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Unit 5 Wild animals Period 6 TaskLearning aims1. To learn more about giant pandas and other wild animals.2. To learn how to write a report about wild animals.3. To get to know some facts in the reports and try to express their own opinions Learning activitiesActivity one Preview一、写出下列单词的词性、词义和划线部分的音标。1. female _2.peaceful _3. daytime _ 4.mice _5. upright _二、了解下列生词的用法。 1. peaceful adj. 和平的,安静的 n. peace 和平,安宁全世界人们都热爱和平。People all over the world love_. 我们希望世界永远和平。We hope the world will be _ forever.三、翻译下列短语。1.beautiful black-and-white animals_2.spend a lot of time drinking their mums milk _3.have one or two babies at a time_4.look like little white mice_5.get smaller and smaller_6.keep taking the farmland_ 7. have nowhere to live_8.take actions to do sth._ 9.walk upright_10.move around in the daytime_Activity two PracticeGiant pandas are in danger. Step 1 Play a game: Describe to your partner what an animal is like and let him/her guess what animal it is. Take turns to do this. Step 2 Listen and answerWhy is the number of the giant pandas getting smaller and smaller?Step 3 Read and complete1. Read the report carefully and fill in a table to get to know more about giant pandas.Giant pandas are in dangerBaby pandasGiant pandasAppearancelook like_ animals, look like _Character_ animalsFooddrink _for _a daybamboo shoots and leavesdangeronly _ giant pandas in the world because their _ are becoming _.If farmers _, giant pandas_If people _, then _Actions_about the giant pandas in China, tell them about the problems for giant pandas2. Read the report silently and try to tell the main idea of each paragraph.Para 1_ Para 2_ Para 3 _Para 4 _ Para 5 _3. Read it again and find some good sentences._Activity three ReportBears are in dangerStep 1 Read the notes on bears. 1. Enjoy some pictures of bears. 2. Describe the appearance, ability, character of bears and the danger they are facing.Step 2 Finish the report on bears. 1. Finish Part C on page 72. 2. Check your answers and read aloud.Activity four Writing. Step 1 Watch and describe1. Search the Internet for a video of animals, watch it!2. Choose an animal you are familiar with and make some notes about it. Notes about _Appearance: _Character: _Food: _Ability:_Danger: _Action: _Step 2 Write a report. _Activity five Homework:Finish your report and make it better. Exercises【检测反馈】一、选用方框内所给词的适当形式填空。 sad act mouse lose peace1. We must take _ to protect the wild animals.2. Can we train _ to do any tricks?3. People all over the world wish to live in a _ world.4. Many wild animals are in danger because of the _ of living areas.5. _, I didnt pass the English exam.二、单项选择。( ) 1. I hear that mother pandas have only one or two babies _. A. at time B. at times C. at all times D. at a time( ) 2. Harbin is a beautiful city. _ people come to visit the Sun Island every year. A. Thousand B. Thousands of C. Thousand of D. Thousands ( ) 3.
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