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练习四: 7A高频错题 班级: 姓名: 一、单选题1. Frank looks so sad, he needs someone like you _.A.to chatB. to chat withC. chattingD. chatting with2. Be quick. The show will _ soon. Dont worry. The theatre _ at 8 oclock. We have twenty more minutes.A. starts; opensB. start; be openC. starts; is openD. start; opens3. Who wants to borrow a bike _ you? Amy _.A.from, isB. to, doesC. from, doesD. to, is4. Li Lei, do you have a lot of time_after-activities in your school? Sure. I am in the Football Club and often have a good time_ football.A.to do; to practice playingB. to do; practicing to playC. to do; practicing playingD. doing; to practice to play5. The girl _ orange _ a new mobile phone in her hand.A.wears, hasB. in, hasC. wearing, withD. in, with6. The 19th CPC National Congress began _9 a.m._ the morning of 18th October, 2020.A. at ,atB. at, onC. at, inD. on, of7. _ we late for the match? The road is too busy. No, the match is _ 9 a.m. _ 11 a.m.A. Do; from; toB. Are; between; andC. Are; from; toD. Do; between; and8. Ill see the doctor _ two _ every Friday afternoon.A.at, onB. at, inC. at, /D. at, at9. The market is about five hundred metres _ here, you neednt take a bus.A.far fromB. far away fromC. away fromD. far away10. Where would you like _, Simon? I like South Hill better. Its very beautiful there.A. going on a picnicB. to go on picnicC. going on picnicsD. to go on a picnic11. When does the library_? I dont know the exact time. But the library _ in the afternoon.A. open; is openB. be open; is openingC. open; opensD. be open; opens12. Who do you want to_ about our school?A. talkB. tellC. sayD. speak13. My mother often does some cooking but my father _.A. seldom isB. sometimes doesC. sometimes isD. seldom does14. _ everyone here love listening to this piece of music? Yes, some of them _ even(甚至) good at it.A. Is; areB. Does; isC. Does; areD. Is; is15. What time _ the shop _? Sorry, I dont know. But now it is ten oclock, I think it must _.A. does open, be openB. is open, be openC. does open, openD. is open, open16. Do you know how to _ this word in English? I am sorry. I can _ few English words.A. speak; sayB. say; sayC. speak; talkD. say; speak17. I like bananas and apples best. What about you? _.A. They are good for health.B. Carrots are my favorite.C. Hamburgers are not good.D. Im fine.18. Are there _sheep in the hill? Yes, but only _.A. any; a littleB. some; littleC. any; a fewD. any; few二、完形填空AIt is a beautiful (19)morning. There isnt a cloud in the sky, and the sun is warm but not too (20), so Mr. White is (21)when he sees an old man at the bus stop with a (22)and black umbrella in his hand. Mr. White says to him, “Do you think its going to (23)today?”“No,” says the old man, “I dont think so.”“Then are you carrying the umbrella to keep the (24)off you?”“No, the sun is not very hot in spring.”Mr. White looks at the big umbrella again, and the man says, “I am an old man, and my legs are not very (25), so I must have a walking-stick(手杖). When I carry a walking-stick, people say, Look at that poor (26)man, and I dont like that. When I carry an umbrella in (27)weather, people only say, look at that (28)man.”19. A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winter20. A. wetB. coldC. coolD. hot21. A. happyB. interestedC. surprisedD. sad22. A. expensiveB. beautifulC. bigD. small23. A. snowB. rainC. iceD. wind24. A. rainB. waterC. sunD. moon25. A. longB. strongC. bigD. weak26. A. youngB. oldC. cleverD. strong27. A. fineB. hotC. rainyD. cold28. A. cleverB. kindC. oldD. silly(愚蠢的)BLi Ming is 9 years old, but hes still in Grade One. Hes very tall, so he sits in the last row(排). Miss Yang has poor eyesight(视力). When she stands (29)the blackboard, she cant see the back of the classroom clearly. Li Ming always plays and doesnt (30)Miss Yang at all. Sometimes Miss Yang asks Li Ming some questions. He (31), but doesnt know how to answer the questions. Miss Yang often makes calls to Li Mings (32). The man has a shop and he (33)takes care of his sons studies. He tells his wife to help Li Ming,(34)his wife doesnt know much and cant do that. She can only make Li Ming (35)his homework at home after supper, but she doesnt know if his answers are right or wrong. She tells the boy she will buy a nice bike for him if he makes (36)in the exams(考试).This afternoon, Li Ming comes back
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