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Starter Unit 2 My family Welcome to the Unit & Listening A & The alphabet【学习目标】1能正确、熟练地认读和书写字母O-Z大小写2 准确朗读书上对话,流利背诵这些对话,在日常生活中灵活运用。【课前预习】一 请同学们预习课本第12-13页,想一想怎样用英语向别人介绍自己的家人。准备一张全家福的照片。二、填入所缺字母并写出中文 1.bro _er _ 2.s_st_ _ _3.m_ _ 4.th_ _5.sh_ _ 6.tw_ _ _ 三 翻译词组1我的妹妹 2 你的双胞胎哥哥 3. 玛丽阿姨 4 .a photo of my family _5. cousin Kate 6. look at the photo 四 你能按照字母顺序用书写体写出字母 OoZz吗? 【课堂训练】一写出下列字母的相邻字母,注意大小写:N_P_P_R_T_R_T_V _W_Y_U_r_t_q_s_v_二.写出下列字母或单词的大写或小写形式:P_I_L_R_G_Y_Q_Z_T_S_w_o_r_m_n_THAT _OPEN_RIGHT _BROTHER _ KIND _YELLOW_candle_wonderful _homework _ newspaper _二、.写出表示称谓的名词 1.These are my friends. And those are my _(姑妈). 2. My fathers mother is my _. 3. His fathers father is his _. 4. Her mothers brother is her _. 5. My mothers sister is my _. 6. Jacks mothers sister is his _. 7. This boy is my c_. Hes my uncles s_. 8. Lucy is Lilys twin _. They are my uncles d_. 9. Toms mothers brother is his _ 10. Thats my grandfather. His son is my _.【课后巩固】一、写出下列词语的缩写形式:1. I am = _2. you are _3. what is _4.who is _5. he is _6. she is _ 7. it is _ 8.what is _二 判断下列字母是否为相邻字母,对的打“”,错的打“”:1. OPR( )2. RST( )3. SUV( )4. MOP( )5. PQR( )6. xyz( )7. vwx( )8. stv( ) 9. qrt( ) 10. qrs( )三、找出选项中含有与其它元音音素不同的选项:( )1. A. AaB. SsC. XxD. Mm( )2. A. UuB. QqC. WwD. Yy( )3. A. BbB. PpC. LlD. Tt( )4. A. OoB. PpC. EeD. Tt( )5. A. UuB. XxC. MmD. Nn四、改错(将句子中的错误部分找出来并在后面横线上订正)1. What is you name? ( ) A B C D2. Whats your father ? A B ( ) -He is doctor . C D 3. Hello ! Li Miss , how are you? ( ) A B C D4 -How are you? A B -Im Fine, thank you. ( ) C D5 -Hi ! Youre Jill, right? A B C -Yes, Im Andy. ( ) D 五 补全对话A: Good morning, Jack.B: _ _, David. _ you?A: _, _. And _?B: Im OK. Oh, _ _ Kate, my sister, and _ _ Tom, my brother.A: Nice to meet you, Kate and Tom.C&D: Nice to meet you,too.
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