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Unit2 Lets play sports! Grammar班级:_ 姓名:_ 学号:_一、单项选择。( )1Do you often watch basketball matches _TV? Aat Bin Cby Don( )2Li Ping and I_ our homework in class Adont Bdont do Cdoesnt do Darent do( )3_the girls like_ badminton? ADo;playing BAre;playing CDoes;to play DIs;to play( )4Tom is a _dancerHe dances very_ Agood;good Bwell;well Cgood;well Dwell;good( )5_American people usually_ rice? AIs;eat BAre;eating CDoes;eat DDo;eat( )6Does he often _TV? NoHe often_ books Alooks;reads Bwatch;reads Clook at;reading Dwatches;reading( )7Ricky always _to school early and_ back home late Agoes;comes Bgo;comes Cgoes;come Dgo;come( )8My cousin_ dancing,but I_ Aenjoy;doesnt Benjoys;dont Cenjoys;doesnt Denjoy;dont( )9-_you free this afternoon? -Sorry,I _have any free time AAre;am not BDo;dont CAre;dont DDo;am not( )10My cousin_ at weekends Aenjoy swimming Benjoys swimming C1ike swimming D1ikes to swimming二、用所给动词的正确形式填空。1. We _(be) in Class 4, Grade 7 this year.2. The girl _(not be) from the USA. She _(come) from the UK.3. Kate and I _(be) in the same class this term.4.Jim enjoys _(run) in the morning.5.His father always _ (wear) glasses.6. One of the boys (play) football after school.7.Mike _ (study) in No.2 Middle School.8.Mr. Xiao _ (teach) us Maths in the school.9.Her uncle (not work) in Nanjing.10.Millie with her parents _ (live) in Beijing.11.-_your cousin _(carry) water for the old man?-Yes, she _(do).12. He _ (want) _(watch) TV every day.13. Simon _(not do) his homework on Sunday.14. Does Lily _(water) the flowers in the garden every morning?15. _ Lucy and Lily _ (like)China?三、根据要求变换句型:1.They play football after school. (改为否定句)They football after school.2.Lucy studies English very hard.(改为一般疑问句) Lucy English very hard ?3.Jack watches TV every day.(对画线部分提问) Jack every day ?4.They live in Beijing now. (对画线部分提问) they now ?5.She has big black eyes. (同义句) eyes big black.6.Simon is from America.(同义句)Simon America.7.Are you in the Reading Club ? (同义句)Are you a the Reading Club ?四、阅读理解 Dick is seven years old, and his sister. May is five. One day, their mother takes them to their aunts house to play and she goes to the town to buy some new clothes. The children play for an hour , then at 4:30 their aunt takes Dick into the kitchen .She gives him a nice cake and a knife and says to him, “Now here is a knife, Dick. Cut this cake in half and give one of the pieces to your sister, but remember to do it like(像) a gentleman(绅士).”“Like a gentleman?”Dick asks.“How do gentlemen do it?”“They always give the bigger piece to the other person(人),”answers his aunt.“Oh,” says Dick. He thinks about this for a few seconds(秒).Then he takes the cake to his sister and says to her, “Cut this cake in half, May.”( ) 1.Dick is Mays . A.brother B.sister C.cousin D.friend( ) 2.The childrens mother leaves(留) them at their aunts house because she wantsto .A.go to work B.see a film C.go to a party D.do some shopping ( ) 3.Who wants Dick to cut the cake? .A.A gentleman B.His aunt C.His uncle D.His mother( ) 4.How does a gentleman do when he has two pieces of cake?He .A.eats them up at once. B.gives the bigger piece to someone else.C.keeps the bigger piece for himself. D.gives the smaller piece to someone else.( ) 5.Dick wants May to cut the cake because he_.A. doesnt like it B. wants to be a gentleman C. wants the bigger piece D. wants the smaller piece
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