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nexttoArrivalsexitwaitforBaggageHallsuitcasecomeroundstandphonecomeoutsit NewWordsandExpressions sitsandwicharmchairstandupreadlistento ThebirdissingingTheyarewatchingTVThemanisrunningTheboyisswimmingTheteacheriswriting Unit2GoodLuckonSunday Goodlucktosblucky adj Aluckydog 幸运儿 luckn 运气 exhibitorn ig zibit 参展者reportern ri p t 记者visitorn vizit 参观者competitorn k m petit 竞争者listenern 听众 动词v 名词n visit 参观 visitor 参观者 exhibit 参展 参展者 compete 竞争 竞争者 speak speakerlisten teach sing or exhibitor competitor er listener teacher singer villagen townn cityn thousandsof数以千计的hundredsof数以百计的 Therearehundredsofexhibitorsandthousandsofvisitorshere Therearetwohundredexhibitorsandthreethousandvisitorshere hundred thousand前有具体数字时用原形 后有of时加s Therearethree 百andsixtyfivedaysinayearThereare 百ofpeopleinthesupermarketThereareabouttwo 千peopleinthehall 千ofpeoplearewatchingthematch tradefairn lookforwardto期待 1AreyoulookingforwardtoSunday2Iamlookingforwardtohavingaholiday lookforwardto lookup向上看 查找lookafter照顾lookfor寻找looklike看起来像lookthrough浏览lookaround环视 n V ing Maggiewantedaneveningjobthatwouldallowherto hersonduringthedayA lookatB lookaroundC lookafterD lookfor 中考衔接 centren 中心visitv 参观noisyadj喧闹的laughv 大笑spiritn 本质 精神filmn 电影radion 收音机learnv 学习 newsn 新闻comehome回家televisionn 电视quietadj 安静的sayv 说 speak tell say talk 说 讲 1 speak意为 说 讲 其后常跟某种语言2 tell着重把一件事情通知或告诉别人tellsbsth tellsbtodosth3 say侧重说话的内容4 talk意为 谈话 跟宾语时 与to with about连用 NewWordsandExpressions petitorn centren listenern visitv lookforwardtotradefairn spiritn noisyadj filmn hundredsofsayv exhibitorn townn thousandsofcityn visitorn villagen 运气 记者 中心 参观 访问 贸易博览会 嘈杂的 数以百计的 参展者 数以千计的 参观者 村庄 大笑 竞争者 听众 期望 盼望 精神 电影 说 市镇 城镇 城市 centren 中心visitv 参观noisyadj喧闹的laughv 大笑spiritn 本质 精神filmn 电影radion 收音机learnv 学习 newsn 新闻comehome回家televisionn 电视quietadj 安静的sayv 说 单词记忆大比拼 根据汉语说出英语单词 单词记忆大比拼 根据汉语说出英语单词 单词记忆大比拼 根据英语说出汉语意思 NewWordsandExpressions petitorn centren listenern visitv lookforwardtotradefairn spiritn noisyadj filmn hundredsofsayv exhibitorn townn thousandsofcityn visitorn villagen 运气 记者 中心 参观 访问 贸易博览会 嘈杂的 数以百计的 参展者 数以千计的 参观者 村庄 大笑 竞争者 听众 期望 盼望 精神 电影 说 市镇 城镇 城市 centren 中心visitv 参观noisyadj喧闹的laughv 大笑spiritn 本质 精神filmn 电影radion 收音机learnv 学习 newsn 新闻comehome回家televisionn 电视quietadj 安静的sayv 说 TagQuestions反意疑问句 Grammar 反意疑问句 1 Sheisastudent isn tshe 2 WespeakChinese don twe 一 定义 当我们陈述了一个事实 而又不是很有把握 就可以在陈述句后加一个简短问句 称为反意疑问句 例 二 结构 结构一 前肯 后否eg Sheisastudent isn tshe 结构二 前否 后肯eg Sheisn tastudent isshe be动词 is are was were 的句型 1Heisyouruncle 2Youarenotstudents 3Thestudentsaregoingtohaveapicnic 4Kateisn tfromtheUSA 5HewasGerman 6TheGreensweren tathomelastnight isn the areyou aren tthey isshe wasn the werethey 2 一般动词 play study watch等 句型 1Yourmotherlikescooking 2Hehasanapple 3Theplanetookoffanhourago 4Hedidn tgotoschoollatethismorning Lucystudiedpopmusic 6Youhaveagoodtime doesn tshe don tyou didn tit doesn the didhe didn tshe 3 情态动词 can will 的反意疑问句 1Tomcanswimverywell 2Yourparentscan tswim 3Allofyourfriendswillcometoyourparty 4Theywon tcome canthey can the won tthey willthey 4 Therebe句型的反意疑问句 1Thereisapenonthechair 2Thereare60studentsinourclass 3Therewasnothinginthefridge 4Therewillbeapaperfactorynearmyhomeinabout2years isn tthere wasthere won tthere aren tthere 5 当陈述部分有never seldom 很少 hardly 几乎不 few little nothing 没有 等否定意义的词时 后面的反意疑问句则为肯定形式 1 Theyhavenevervisitedhishome 2 Therearefewapplesinthebasket 3 Hecanhardlyswim 4 Ithasnolegs 5 Thereislittlewaterintheglass 6 Theyseldom很少comelate arethere canhe doesit isthere dothey havethey 6 祈使句的反意疑问句 1Don tbelate 2Havearest 3Speaklouder 4Don twaitforme willyou 祈使句 willyou willyou willyou willyou Let shavearest 包括听话者 Letushavearest 不包括听话者 willyou shallwe 7 Let s的反意疑问句shallwe Jackwasn tplayingsoccer TheirparentshavegonetoLondon Ihaveneverbeentothepark Youhaveagoodfriend Wehadameeting 三 反意疑问句的解答步骤 washe haven tthey haven tI didn twe don tyou 1 判定 判断该用肯定还是否定 2 找动 找句子的助动词 be用be 动词原形do 三单does 过去did 完成have 3 换代 将主语换为代词 Whowillbethewinner 100A 100C 100B 200A 200B 200C 300A 300B 300C Competition1 Challengeyourself 1Hedidn tsayanythingaboutyourmistakes 2Tomcanswimverywell 3Allofyourfriendswillcometoyourparty 4Thereisapenonthechair 5Thereisnothinginthefridge 6Therewillbeapaperfactorynearmyhomeinabout2years 7Openyourbooks 8Don tgoacrosstheroadnow 9Let swait 10Letushavearest didhe can the won tthey isn tthere isthere won tthere willyou willyou shallwe willyou 100A 100C 100B 200A 200B 200C 300A 300B 300C Competition1 Challengeyourself Theyusuallyhaveawalkaftersupper don tthey Therewillbeanexamsoon won tthere Badluck Youlose100points Congratulations Youareverylucky andyouget200points Therearefewpeopleinthestreet A aren tthereB arethereC aretheyD aren tthey B Hewashardlytwelvethen 那时他还不到12岁吧 对吗 washe 1 Lindawenttothezoothreetimeslastyear didn tshe 2 Thisisyoursister isn tshe 1 Tomisaworker isn tTom 找错 2 Youcanswim cannotyou 找错 3 Hehadlunch doesn the 找错 isn the can tyou didn the Hehasfewfriendsintheschool doeshe TheyhaveneverbeentotheUSA havethey Listeningandunderstanding Todaywe
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