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Unit 5 Amazing things Task年 级 七年级 科目 英语 课题7B Unit 5 Amazing thingsTask课时1课型new授课时间主备人交流时间整合时间组长签字教学目标1.To present factual information in writing and to produce a piece of writing using information obtained tom research 2.To combine vocabulary and model sentence constructions to produce own writing3.To produce a piece of writing using information obtained tom research 4.To assess students use of possessive adjectives and pronouns.重点To produce a piece of writing using information obtained tom research难点To assess students use of possessive adjectives and pronouns.教学准备Multimedia; 教 学 设 计 详 案二次备课内容Step 1 Lead-in To present the word sandwich by some pictures as well as its plural form and some other related words.Step 2 Presentation1. Tell them a story about the development of sandwiches in the first person.2. Summarize the writing points about the story of sandwiches.3. By analyzing the sample passage in the textbook, help the students to form their writing thoughts.Step 3 Imitate writing1. Tell them a similar story about the development of TV.2. Encourage them to summarize the writing points by themselves.3. Ask them to write a similar story about TV according to the sample passage.Step 4 Language point4. Soon others wanted to eat the same food, so they asked for a “sandwich”. Step 5 Summarya man called Johnstop to have mealseat the same foodall over the worldper 100 familiesas large asbetween two pieces of breadlove playing cards very much be in use at least one TV作业设计1. Choose an amazing thing and write a story about it.2. Review the whole unit.3. Finish Self-assessment .教学反思
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