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Unit 6 Pronunciation学习目标1. 了解什么是音节。2. 初步了解音节的划分,并能够划分不超过三个音节的单词。3. 了解名词复数可能构成新的音节。学习重难点音节的划分,并能够划分不超过三个音节的单词课前自学 一、 复习今天所学内容,准备默写。二、 预习P102内容,完成下列练习。根据句义和首字母完成单词1. A m_ does the show on the catwalk.2. Mike doesnt like doing his homework; he is so l_.3. Her mothers hairstyle is always in f_.4. The old man runs a_ the playground every day.5. You can c_ the best material in the shop.6. English is very useful in the m_ world.7. My l_ shoes are worn out.8. The sweater is made of w_.9. He dislikes sitting in the room all day because its b_.10. F_, Class 4 finish the work first.三、预习还有哪些问题: 课堂学习过程一、 预习交流二、 课堂学习1. 听P102录音A部分,理解文字的意思。听P102录音B部分,两人一组讨论单词音节的数量。划分B部分单词的音节。完成C部分。2. 写出下列单词的复数。 box horse nurse face bed dog watch 注意发音的变化。3. 听P102 D部分录音,完成P102 D部分题目。课堂达标检测一、 适当介词填空1. She is busy _ his work.2. Thanks _ giving me the pen.3. Jack sits _ Jims left.4. We go to school _ Monday _ Friday.5. Jane sits _ the back row.6. Theres a table _ the middle of the room.7. They put their hands _ their backs, so you cant see their hands.8. I sit next _ Han Mei.9. We had different kinds _ seafood there.10. I have a problem _ this watch.二、完成句子1. .你的学习进展如何?Whats _ your study?2. 我可以再来点时间做作业吗?_ I have _ ?3 .我想让这幅画更美些。I want _ my picture _.4. 我们想让老师感到高兴。We want _ the teachers _.5. 这些服装店里有如此多漂亮的服装。There are _ clothes in _.能力提高(可选做)改错1 . What is your father have for breakfast? ( ) A B C D2. Doesnt talk now. Its time for class. ( ) A B C D3. What about read this book? ( ) A B C D 4. Qingdao is really a good place go. ( ) A B C D 5. They are talking about what clothes can I wear. ( ) A B C D我的作业:与课堂同行P126-128
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