目标1掌握词汇: Canadian 加拿大的, divide v. 分开,分散; hero n 英雄,男主角; professional adj. 职业的,专业的;2. 重点词组: a much-loved and active sport一个深受喜爱并且积极的运动, divideinto把分 开 , work together配合,合作 ,at the same time同时 ,stop sb from doing sth 阻 职止某人做某事 ,dream of doing sth梦想做某事, look up to钦佩,仰慕 ,the professional basketball groups业篮球机构 3.重点句式: (1) Its believed that the first basketball game in history was played on December 21st,1891 . (2) Basketball has not only become a popular to play, but it has also become a popular sport to watch. 学 习 流 程二次备课一、明标导入 大家一起看看学习目标吧(朗读或默读)二、 词汇学习1、个人根据音标试读新单词2、跟读较音,记忆本课单词3、小组互相检查单词读写情况。三、阅读活动任务一:你喜欢篮球吗?集体讨论通过回答问题完成2a任务二:先自读教材内容,理解下列短语,写出汉语意思1. a much-loved and active sport_ 2. divideinto_ 3. work together_ 4. at the same time_ 5.stop sb from doing sth _ 6. dream of doing sth_ 7. look up to_ 8.the professional basketball groups_ 任务三:1.快速默读短文,熟知大意,并完成课本2b的任务 2.再回读一遍,完成2c四、展示点拨1.独学、对学、合作探究完成2d,2e并展示 2.小组合作,复述课文3.难点导学1. 1.divide (v.) 分开;划分divide into 意为“把划分为” ,be divided into 意为“划分为”。This class is too large; we shall have to divide it for oral practice.这个班级太大,我们必须把它分成小班作口语练习。This river divides at its mouth. 这条河在河口处分岔。His lecture divides into three parts.他的演讲分三部分。2. It is believed that the first basketball game in history was played on December 21st, 1891,. 人们认为1891年12月21日是历史上的第一次篮球比赛的日子。本句中的It is believed that. 相当于people believe that.是“人们相信/认为“的意思,that引导的是主语从句。It is believed that by the year 2020, the population of the world will be seven billion.(=People believe that by the year 2020, the population of the world will be seven billion.)人们都认为到2020年,世界人口将达到七十亿。类似的结构:It is reported that 据报道;It is supposed/thought that 人们认为;Its known that众所周知5、 达标测评一句型转换1.We saw Mr Chen walk into the teaching building.(改为被动语态) 2.They were invented last year .(就划线部分提问) 3.Students should write something in library.(改为被动语态) 4.were, they, by, invented, Julie Thompson. (连词成句) 5.news, told, was, good, she, as soon as, the, arrived, she.(连词成句)二.完成句子。1.顾客最后终于高兴了。The customer was happy .2.这个顾客说这个薯条不够脆。The customer said that the potato chips werent .3.乔治想让顾客高兴。George wanted the customer .4.薯条是一个名Crum的厨师发明的The potato chips a chef Crum.5.昨天这个厨师往鱼上面撒了许多盐。The lots of salt the fish yesterday.3、小结. 本节课你学到了什么?能告诉我们吗?
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