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They touch noses课题: Module11Body language Unit1 They touch noses. (第一课时) 学习目标:1 、能用英语说出三种以上肢体语言的表达方式。2、能听懂不同的肢体语言在不同国家的意思存在差异。3、能朗读并整理出已学过的国家名词以及它们的形容词。学习重点能听懂有关在不同国家初次见面和表达问候时的身势语。学习难点在不同国家初次见面时,能用身势问候语进行对话。学习过程(学案)备注【自主学习】1. Translation(从P109页Module11找出下列单词所对应的英语和汉语) 1. 鞠躬,弯腰_ 2. 吻,亲吻_ 3. 摇晃_ 4. 微笑_ 5. 点(头)_ 6. 拥抱,紧抱_ 7. 触摸,接触_ 8. German n. _ adj. _9. Japanese n. _ adj. _ 10. Russian n._ adj_11. 俄罗斯_12. 印度_13. 英国的,英国人的_14. 游客,观光者_15. 什么(表示惊讶)_16. 头,头部_17. 各个,每个_18.一起,共同_19. 毛利人的_20. 鼻子_2.试读第66页Activity 3中的对话用红笔标注下列短语并译成汉语。21.some Russian teachers_ 22body language_ 23.kiss three times _ 24 . shake hands with sb._ 25. nod the head_ 26. thats because _ 27. in different countries_28. do different things_29.hug each other_ 30 .touch noses _【合作探究】1.Learn the new words(Use PPT)and do Activity 1(学习新单词并处理Activity 1.)2. Learn the country and the nationality(Use PPT) and listen and match.(学习国家和国籍并处理Activity 2.)3.Learn the new phrase(Use PPT) in Activity 3.(使用PPT扫清对话中的词汇障碍)4.Listen to the dialogue in Activity 3and finish the tasks(1) Listen and number the countries.China Russia New Zealand India the US (2) Listen and Choose1.In Russia, people usually kiss _. A. once B. twice C. three times 2. Chinese often _and smile when they meet visitors. A. kiss each other B. nod their heads C. shake hands3. In _, people put their hands together and nod their heads. A. India B. the USA C. England4. Maori people in New Zealand _ when they meet.A. shake hands B. touch noses C. hug each other (3) Listen and fill in the blanks: Part 1 CountryPeople do when they meet visitorsIn RussiaPeople usually _ three times, left, right, left.In ChinaPeople often _ and _. (4) Listen and fill in the blanks: Part 2CountryPeople do when they meet visitorsIn the USPeople shake hands, and some kiss or _ each other.In IndiaPeople put their hands together and _their heads.In New ZealandMaori people _.【点拔引导】1) shake hands “握手” ; shake hands with sb. “与某人握手” She is shaking hands _ the visitors. A. To B. in C. with D. at2) hug each other “互相拥抱”; each other 表示“彼此,互相”, 通常放在动词后。 As friends, we should _(互相帮助) . A. help each B. help each other C. each other help 【检测反馈 】 1.根据汉语完成下列句子。(1)There are two _ (德国人) in the restaurant. (2)His grandparents are from _ (俄罗斯). (3 )A lot of _ (游客) go to climb the Great Wall every year.(4) _ (印度) is a big country.(5)Dont _ (触摸) the dog, Tom! Its dangerous!(6)There is always a big _ (微笑) on my teachers face.(7)Mrs. Black _ (亲吻) her son and then left home.2. 把下列短语并译成英语(1)亲吻三次 _ _ _(2) 与某人握手_ _ _sb (3 )点头_ _ _(4)做不同的事情_ _ _ (5)在不同的国家_ _ _(6)互相拥抱_ _ _ (7)触摸鼻子_ _ (8)那是因为_ _ 3.按要求完成句子。1.They are kissing and hugging each other.(就划线部分提问)_ _ they _?2.People usually kiss three times in Russia.(就划线部分提问)_ _ times _people usually kiss in Russia? 3.This teacher comes from Russia.(改为同义句)This is a _ _.反思:
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