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Food and lifestyle一 .Learning ahead of time ( 自主先学)Read these sounds /f/ /v/ /s/ /z/ / / / / /tr/ /dr/ /ts/ /dz/ /t/ /d/ 二 .Cooperative learning (合作助学)把单词汉划线部分的读音归类birds, every, kites, usual, short, drink, China, reads, geography,kilos, think, often, draw, tree, score, they, zoo, of, fruit,ship. mouth, mother, lets, pleasure, train, snake, just, match/f/ _ _ /v/ _ _/s/ _ _ /z/ _ _/tr/ _ _ /dr/ _ _/ts/ _ _ /dz/ _ _/ _ _ / _ _/ _ _ /_ _/t/_ _ /d/ _ _三 .Extensive learning (拓展导学)1. She sells seashells by the seashore. 她在海边卖贝壳。2. Two hundred children have two hundred dreams. 两百个孩子有两百个梦想。四 .Enhancing learning through testing (检测促学)一)找出划线部分读音不同的选项( ) 1. A. school B. China C. chair D. teach( ) 2. A. name B. have C.cake D. plate( ) 3. A.nine B. rice C. fish D. bike( ) 4. A.cute B. ruler C. supermarket D. mum( ) 5. A. not B. those C. close D. note( ) 6.A. what B. water C. want D.wash( ) 7.A.five B. of C. family D. fly ( ) 8.A.thank B.think C.other D. three( ) 9.A.zoo B. always C. pens D.bikes ( )10. A.wait B.visit C. picture D.time二) 阅读理解Nowpeopleareverybusy.Childrenhavelessonsatschool.Parentsoftenworklate.Theydonthaveenoughtimetocookmealsfortheirchildren.Sofastfoodisvery popular.Manypeoplesaytheyspendmuchmoneyonfastfoodforthemselvesandfortheirchildren.Weknowsomekindsoffastfood,suchashamburgersandfried (油炸的)chicken.PeopleusuallybuyfastfoodfromrestaurantslikeKFCandMcDonalds.Eatingfastfood cansave(节省)time,butitisnotgoodforpeopleshealth.Americanfastfood companies(公司)nowhaverestaurantsallovertheworld.YoucanfindKFCandMcDonaldsrestaurantsinChina,Japan,Russiaandmanyothercountries.Butwhenyoueatfastfoodinarestaurant,pleaserememberthatbesides(除了)time,youneedhealth,too.( )1.Whydopeopleofteneatfastfood?A.Becausetheyarenotgoodatcookingmeals.B.Becausetheirchildrenhavelessonsathome.C.Becausefastfoodisusuallyverynice.D.Becausetheydonthaveenoughtimetocookmeals.( )2.Manypeoplespendmoneyonfastfoodfor_A.theirchildren B.themselves C.theirfriends D.AandB( )3.WhatisKFC?A.Thenameofafastfoodrestaurant. B.ThenameofhamburgersC.Amansname D.Thenameofchicken( )4.Whatcanfastfoodhelppeopledo?A.ItcanhelppeoplekeephealthyB.ItcanhelppeopledomoreexercisesC.itcanhelppeoplesavetimeD.Itcanhelppeoplesavemoney( )5.Whatisthebesttitleforthearticle(文章)?A.FastfoodRestaurants B.KFCandMcDonaldsC.FastFood D.HowtoKeepHealthy?五 . Reflection on learning(反思悟学)
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